Charts Genres Community
Charts Genres Community Settings


Add a venue
English «

How to add a venue?

First you have to make sure that the venue doesn't already exist. Go to the find page and enter the name of the city and the country for which you want to add a venue.

When gigs are entered, you can display them weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or by year.

You can enlarge the vicinity of the search by clicking on the respective "mi" (or "km") buttons.

If there is no venue for the city, the venues section (on the right side of the page) will be empty, only a button "Add New Venue" is shown.

If there are venues in the neighbourhood of the city you've entered, scroll down the list to check your venue isn't already there. At the bottom of the list you can find the "Add New Venue" button.

What to fill in on the profile


First name

This field does not affect the alphabetization of the venue. It is only to be used for articles such as "The", "Das" or "Le", in case they're part of the venue name.

Last name

Use this field to enter the venues most common (current) name. Other names, such as older names or translations and transliterations should be placed in the "Also Known As" field.

Venue names are expected to conform to RYM's Capitalization guidelines.

Current address

Street address

The venue's most-current address. When entering a street address, please spell out the full address, such as Street, Boulevard, Avenue, Straße/Strasse, etc... don't abbreviate! Be sure also to use the native spelling of these abbreviations, such as Apartment (English) vs. Appartement (French).

When listing post office addresses, P.O. Box is preferred over other formats such as PO Box, PoBox, etc. Use the appropriate regional term (i.e. Postfach in Germany), however, when appropriate.


Before entering the field State/Region, please consult Administrative divisions. US States and Canadian Provinces should be entered with their two-letter code, all other countries should have their name entered in full. Use Latin spellings for locations of countries not using the Latin alphabet, as they can't be dubbed by an AKA.


Please make sure to enter the phone number with the national and the city phone code.

Official website(s)

If existent the full website address should be given, that is with http:// so that the link is clickable.

Brief description of venue

Here you can enter some specifics about the venue, such as the capacity and the size of the venue.

Additional info

Date opened

The day the venue opened its door. A full date is not required.

Date closed

The full date is not required. If the venue was re-opened later leave this field blank. But it is useful to mention things like these in the "History" section.


Please make sure to enter the fax number with the national and the city phone code.


You can write a brief history of the venue. The history must follow the guidelines outlined here.

Assocations (artist, labels, etc)

If a label or an artist has built a venue, then that relation can be placed here. Please use Shortcuts when possible.

Other comments

The 'other comments' field is essentially a catch-all for information that doesn't fit elsewhere. This field should only be used for things that cannot be covered by any of the other sections of the profile.

Also known as

When the venue has gone through a name change, the older name of the venue can be placed here. It can also be used for translations and transliterations.

Sources cited and comments about this entry

For all information you enter, please provide sources (preferably online) that can be verified. If you don't have a source for part of the information, please look for one, otherwise it is best to remove unverified data from the profile. Explain any interpretations of source material and comment on any questions/difficulties that have occurred (or may occur) with the provided information. If citing a specific release as a source, please provide a link to the release page on RYM.

How to add a venue image?

At the bottom of the venue page you can find the "Contributions" section, here you can find a link to "Upload Venue Photos".

The rules for venue images can be found here.

23 mar 2015
8 apr - 12 may 2015
Image 1 of 2