Charts Genres Community
Charts Genres Community Settings
Note: you are currently viewing a page in the Sandbox area of the wiki. This area is meant for Wiki editors to work on drafts/work-in-progress pages and proposals for standards changes.
Nothing in this part of the wiki should be considered official site policy until it is moved to the public wiki.
Add a work
English «

Verify that the work isn't already in the database

Before adding a work to the database, make sure to search for the work to make sure it hasn't already been submitted.

You can find works in one of two ways:

  1. Searching "artists" for the composer

  2. Searching "classical works" for the work name

Note: When searching classical works, you can include the name of the composer to narrow the search.

Add the work


In general, a classical work will have many titles, which represent translations and variations of those translations. The main title should be the original title of the work. If it is not known what the original title of the work is, then one of the following should be used, in order of preference from highest to lowest:

  1. The title of the work in the language that matches the rest of the original titles of the composer's works, in the case where this is known.

  2. The title which was used in the first known performance of the work.

  3. The title in the composer's native language.

  4. The title in English.

Work type

In general, works and movements fall into one of a small number of work types, such as Symphony, Suite, Concerto, Serenade, Rhapsody, Fantasia, Oratio, etc..

Choose the appropriate work type from the dropdown list. If the type you need is not available, then you can suggest that a type be added here.


In this section, only composition-based credits should be entered, such as composer, songwriter, lyricist, etc.

Parent works

This is only used when adding movements. See the Add the movements section below for information on how to fill this section.

Composition date

If only a single composition date is known, enter it in the "from" field and leave the "to" field blank.

Opus numbers

TODO: get feedback from community

Alternate titles

Enter any alternate titles for this work in this section.


Enter supporting sources and/or websites which prove the existence of this work.

Add the movements

Once you've added a work, you can add the individual movements that make up the work

Parent works section

When entering a movement of a larger work, this section is used to link the movement to that parent work. Once you've entered the credits of the movement, the parent work should appear in the list on the right. Choose the parent work.

The "work order" field represents the order that the movement you're entering should be listed under the parent. That means that you should enter 1 if you're entering the first movement of the parent, 2 for the second movement, etc.

Once you've entered a work and its movements into the database, you can Add Classical releases that contain performances of those works.

23 mar 2015
8 apr - 12 may 2015
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