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Game attributes/details
English «
Attributes for games can be platform dependent. For each platform it will be possible to select which attributes are applicable for it, and only those attributes will be displayed on the game edit screen to keep things manageable. This also means that it is okay to suggest useful attributes that only apply to one specific platform.

It's not crucial that the list of attributes/details is final right from the start, but we should try to make it fairly comprehensive so that each game submission can be fairly complete instead of requiring lots of further edits in the future.



Below are some general thoughts on categories of attributes/details that can be specified.

System requirements

For platforms where this is relevant (mainly PC and other non-console platforms), there should probably be a way to enter minimum and recommended system requirements. Question is how structured this data needs to be, or whether it would be acceptable to just provide a free-form textbox where you can copy the system reqs exactly as they are written on the box. Structured data would allow filtering on those criteria (e.g. for charts or an advanced search feature at some point) but is more work to implement for us and more work to enter for submitters, free-form text would make the info only useful to human readers but would not allow any features to be built on top of it.


First-person, third-person, isometric, side-scrolling, etc. A comprehensive list of these will need to be assembled.


• Include every possible supported resolution (especially for PC games that could be tons) or just common console resolutions?
• Include details like exact version of DirectX/PixelShader support, etc.? Is there any interest/use for that?


List of supported sound systems (Dolby Surround, 7.1, EAX, etc.). A comprehensive list of these needs to be assembled.


• How many players
• Type (LAN, on-line, split screen, etc.)
• Modes? (death match, co-op, etc. could be a pretty long list of options...)

Input devices

List of supported input devices. Some of these can be platform specific. Most of these probably should aim to be generic to avoid it turning into a huge list. e.g. "Light gun" rather than create a specific attribute for each platform/gun.

Publishing / licensing model

Commercial, Shareware, Freeware, etc.

23 mar 2015
8 apr - 12 may 2015
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