Charts Genres Community
Charts Genres Community Settings
Note: you are currently viewing a page in the Sandbox area of the wiki. This area is meant for Wiki editors to work on drafts/work-in-progress pages and proposals for standards changes.
Nothing in this part of the wiki should be considered official site policy until it is moved to the public wiki.
Add an artist
English «
Please follow these guidelines when adding a new Artist to the database.


Does this artist qualify for inclusion in the database?

You may only add an artist (including yourself) if the artist has a release that someone can realistically obtain without knowing the artist personally.

A newly-entered artist page will need at least one release or concert on it to demonstrate eligibility. Artist pages with no credited releases or concerts will be deleted.

For more information about adding your own artist, please see the section below.

Does this artist already exist in the database?

Before adding an artist to the database, please search for it first. You can find the search box in the upper-right hand corner of every page or on the Find page.

Be sure to check any names listed in the AKA field, as the name you are searching may not be listed as the main artist name, but may be listed as an AKA.

The artist does not exist in the database

If you have searched RYM's database and the artist you wish to add does not appear to exist, click the "Add artist" link at the bottom of the search results and proceed from there.

Alphabetization of artists

Please consult the Alphabetization wiki to properly alphabetize your new artist.

Note that anything entered in the "First Name" field will not be alphabetized. For example, standards suggest that a band named The New Band should be alphabetized by N. Therefore, you would enter The in the "First Name" field and New Band in the "Last Name" field.

What if the artist has the same name as another artist in the database?

If the artist you are trying to add has the same name as an artist which already exists in the database, you will need to add enough biographical information about the artist to distinguish the artist from the others, including a search hint.

What type of artist is this?

Select the proper scope (Music, Film, or Both) the artist is relevant to.

Adding yourself / your band to the database

Before adding your band (and releases) to the database, please make sure that your band (and releases) meets our requirements listed above. You may only add your band if you have a release that someone can realistically obtain without knowing you personally.

Please note that RYM is not like MySpace, Soundclick, GarageBand, etc. in that we are not a promotional tool for bands / artists. We are a website where people catalog and rate their personal music collections, etc. For instance, a MySpace page containing two or three digital files does not qualify as a genuine release on RYM.

23 mar 2015
8 apr - 12 may 2015
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