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Marco Sgrignoli

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I don't believe in objectivity. It's not a matter of being "conditional" on too many factors: I think there's no "objective reality" to consider when talking about art.

The artistic work in itself is not what we call "art": art is the complex of personal, cultural, historical perceivings the work stimulates. There's no way but complete arbitrariness to estabilish the parameters one should use to "judge" an artistic work.
Structural, cultural, historical parameters may seem quite "objective", but they reflect the arbitrary assumption that, since there has to be an objective artistic value, then there should be objective parameters to determinate it.
Furthermore, art is not history of art, and adopting categories such as "innovation" or "influence" completely shifts the layer of discussion.

So I think artistic works don't have any kind of "intrinsic" value. There is, nonetheless, a privileged viewpoint to consider a work: the one from which that work can be understood, appreciated, loved. Fans and those who love apparently mediocre works are always right, in my opinion.
My ratings just explicit my closeness to the "privileged viewpoint" for musical works I listen to. The higher the rating, the closer I am.

I don't rate classical works, because RYM organization for classical music sucks.


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  • PC_Music 2011-09-30 18:06:49.011383+00
    Thanks for the 2 new versions of "All Along the Watchtower" by Affinity and XTC. I only knew the second one before. There is another one by Spirit but it doesn't seem that good.
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  • TozBrianzolo 2011-11-05 20:22:52.223106+00
    'sticazzi :°D me lo cerco subito! e di rimando appendi al chiodo i Deathspell Omega o meglio lascia un po' di spazio, che l'ultimo Blut aus Nord (il primo che approfondisco) per ora è spettacolare. Simili coordinate - credo - più tastiere, l'occasionale influenza industrial e quella solennità con squarci melodici che mi prende assai.
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  • TozBrianzolo 2011-11-05 21:49:59.988996+00
    Intendo 777 - Sect, probabilmente il penultimo dato che Desanctification o come si chiama dovrebbe uscire adesso. Intanto mi sento mo il canadese :°D
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  • TozBrianzolo 2011-11-05 23:41:37.714236+00
    ...ti dirò che (il canadese) è strano, stordente e forse un po' troppo multiforme+sfacciato in certe citazioni. Però ad un primo ascolto è divertente, ti entra in testa e quel mood colorato/solare/romantico/postmodernindiefrullatore-con-garbo si sente appieno. Approfondirò.
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  • AfterTheRain 2012-08-27 12:08:39.271998+00
    Il giudizio è un po' ingannevole. Non posso dire di amare l'album in sé, che trovo bilanciato maluccio e sfiancantemente lungo. Skipperò senza pietà almeno 7-8 pezzi e ho detto tutto. Però ci sono, in ordine crescente: Household, Trouble, Stronger, American Dream Pt. II. Quattro dei miei pezzi elettronici preferiti degli ultimi anni in un disco solo. A quel punto il resto lo perdoni (sì, un po' di rabbia perché avrebbe potuto essere un EP/mini album ai limiti della perfezione, ma alla fine chissene: male accompagnati o meno, quei pezzi ci sono e sono fantastici).
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  • Leeeo 2013-02-13 13:53:06.174083+00
    Ahahah, cerco di fare proseliti nel nome del Profeta ma Max Pezzali è veramente duro da estirpare quassù. Ci vorrebbe più figa...
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  • Wirftgu 2013-08-25 15:46:30.461665+00
    lol you have dreadful taste and criticize great musicians
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  • troutmask 2013-12-23 19:17:10.085477+00
    I'll add a list of the lists I'm using at some point, mostly it's anything that got linked in the thread on the music board plus a few others that I had on hand from the one of these I did for 2010. Feel free to suggest any that you're aware of but I've got most of the major players down already (I think at least)

    and thanks for the copy-editing as well...
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