Charts Genres Community
Charts Genres Community Settings
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Here is a quick overview of the Release page. If you want more information about how to add a new release, please go to the Add a release page.


Info card

This part of the page shows some general info about the release as well as the average rating, your personal rating, average rating of your RYM friends and the ability to generate a predicted rating. You can click the Genres link to help decide which genres this release belongs to. Clicking the cover art will take you to the Buy page where you can view a higher resolution version of the cover if one is available.

You / Tracks

This area is where you can select your rating, write your review, set tags, etc. The right you can view the track listing of the selected issue. There's also the option to switch to the new release page.


A list of the different issues for this release that have been entered in the database. Clicking on one of the issues will reload the page to show information about that issue as well as only shows ratings/reviews for that particular issue.


The reviews section shows all user-written reviews for the release. You can sort them by several different criteria. There are also buttons to flag and/or favorite a review.

Ratings / Catalog

This shows the most recent ratings and the most recent catalog entries. To the left you can see a distribution graph for ratings and catalog formats. Ratings from your friends will always show up at the top of this list, highlighted in green.


An overview of user created lists that include this release. Clicking on the Lists header will let you browse through all of the lists.

Recent discussion

Links to message board threads where this release was mentioned, in reverse chronological order.


A list of users who contributed the information/images for this release page on RYM.

New release page

While it's not technically "new" any more at this point, there is an option to switch to a more recent layout for the release page (located above the track list). Some people prefer the new layout while others prefer the old one. For now you can freely switch between the two. Eventually this will be replaced by a final design for a new release page.

23 mar 2015
8 apr - 12 may 2015
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