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The Wolf Among Us

Developer / Publisher: Telltale Games
11 October 2013
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Glitchwave rating
3.69 / 5.0
1,216 Ratings / 6 Reviews
#617 All-time
#18 for 2013
In the New York borough of Fabletown, where fairy tale and folklore characters are real and secretly exist amongst humans, local sheriff Bigby "The Big Bad" Wolf investigates the grizzly murder of a call girl that takes him deep into the dark heart of the fantastical criminal underworld, while struggling to maintain order within the community.
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What do you mean [Glass Him]? Will I generously hand him a glass of scotch or smash his face in with the same glass?

Average completion time: 9 and a half hours

My thoughts

A fantastic adaptation of the Fables comic series. In a world where folk lore legends have migrated to the real world, you play as Bigby, the Big Bad Wolf from the Little Red Riding Hood Story. Your job is to contain and manage the other fairy tale people and make sure regular humans don't find out about your society. But Bigby is more than just a tough guy. He's a caring and compassionate individual with a poor perception and history. The visuals are very strong. Beautiful lighting, very stylized art direction, and pulpy cel shaders. The story is fantastic, though I'm not going to spoil it here. The gameplay all revolves around the dialogue decisions you make, which all have consequences. Very limited, but perfect for the style they were trying to go with.

Recommended to

Fans of noir films
DC Comic fanboys
Fans of interactive fiction
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HUnewm 2016-04-08T12:22:06Z
★ Favorites ★
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[PL] Postmodernowe uwspółcześnienie baśniowych postaci i osadzenie ich w noirowym, pełnym zgniłych kompromisów megalopolis. Fabuła choć z początku intryguje, wykłada się w połowie drogi.
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Szugob 2022-12-27T12:07:31Z
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I solvea da crime
pretty good but I wish bigby was hotter
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OnlyCosmia 2021-05-07T18:13:58Z
7.0 /10
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After the extremely successful The Walking Dead game, Telltale Games follow this up with The Wolf Among Us. Based on the comic book Fables, you play as Bigby Wolf who acts as a sheriff for the residents of 'Fabletown'. These residents are characters from children's stories, but with the help of magic called 'Glamour', they can live in New York City under a human guise.

<This next paragraph contains possible spoilers for the first episode only. The rest of the review just discusses the game in general.>
In the first episode, a prostitute called Faith (from All-Kinds-of-Fur) is arguing with The Woodsman (Bigby's nemesis from The Little Red Riding Hood). Later, her decapitated head is found outside the residency, discovered by Snow White who works as the mayor's aide. The main suspects are The Woodsman, Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dee who seem to have an interest in Faith. At the end of the episode, another head turns up at the residency, meaning something bigger and more sinister is happening at Fabletown.

The game is very much in the same vein as The Walking Dead. Well, it's not so much as a game but an interactive story; mainly played out with constant cut-scenes. When you do gain control, you can only navigate in a very limited area and look at a limited number of objects. There's no puzzle solving to be done, once you have the salient pieces of information, then you can proceed. When talking to characters, you usually get 4 responses plus the option to stay silent. Your relationships change with the characters you talk to which causes certain scenes to play out differently.

Since Bigby is the "Big, Bad Wolf", a lot of the options are fairly aggressive. There's plenty of swearing and you often get the option to punch, maim, or kill the characters. Bigby is supposed to be bringing law and order to the town, but is pretty much the "bad cop", whilst Snow White plays the "good cop" if she is with Bigby at the time.

You have a limited amount of time to make your decision, otherwise the default is to stay silent. Occasionally, there's some Quick-Time-Events where you need to press the WASD keys, hammer the Q button or move the mouse to a given location and click. They are pretty simple, but I'm sure I missed a few. Regardless, the story seemed to carry on rather than resulting in Bigby's death. As it goes, Bigby seems pretty invincible and takes a severe amount of punishment throughout the game, although he always seems to dish out more than he takes.

The Walking Dead played on your heart-strings more than this game, bringing many players to tears during the finale. The Wolf Among Us provided much more humour but the ending still made you question the decisions you chose throughout the game. It's hard to talk about the game much more without giving away spoilers. So all I can say is that I was very impressed with the ending. Obviously, there's drama, deception and twists; everything you want in a story-driven game.
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Going into this I had never read Fables and barely even knew what it was, but I'm sure 95% of the people who played this game were in the same shoes as me. I actually like the concept of this, its modern day fairy tales living in New York city but disguising themselves with magic to look like ordinary people so the normal people won't grow suspicious. At its heart Wolf Among us is a murder mystery noir with classic fairy tale characters. I give Telltale credit here, this probably wasn't an easy game to make and craft a story around a giant comic series isn't easy to do, not to mention getting the World, characters, and atmosphere right, but they manage to craft a good atmosphere, with likable characters, and interesting lore. Now the problem I have with Wolf among us is the execution of the story, it has a decent story but certain parts feel rushed and other elements just sort of get tossed under the bus or unexplained, like why did Crane carelessly leave a photo behind and why does he become completely irrelevant after episode 4, why does the Crooked Man actually expect a fair trial when he was so smart and carefully planned everything to that point, why doesn't any suspicion arise after Bigby transforms into a wolf monster and jumps into traffic on normal cars. I mean plus the last episode sort of felt a bit rushed, and like it tied things up too conveniently just because it had to. They built up the Crooked Man and then he goes out like a little bitch and you really only have 2 options on how to handle him which is lame. Plus this game suffers from Telltale syndrome where no matter what choices you make the game will always end the same way, and there are really only a few choices you make in the game that show different things like there are points in the game where if you choose to go to one place before the other you will be prevented from going to the other and seeing the events at that place, but its really nothing big.

I think Walking Dead had a better story but Wolf Among Us is more ambitious and has a more unique World. I wanted to know more about the World in Wolf, be introduced to more fables, learn about more of the rules that apply to their World. But the game just really only gives me enough to want a little more. Its good and I feel if this game gets a sequel and does it right it may be the best Telltale game ever, but as it stands Wolf Among Us is a pretty good noir mystery with a unique and cool atmosphere and interesting enough characters plus some humor thrown in as well, although the humor is sort of hit or miss. Its definitely up their with Walking Dead Season 1 as the peak of Telltale games though.
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jweber14 2017-07-21T22:08:45Z
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A decent attempt to stray away from the Walking Dead in terms of aesthetic, The Wolf Among Us' marriage of classic fairy tale literature and neo-noir stylings make for a pretty decent detective story with an undercurrent of class warfare woven well into proceedings, with no element really overstaying its welcome despite a too-thin cast of characters. The choice system attempts to go for efficiency than simply moral judgment, asking you to be the best detective and do that which brings you closer to the truth, but this is undercut by a story and pace that has a definitive flow no matter what, making the attempt seem fruitless and making the actual game seem lightweight, to say nothing of the straining Telltale engine. Still, worth a play for noir enthusiasts looking for a twist on old themes.
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Lowlander2 2017-08-13T14:34:13Z
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Wilsonmoon The Wolf Among Us 2024-06-20T20:24:54Z
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Rodd_bess The Wolf Among Us 2024-06-20T03:33:30Z
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iceberg03 The Wolf Among Us 2024-06-20T00:48:03Z
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Psychochimecho The Wolf Among Us 2024-06-17T20:32:36Z
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JGeeK The Wolf Among Us 2024-06-17T18:19:11Z
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MCGenno The Wolf Among Us 2024-06-15T20:39:32Z
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xnzvc The Wolf Among Us 2024-06-15T01:26:12Z
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dullard The Wolf Among Us 2024-06-12T17:15:45Z
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L0ngb0y The Wolf Among Us 2024-06-11T12:28:08Z
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Gidrant The Wolf Among Us 2024-06-05T20:05:42Z
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SumiQueen The Wolf Among Us 2024-06-05T02:12:28Z
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MordoGoodIGuess The Wolf Among Us 2024-05-31T20:09:16Z
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  • ... 2023-04-08 21:49:57.862724+00
    sussy title
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  • Sharked98 2023-10-11 16:59:04.254151+00
    Happy 10th!
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  • marco29 2023-12-27 07:08:47.289223+00
    was this actually good or was I just a kid
    • to_noid_or_not_to_noid 2023-12-28 23:06:04.687785+00
      IMHO this game fucks.
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  • m_crowley 2024-02-02 18:34:46.728646+00
    the disco elysium of being a werewolf
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  • HardBloodNelza 2024-03-10 03:37:45.298146+00
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  • AntonL1kesPotato 2024-04-21 21:21:10.383107+00
    amogn us??,,!!
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