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Resident Evil 6

Developer / Publisher: Capcom
02 October 2012
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2.36 / 5.0
905 Ratings / 8 Reviews
#254 for 2012
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This game is really good, now don't get me wrong I thought this gonna be worse than RE5 but it's all in all Just an Improvement for that horrible game.
I played the whole game Solo, but I can only think it's gonna be better than it already is if you play it Co-op.

The game Improved on the AI partner having Infinite Ammo and Health, and you don't need to manage its Inventory. The Controls are righteous for an Action game, as the Controls of RE5 Just didn't fit with the Game Style, tho having to Push A to open a door but B with a Partner, or Crush a Zombie with RT but Helping a Partner with B, it's super weird but Manageable. Also Loved the Different Enemies and Bosses all the Campaigns had, Really make them more Distinguishable and Great. I liked the QTEs, I Heard there were too many in this game, and I don't think so, I liked them.

I Love the HUD of this game, every Character has a Different HUD to fit their Style and in Jakes/Rebeccas Campaign the game changes the Hud mid-game, I LOVE IT.

RE6 is Split into 4Campaigns and it took me 24 hours to complete those on Normal, so this RE game is Probably one with the most content you likely get, + the DLC (that I didn't play) u have such a good game with great content in here.

now I won't get too much into the story because it's not that great. We have 4 Campaigns all with 5 Chapters, so 20 Chapters. The Campaigns are Leon/Helena, Chris/Piers, Jake/Sherry, and Ada/Random Guy.

Leon/Helena Campaign: I think this is with Ada's Campaign the Worst, it's Okay but I get the feeling this campaign doesn't know what it wants to be, a Horror game or Action game, that somehow really got on my Nerves. Helena is Alright but I think Claire or Jill would've been better here. Simmons was a cool Boss, and even tho this is the Horror Survival Campaign in this game (or it wants to be that) you don't have any Ammo Problems in this one.

Chris/Piers: Chris is in a bar and just Drinking, Piers comes and says they all waiting for him, and Bam he is back, Doesn't seem to be that much of a problem that he has if just one Person has to come and say ''Come back'' so he does LMAO.
Otherwise, I loved this Campaign it's With Jakes My Favorite, I loved that this Campaign just wants to be an Action game, and it works great, I loved the Characters that were Introduced and the Emotions from Chris to his Comrades, I like Piers and Finn. Well-made Boss and ammo Problems, even tho this is the ACTION campaign LMAO.

Jake/Sherry: This is my Favorite Campaign of the Game, I Like jake, I love the Stealth actions of this Campaign, and The Locations are Interesting, Like the Lab or the Snowy Open Area, This was just Great. also had Great Boss fight, but the end was A bit weird with the Fist Fight. This Campaign did Right what Leon's Campaign Tried to do IMO.

Ada: The Worst Campaign imo, it's just there to tie the Story Together, every Chapter it has is Pretty Short, and it just Reuses about Every Location of the Game again, But this doesn't mean it's bad. But WTH is all the Ada Obsession, Simmons Loves her, Leon Loves her (which we already know). Otherwise, idk how this Campaign Works in Co-op ig you just get a random army guy to Help.

Generally speaking, you will do some Fights and Areas 2 times because the Campaigns Overlap each other, I don't mind that tho.

I Liked this game, it's not perfect but it has its right to exist, and it's fun ( not like RE5 ). I still have to Play the DLC's im Probably doing that Later.
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Skeledon 2023-09-08T21:15:59Z
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Not A Blemish, But A Gash on the Resident Evil Franchise
It was around 3 or so years ago that I got into the Resident Evil series after purchasing the remake of the first game during the steam summer sale, to be brutally honest I did not care for it at all, it actually took me several months before I finally sat down and finished Jill's campaign. I have since grown to adore the Resident Evil remake and I think it is one of the best games in the entire franchise, however that's not important. What is important is that Resident Evil 6 is so un-captivating, so boring, so genuinely unfun that it has taken me over 1 year to complete the games 4 main campaigns. I am honestly struck for words on my disappointment with this installment in what has become my favorite video-game series of all time. To start off, the genre, Resident Evil 6 fully abandons the "survival horror" genre except for maybe the chapter of Leon's campaign that takes place in the Simmon's Manor. I am fine with the series branching out to fit into more genres, in fact Resident Evil 5's mix of action and horror was amazing. However, the issue arises when Resident Evil 6 drops the "horror" all together and becomes strictly an action game. This game is nothing but action sequence after action sequence after action sequence, and it's the same for all 4 campaigns. I cannot convey through words how repetitive the gameplay in this installment is. Except for a select few chapters, you can describe any moment of gameplay in Resident Evil 6 as "1. Establish Conflict 2. Go from point A to point B 3. Mow down enemy after enemy whilst everything around you explodes and is on fire", it truly is a disgrace to the ominous, fun, and explorative prior entries in the series. Bad gameplay is hard enough on its own, but you know what makes it worse? Horrendous controls. In Resident Evil 6 they continue the free moving third person camera seen in Resident Evil 4 and 5, but somehow, they made it so much worse in a game that came out closer to a decade after Resident Evil 4. The camera in this game feels like you are standing directly behind your character while you are also 2 feet shorter than them, the player character at all times takes up 30% of the screen, I despise whoever at Capcom decided to make the camera be this way. Next there's the movement in this game, in many a video game, the typical sprint button would be L-Shift, however in the masterpiece of disappointment, the sprint button is spacebar, this is initially an odd choice and it does not feel natural, this certainly is not helped by the fact that when sprinting, you no longer can use your strafing keys (A and D) to change your movement, instead your camera movement while sprinting is now controlled by the mouse which is such an abysmal idea, it's made EVEN worse by the fact that the camera sensitivity while sprinting is different than the camera sensitivity while non-sprinting. You may be thinking that I'm complaining about controls when Resident Evil is known for their purposely limited movement but no, the tank controls of Resident Evil had never bothered me until I had to suffer through Resident Evil 6. I have little to say about the gunplay in this installment as its almost no different than the system in Resident Evil 4 and 5, however there were moments that started to agitate me as during high-action events when I would need to aim, the screen would artificially shake which does not pair with the system of the "wandering cursor" as I like to call it. Now, another major issue for me is the fact that for this being a Resident Evil game, there sure are not that many zombie enemies throughout the entire game, half of the enemies in this game just look like henchmen wearing masks, and the other half look like a rip off of Black Manta from DC, but surely this is excusable so long as the boss design is good right? Resident Evil up to this point had amazing boss designs, whether it was Nemesis, Ouroboros Wesker, Dr. Birkin, etc. All that stops in Resident Evil 6, in the roughly 10 bosses in the game, only one of them to me is a memorably cool design, both visually and in the design of the fight, that boss being the final boss for Chris' campaign, all others just felt so similar that they all melt together in my mind. And speaking of the bosses, they all reoccur throughout the various chapters of each campaign, my issue with this is that Resident Evil 6 has however many boss fights where it just feels like you're shooting at a bullet sponge, it feels like what you are doing is pointless or has no effect because you know that when you "beat" that boss they'll just come back in the next chapter, I could not tell you how many times the main characters say "it's finally dead...) to the boss that they have just "killed" only for it to be back 30 minutes later, it is more repetitive than the Friday the 13th movies reused "chair-jumper" ending. I also have some gripes with the story, but first I'll give credit where it's due, I loved the mechanic of the intertwining stories between each campaign, it's one of the only super enjoyable parts of the game, but that's all I have to say that's positive, because of the aforementioned issue of the game feeling like "go from point A to B while shooting everything" it all gets so boring, and for those trying to pay attention for lore, this game lets you down on that front too because Resident Evil 6 was supposed to be a turning point in the series that would begin phasing out the old fan-favorites like Chris and Leon, while ushering in the new main cast with the characters Sherry Birkin, and Jake Muller. What really sucks about that fact is that Sherry and Jake have the worst campaign in the game and it's not even close, Ada's campaign is easily the best one and that's really unfortunate because you have to clear the other 3 campaigns before you can play hers. At the moment this is all I really have to say about Resident Evil 6, I am left with nothing but desire to move onto Resident Evil 7 because without even playing it, I know it cannot get worse than Resident Evil 6. I hate the story, I hate the enemy and character design, I hate how Ada is whitewashed, and I hate this attempt to completely change the Resident Evil series as we knew it. As it stands currently, Resident Evil 6 is the worst game I have ever played, and I will not be touching the game for some time.
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BoneFather 2023-07-14T06:46:42Z
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Resident Evil 6 is easily the worst mainline Resident Evil game that I've played. It doesn't bother me that 5 and 6 veered off from the horror elements to be more action oriented. RE:5 is an ugly and clunky game but, played cooperatively, it's a pretty fun game in its own right (it's also amazingly campy.) Resident Evil 6's biggest issue is that it's really not that fun, and it's one of the longest games in the series. The levels would have benefited from being cut down substantially, but instead they wear out their welcome after about 30 minutes. Another issue with the game is that it's way too open, and the series doesn't work as well when you have freedom to run all over a huge, near empty map. That, and there's a near endless wave of enemies that it throws at you. It's not too difficult to deal with them, but it's just not as fun to kill zombies now. It also doesn't make sense to why they're so skimpy with ammo in this game, as they were in previous games, especially you're fighting 5x as many enemies. Playing co-op, which is really the only way you should play this game, it becomes a struggle having to split the ammo between the two of you. I end up mostly kicking and punching the enemies, and I still have barely any ammo during Chris' story-line. I'm really only playing this game since I'm a fan of the series, otherwise, I would probably not have bought it (even with the huge discount I got.) The cut-scenes are the most entertaining part of this game.
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Ballad 2023-06-12T15:02:44Z
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A Long Drawn Out Mess
I've been playing all of the mainline Resident Evil games that I can reasonably get my hands on (Havent touched the original 2 or 3 but have played the remakes and I also havent touched any of Resident Evil 1 or Resident Evil 0, but have played and beaten all the others) and this is the first one that I genuinely just do not want to finish. There's a multitude of problems with this game. Lots of characters I do not care about, boring premise, super long (GOD WHY IS IT SO LONG), a lot of replaying the exact same story events but from different points of view. It's just generally very boring which sucks when it's by far the longest time to beat in the series. Just dragging on so long I haven't found the will to finish it.
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pinkertonne 2023-01-31T21:37:49Z
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(I'd legitimately feel bad giving this game less than a 2.5, because I only made it halfway through. Nothing I've heard secondhand suggests that it actually gets better as it goes on, but still, I don't know.)

No matter how hard I try, I can't see what they were going for with this. On the one hand, there's a lot of Michael Bay-style explosive theatrics... but on the other hand its broken up into disjointed sections and has all the aesthetic and flow of a grimy filing cabinet. Fairly realistic and impressive graphics are wasted on visually unappealing scenery; the sound design is fine but the game has the atmosphere of a wet tennis court. And the gameplay is both fairly similar to the decent Resi 5 and the superb Resi 4, and a continuation of all the things that made Resi 5 worse than Resi 4.

A lot of people will tell you that Resi 5 was the point when the games descended into goofy action, but that wasn't really true. The games had always had goofy action elements. And while Resi 5 may not have had quite the same focus on atmosphere that its predecessors had, it retained a lot of survival horror gameplay, a lot of tension in its fight scenes, and a sense of the player character actually being in a situation that he might struggle to get out of.

Resident Evil 6 pulls at that thread and unravels the whole thing. Having these intertwining narratives with multiple protagonists really serves to undermine any sense of danger or urgency. A big city is being overrun with zombies but... it's a big city, there's probably a bunch of people out there like you who are dealing with it. The sense that you're alone (even with a companion) against the odds just never really materialises. The narrative is far too dissipated to build tension or even really follow, and mostly feels tacked on to the end of its characters' arcs. I'm not going to act like Resi is the most character driven series, but still, both Leon and Chris had pretty satisfying conclusions to their stories in Resi 4 and Resi 5. This really would've been a good game to give to another character, but weirdly Capcom decided to use the Revelations series for that instead.

To illustrate some of this: I didn't realise that I was halfway through the game when I stopped playing. I only found that out later. At the time, I felt like I was maybe 10-20% of the way through. I felt bored in part because the game was paced so poorly that I had no idea where I was in its run. That's never a good sign.

It's possible that I just care too much about the wrong things to enjoy Resi 6, but it seems like I'm very much not alone in that.
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Fotzepolitic 2023-01-10T16:59:49Z
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Absolutely Insane
This game, while being EXTREMELY different from usual RE games, is one of the craziest coop experiences I've ever had. I played this entire thing with a friend and we had so much fun. We'd fail QTE's over and over and over again because the death scenes were so funny. This is one of those games that I'd 100% recommend someone to play with a friend.
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Changabang 2022-08-17T04:46:11Z
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kenbenlen Resident Evil 6 2024-05-01T07:25:09Z
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s000lace Resident Evil 6 2024-05-01T06:42:42Z
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NevermindtheBlueDookie Resident Evil 6 2024-04-24T22:55:51Z
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HeyJulien Resident Evil 6 2024-04-23T21:52:49Z
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Carlvito Resident Evil 6 2024-04-22T11:54:18Z
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dannyscorps_chiar_el Resident Evil 6 2024-04-19T14:43:46Z
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vladkick Resident Evil 6 2024-04-17T08:49:27Z
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HiImTimm Resident Evil 6 2024-04-16T01:47:38Z
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JGeeK Resident Evil 6 2024-04-14T15:56:56Z
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KCharbzz98 Resident Evil 6 2024-04-13T04:40:22Z
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renehawt Resident Evil 6 2024-04-05T15:02:20Z
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Bisellone7 Resident Evil 6 2024-04-02T20:28:52Z
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1-6 players
1x Blu-ray
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Local, Online
Also known as
  • Biohazard 6
  • バイオハザード6
  • Baiohazādo 6
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  • ylwluv 2023-08-29 02:27:47.192924+00
    jake/sherry campaign still an absolute blast
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  • marco29 2023-12-27 07:10:50.155766+00
    it's one of those cases of "there's no way it's as a bad as they sa... nevermind."
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  • marco29 2023-12-27 07:12:13.457435+00
    like, does it really need this many campaigns? halfway through chris' campaign i'm already begging for my life
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  • Bengals 2024-02-07 23:32:01.410398+00
    The actual shooting and mechanics are great IMO, but the story is just... so hard to get through. Mercanaries is amazing here tho
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  • nonbinaryPOTUS 2024-03-12 00:39:55.418581+00
    This game has one of the best versions of The Mercenaries still
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  • INoLuv 2024-04-27 06:16:23.614818+00
    I remember of how much i replayed and loved this game when it released (well, that goes for all of RE at that time), but now i see that the main problem is how scripted and very underwhelming the level design is, barely lets the great gameplay shine (the shooting enemies make it even worse). I see it being a 10/10 with a remake that gives a great action gameplay a good space to breathe. For me, the best quality of re6 is how charming it is.
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