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Streets of Rage 2

Developers: SegaAncientShout! Design Works Publisher: Sega
20 December 1992
Streets of Rage 2 - cover art
Glitchwave rating
3.86 / 5.0
519 Ratings / 6 Reviews
#437 All-time
#4 for 1992
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This feels like more of the same from the first game only with better presentation as well as useful features such as an enemy health bar and better power ups, as such everything I have to say about it applies to what I said for Streets of Rage [ベア・ナックル 怒りの鉄拳] which I'll briefly summarise here.

It's a game where you control one of three cops as they actually do their job in protecting the innocent from criminals with decent 16-bit graphics and a killer soundtrack, it's easy to pick up and play but difficult to master thanks to good Ai as well as different move sets for our three heroes.
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Foxylover92 2021-06-23T01:11:45Z
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The best best em up of the generation and like its predecessor, this one just oozes cool. As far as music and atmosphere go, I like the first one even better, but the depth and movesets of this game just give it such replay-ability and nuance. I’m still mad they did my boy Adam wrong and replaced him with a weak dude on skates, but this is still one of my favorite games on the Genesis and one of the best of the gen.
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FatherMcKenzie 2023-10-15T03:25:22Z
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A stark improvement over the first game with their being a lot of quality of life improvements that make the game feel more like the true precursor to what the whole genre would evolve from. The improved combat and spritework make for some really satisfying gameplay moments and an overall more memorable experience. The updated super moves was my favorite addition as they create added depth to each encounter where you must consider if you want to use a bit of your health to land powerful attacks. I can't forget just how awesome the soundtrack is with there being plenty of tracks that have snuck their way into my music rotation.

The game is still not perfect, especially when it comes to the difficulty curve, but nevertheless this is one of those games that is so emblematic of the era it was released it that I had a blast going back to it. Definitely give it a shot if you are a fan of the genre.
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ThatOneLupin 2023-08-06T19:59:33Z
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One of the very best Sega Genesis games, not just on its own merits, but in how it embodies the console's identity and what sorts of experiences could have been expected of it. The gameplay strikes an arcadey balance of simplicity and engagement, and beyond that, frequently finds interesting environments and set pieces for the player to engage with. There isn't much more to it than that; this is a sensory experiences, albeit one for the ages.
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AntennasToHeaven 2023-07-08T09:11:24Z
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I remember playing this game on an emulated PS2 I had, I remember I was starting to get into emulators at this time and my friend and me modded a PS2 with a memory card that had emulators for old systems like NES, SNES, and Genesis. I remember there was another friend who saw Streets of Rage 2 as one of the games and said he remembered playing it as a kid and liked it a lot. So on weekends while our other friends talked we would play Streets of Rage 2 together during the final 2 or so months of my Freshman year in college. It was a competent enough beat em up and is pretty fun to play with friends. Yeah its pretty short, gets repetitive, and doesn't have much variety, but then again I think that's more or less due to the time period where beat em ups were still evolving and weren't quite able to have much content. It still is memorable has a decent variety of characters you can play as, and is a fun game to play with a friend.
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jweber14 2017-07-21T21:36:13Z
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Year: 1992
Developer: Sega
Publisher: Sega
Console Played: Sega Mega Drive

Such a classic. Whilst it may not be the most original gaming concept ever (see Final Fight), it won our hearts by being instantly cooler, more fun and more memorable. Sometimes style does win over substance and this is a prime example. Everything about this game melts my heart, and I still love playing this game now, perhaps even more so than the hours of my life I dedicated to it when I was in primary school and I knew not of 3D storyline driven games. Of the 3 Streets of Rage games, why does this one stand out as the most beloved in the hearts of most gamers. SOR is equally as entertaining, but it's a little slower and drabber, and SORIII, well I didn't even know there was one until the Sega Mega Drive Collection was released on PS3.

Streets of Rage is such a fluid game to play. The controls and character movement is just perfect and so easy to get to grips with. The difficulty curve strikes the right balance between progressive learning and pure frustration. Every time you play you get a little bit better and a step closer to completing the game, yet it can still drive you to the brink of insanity. The retro chiptune dance music is amongst the coolest sounds to ever grace a video game. And the characters are so loveable. Blaze and Axel were already too cool for school, but the addition of Skate (or Sammy) just seals the deal. The level designs, the enemies, the bosses, all just little details that just ice this beautiful cake. From a technical perspective, perhaps it shouldn't be anything special. But it just struck a chord with so many gamers. Definitive 90s gaming, and if you play it now the nostalgia factor gives it an extra edge and charm. I fail to see a part in my life where I will put on this game and not want to play it for hours, until we win!
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frenchie 2016-09-10T20:09:05Z
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basementdweller94 Streets of Rage 2 2024-04-30T06:02:13Z
Mega Drive/Genesis • XNA
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Someone2 Streets of Rage 2 2024-04-24T05:21:03Z
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illusionsofgranger Streets of Rage 2 2024-04-19T18:05:26Z
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DarK_RaideR Streets of Rage 2 2024-04-17T21:21:38Z
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orchidcnr Streets of Rage 2 2024-04-15T16:28:31Z
Game Gear • XNA
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orchidcnr Streets of Rage 2 2024-04-15T16:28:09Z
Mega Drive/Genesis • XNA
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zurrange Streets of Rage 2 2024-04-10T00:01:30Z
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Dvdinha Streets of Rage 2 2024-04-09T15:55:21Z
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fshwers Streets of Rage 2 2024-04-05T20:44:31Z
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SergLeDerg Streets of Rage 2 2024-04-04T04:12:54Z
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FirstMate Streets of Rage 2 2024-03-29T16:38:22Z
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MF_IGUIN Streets of Rage 2 2024-03-26T17:49:45Z
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Also known as
  • Bare Knuckle II: The Requiem of the Deadly Battle
  • ベア・ナックルII 死闘への鎮魂歌
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  • wintzyy 2018-01-28 10:49:12.646279+00
    proof that video game music peaked in the 16 bit era
    • Whoa 2018-11-02 14:48:31.392769+00
      so did acid house

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  • ColtXplosion 2018-02-10 05:34:23.306975+00
    This site needs to define beat em up more narrowly, of the games above this on the charts only God Hand and i suppose Yakuza 0 are actually what I would consider beat em ups. The fact that this isn't a top 5 beat em up is a crime.
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    • chumlum 2018-09-28 13:09:59.916426+00
      belt scroller
    • ... 2018-11-28 18:46:12.344722+00
      maybe just 3D beat 'em up and 2D beat 'em up?
    • ColtXplosion 2018-12-22 22:52:13.973548+00
      Nah, I don't really have a problem calling God Hand a Beat em up, because it feels like an evolution of the old school beat em ups, and while I probably wouldn't call the Yakuza games beat em ups, I can see why it fits the category for some.

      But Nier automata is the #1 Beat em up? Who actually considers that game a beat em up?
    • ... 2019-05-10 08:51:59.353423+00
      I suppose they use it as sort of an umbrella that hack n slash falls under but I agree, it's neither right nor convenient.
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  • _sawdustanddiamonds_ 2019-01-19 23:58:51.335702+00
    Nier automata is a "hack and slash" which is classified under beat em up
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  • Fowlawneeshafow 2020-05-03 10:30:06.543284+00
    Played this on Dreamcast via Sega Smash Pack when I was a kid. The music stuck with me forever, but so did the memories playing multiplayer. Couch co-op with this game is so much fun. Overall this game has aged very gracefully.
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  • feargm 2022-12-20 10:32:29.17574+00
    happy fuckin 30th
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