Charts Genres Community
Charts Genres Community Settings
Note: you are currently viewing a page in the Sandbox area of the wiki. This area is meant for Wiki editors to work on drafts/work-in-progress pages and proposals for standards changes.
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Merge/Delete: Artists/Releases/Images
English «
If you have requests for:

1) merging duplicate releases or artists
2) deleting a non-existent release or artist
3) deleting a release cover or an artist photo

Please look at the bottom of the relevant artist page, and you'll notice the requesting other types of corrections link.

Click on it, then choose as type of feedback correction request regarding music information on the site. In the message box report/explain the problem thoroughly, link the relevant releases or artists (use Shortcuts) and hit the "submit feedback" button.

Alternatively, there's the possibility to report the whole thing in the following forum threads, choose the one that fits your case:


A site administrator sooner or later (be patient) will take care of your request. Thank you.

23 mar 2015
8 apr - 12 may 2015
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