Charts Genres Community
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Add a release
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Acceptable content

Before attempting to add a release to the database, please be sure that the type of release is acceptable for inclusion in the database.


  • Musical albums released in an audio format (CD, Vinyl, MP3, etc)

  • Comedy albums released in an audio format

  • Spoken word, speeches, and poetry albums released in an audio format

  • DVDs that are essentially musical content (concerts, compilations of music videos, etc)


  • Films which starred a musician but aren't really about music

  • DVDs of Comedy Acts (unless they have substantial musical content or unless an equivalent version exists on CD)

  • DVDs of speeches/political content (unless an equivalent version exists on CD)

  • Audiobooks (except in cases of poets reading their poetry aloud, or very lyrical prose read by the author)

Single artist releases

Search for the release

Always search for the release you wish to add first. The release may be housed under an artist you were not expecting or the release may be housed under a primary issue with a different release title. Use the "All Releases" filter to search for the release.

Search for the artist

Search for the artist using the search box at the top right of every page or at the find page.

The artist does not exist in the database

If the artist does not exist in the database, please see Add an artist.

The artist exists in the database

If the correct artist for the release exists in the database, click its name to get to the profile page.

Adding a release to an artist's discography

To add a release to an artist's discography, click the "Add release" button at the bottom of the discography section of the artist page or click "Adding a release to the discography" at the bottom of the page.

Adding release info

Once you have clicked "Add release" or "Adding a release to the discography", you will be led to the "Release Editing" page. For details on how to enter information about this release, please see Add release information.

Various Artists releases

Search for the release

Always search for the release you wish to add first. To search for a Various Artists release, use the "V/A Releases" filter to search for the release.

You may also browse by V/A classifier through the find page: click find in the toolbar, then Releases by Various Artists, and browse V/A releases by classifier.

Adding a Various Artists release

To add a new Various Artists release, click find in the toolbar, then Releases by Various Artists, and then click "Add a new V/A release".

Adding release info

Once you have clicked "Add release" or "Adding a release to the discography", you will be led to the "Release Editing" page. For details on how to enter information about this release, please see Add release information.

Split releases

A Split release is when two or three artists contribute tracks to a release independently of each other; that is to say that they are not necessarily collaborating in the creation of the tracks. If the release you wish to add features four or more artists, you must add it as a Various Artists release.

Search for the release

Always search for the release you wish to add first. The release may be housed under an artist you were not expecting or the release may be housed under a primary issue with a different release title. Use the "All Releases" filter to search for the release. Note that it's possible to include the band names when searching by "all releases" for splits.

Adding a Split release

To add a Split release, you can either go to the release addition page, or to one of the performing artists page and click the "Add release" button at the bottom of the discography section of the artist page, or click "Adding a release to the discography" at the bottom of the page. On the "Add/Edit a release" page, use the "File under" field to add the other(s) artist(s) of the split release, using the search box to the right. The order of the filed artists should be the same as presented on the release. Please remember to check "Credited name" for all the main artists. The split release will be listed under each artist's discography.

You can also manually input or modify the artist shortcut in the "File under" field. Use this to specify a name formatting or AKA utilized on the release, for example Neurotronics / We Stood There Watching; KK Null is credited as the K.K. Null AKA on this release, so the artist shortcut can be modified in this case to reflect that.

On "Artist name", always leave "Use default" selected. Do not enter the credited name here in case one or more artists use an AKA. The artist shortcut in "filed under" should be customized instead, as mentioned. It will render the proper split credit for the artists once the release is submitted.

Adding release info

Once you have clicked "Add release" or "Adding a release to the discography", you will be led to the "Release Editing" page. For details on how to enter information about this release, please see Add release information.

To attribute each track to its respective performer, use the artist shortcut, followed by a dash and finally the song title, for every track. For more information, see Various Artists releases section of the Standards for Track Listings page.

23 mar 2015
8 apr - 12 may 2015
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