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Resident Evil


Developer / Publisher: Capcom
22 March 1996
Resident Evil [バイオハザード] - cover art
Glitchwave rating
3.73 / 5.0
877 Ratings / 2 Reviews
#623 All-time
#15 for 1996
An elite search-and-rescue team named S.T.A.R.S. is sent to investigate the outskirts of Raccoon City after receiving disturbing reports of unidentified assailants eating the flesh of its victims. The squad soon encounters trouble, and is forced to retreat inside a mansion full of zombies. Will they be able to escape, and discover the truth behind the zombies' origins?
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1996 Capcom  
JP 4 976219 154468 SLPS 00222
1996 Capcom  
XNA 0 13388 21010 7 SLUS-00170
FR 5 028587 080302 SLES-00227
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GB 5 028587 080296 SLES-00200
1997 Capcom Nextech  
JP 4 976219 155922
バイオハザード ディレクターズカット
1997 Capcom  
JP 4 976219 155977 SLPS 00998
Resident Evil Director's Cut
1997 Capcom  
XNA 0 13388 21031 2 SLUS-00551
1997 Capcom Nextech  
XNA 0 13388 22010 6
1997 Nextech Capcom  
XEU 4 974365 810924
Resident Evil Director's Cut / Greatest Hits
1998 Capcom  
XNA 0 13388 21039 8 SLUS-00747
2006 Capcom  
Game card
XNA 0 13388 32004 2 NTR-ABHE-USA
Bio Hazard Director's Cut / 初代PSアーカイブス
2006 Capcom  
Resident Evil Director's Cut / PS one Classic
2009 Capcom SCE  
Resident Evil Director’s Cut
2022 Capcom  
2024 Capcom  
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I think I've spent so much time reinforcing a narrative that "The original Resident Evil is my favorite game in the series" that I've succeeded in convincing myself, and can play the game without being completely blown away, but finish it in a couple hours and think during the end credits that I am indeed comfortable calling this my favorite. I think, if anything, the major conflict would come between this and Resident Evil 2, but there are a few too many parts in 2 that feel like they've included too many zombies in a tight corridor for little reason other than to make you waste ammo, whereas 1 is better at allowing "fight" and "flight" both as valid options. And 2 only has the Giant Moth to go against the "B-movie giant monster" Yawn, Black Tiger, and Plant 42 whom I like here (and whose influence makes me enjoy Resident Evil Zero so much as well; later games in the series go too hard on super-zombies that they neglect other flora and fauna).

One thing that always intrigued me was how it's actually impossible to play the "canon" version of this game's story. In the game, you must choose between either Chris or Jill. Throughout the game, Chris will run into Rebecca, and Jill often meets up with Barry. You have to take steps to save your buddy, and you have the ability to save the opposite player-character later in the game. The way Chris's game works, he cannot save Barry, as he never runs into him in his story; Jill never runs into Rebecca. As later games and CGI movies will show, all four STARS survive the mansion incident. The mansion is pretty big, but not big enough that Chris, Jill, Rebecca, and Barry can wander the entire thing without Chris and Jill meeting before the end, or Chris bumping into Barry or Jill bumping into Rebecca. The structure of the game does not allow for an intermingling of story routes, despite later canon proving the existence of a combined tale. An interesting extension of this split is that later games, Resident Evil: Code Veronica [バイオハザード コード:ベロニカ]Resident Evil 5 [バイオハザード5], would base large chunks of their story specifically on the Chris route here, making it almost completely improbable for Jill to have confronted Wesker and the Tyrant, as these later games' antagonist bases much of his motivation on Chris having laughed at the Tyrant in the lab under the Spencer Mansion.

Another thing I love is the subtleties of the "ludonarrative" beyond the conflict between what you play versus how canon works. In both routes, to prevent Rebecca or Barry from dying, you have to do certain actions at certain times. Certain cues pop up to nudge you gently into the right direction, but at no point does the game hold your hand and say, e.g., "That sounds like Rebecca's scream, whom I last saw in the save room under the stairs! I should go check it out! Hopefully there are no Hunters afoot!" You should be able to tell who is in danger by the voice, and rush to the location to make sure shit's okay. It may be common for a novice player not to expect the game will carry on regardless of if you can get in place in time, and it may be a nuisance to learn the hard way, but that's part of why it's called "survival horror."

The only issues I personally have with this game are that 1) the rough graphics make the underground tunnel between mansion and lab look extremely fucking ugly, and 2) the PSN version I got for $6 only contains the "Director's Cut - DualShock Version" with its new soundtrack, so I'd have to spend $50 or so in order to play the original game with the original music. I don't actually dislike the music in the DualShock Version, even the basement tune, but I don't like that I lack the option to use the original score.
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As amazing as the 2002 remake is, the original game still holds up its own charm. Embracing its B-movie energy to the fullest yet still containing some atmospherically horrifying moments, it's also a challenging game in its own merits (for first timers I mean). Granted, considering Director's Cut the "definitive old version" is both a blessing and a curse (since they basically sold the same game with just one extra mode).

Nonetheless, the game remains as engaging and nightmarish as it has always been, with its particularly disconnected narrative and gameplay objectives and being a rework of the zombie genre by giving it a scientific, unsettling twist of affecting phobias (think "Reanimator" but with an actual zombie army), which is a departure from zombie stories itself. It gives perfectly reasonable explanations, but are given in a way they don't make the context less terrifying thanks to some creepy enemy designs (chimeras are some UGLY bastards) and great use of cinematography elements.

It obviously has lost a lot of the scare factor. Gaming as an industry has revolutionized the horror canon a plenty number of times after this came out, and it's really campy in a way that enjoys being both cheesy and suspenseful, which WILL be detracting for the experience. It's a fantastic title anyway.

The remake would make everything much better though, and the changes in level/challenge design make the experience a lot more grittier and actually scary at times.
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Mur96 2021-06-28T15:53:21Z
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Say what you will about the first Resident Evil, but its a classic and without it we wouldn't have Silent Hill 2, Resident Evil 2, Dead Space, or any of the other classic survival horror games that everyone holds in high regards today. RE started it all, and was the first game of its kind, and we have this game to think. This series holds a really close place for me because I remember during the late Summer/Early Fall leading into my Sophomore year of high school I was getting into the series for the first time at the reccomendation of a friend who was absolutely obsessed with the series. I played through all the games up to 4 and even some of the spin offs and it was my favorite game series at the time. While I preferred Remake over this and in a way remake almost made this obsolete, I still think this game is worth it just for the historical value and it has many things even Remake didn't offer.

The game has some of the worst voice acting ever with classic lines like Jill Sandwich that made it classic, and you can't get that kind of experience from any other game. In the Remake many of these lines were altered or acted a lot better so they weren't as funny. The other thing is this game is a bit more straightforward and has some slightly different designed areas. It plays pretty well, you have the typical fixed camera angles, the tank controls, the limited ammo and traps. The game design holds up fairly well, and the only thing that hasn't aged as well are the graphics and textures, which do look quite dated and do cheapen the quality a little, but honestly, they aren't really too bad either. I feel the first game is paced fairly well and the only part of the game I didn't enjoy were the underground caves.

I feel the only reason people don't give this as much credit anymore is because Remake just did everything this did but better and added better elements. Well I'd choose Remake over this any day of the week, this game still is a classic and without it survival horror wouldn't exist in the same way today, Silent Hill and Parasite Eve came directly from the influence of this. While I feel it is the weakest of the PS1 Resident Evil games, it still is decent to play every few years and has too many memorable moments and the design still holds up well today.
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jweber14 2017-07-21T19:48:54Z
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Resident Evil: Deadly Silence - Another good reason to play a good game!
I thought that a DS port of the original Resident Evil seemed like a strange and unappealing way to play a game that was already clunky and difficult to engage with, but this port turned out to be the best way to play the old PS1 classic. Having loved RE1 on the Playstation, and considering the REmake of that game diversifies itself enough to not invalidate the original, this DS re-do is similarly diverse enough to offer a unique experience. The addition of some quality of life changes including 180-turn and quick-reload , as well as the ability to skip cutscenes and door animations, make this the best playing version of RE1 in my opinion.

There are some big changes in this version included in the 'Rebirth' mode. This mode includes more enemies (ammo and health galore), rearranged items, new puzzles that use the DSs various features (blow out the candles, five-finger fillet), a new boss encounter and new first-person knife fights that randomly occur when you enter rooms. These changes make for an exciting new experience for those familiar with the original game and make this a RE game you should not miss out on if you are a fan of the PS1 era RE games. If you're not interested in the new gameplay features, you can play a classic mode that is just the original game and you'll get the fastest version of RE Director's Cut out there.

This game is fun as heck!
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vodsel 2017-09-24T22:41:42Z
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I always found this game more frustrating than anything, and persevered more out of a sense of obligation than actual enjoyment. The concept itself was a good one - can't really go wrong with zombies providing there is good execution of gameplay. And that is where Resident Evil [バイオハザード] falls down.

The controls are extremely clunky and irritating. Navigation is a real chore and something that I never seemed to get used to. The game lacks flow as it endlessly scrolls through a collection of loading screens. Rather than having the scenery move past you, instead you guide your character through still artwork which even for 1996 struck me as being very old hat. I never got the feeling that I was there. It was more like I was watching the action from a distance, which in a way I was.

But the biggest stinker of the game is the dire character acting and scripting. Not even "so bad it's good" - I mean embarrassingly bad. Not to mention the pregnant pauses in between each line of dialogue which stretches each cut scene out to near interminable lengths.

In spite of this, Resident Evil [バイオハザード] does actually entice the player to stick with it. But as I said earlier, in my case is was more out of a sense of duty and stubbornly wanting to get my money's worth. This is a game loved by many, but when you consider that Tomb Raider was also available this year with completely free movement, dynamic scenery and much less cringeworthy acting, Resident Evil [バイオハザード] is for me at least a very pale offering in comparison.
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Paulie_Jay 2016-04-11T02:37:16Z
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keyinlock バイオハザード 2024-06-25T00:08:16Z
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Dustz バイオハザード 2024-06-23T17:12:06Z
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TheChomper バイオハザード 2024-06-22T19:03:06Z
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ghashgul バイオハザード 2024-06-21T21:02:48Z
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justpick1 バイオハザード 2024-06-19T20:27:26Z
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_cojiro バイオハザード 2024-06-18T03:10:54Z
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Chridder バイオハザード 2024-06-16T23:30:15Z
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F3xis バイオハザード 2024-06-14T19:04:13Z
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Astaroth810 バイオハザード 2024-06-14T15:03:26Z
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NectarinesRUS バイオハザード 2024-06-14T08:18:50Z
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ashley_rose22 バイオハザード 2024-06-10T05:45:23Z
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mechanicalhearts バイオハザード 2024-06-07T23:46:52Z
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Also known as
  • Resident Evil
  • Bio Hazard
  • Resident Evil: Deadly Silence
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  • mcluskyism 2023-04-10 15:41:41.745542+00
    still a good game, but pretty much nullified by its vastly superior remake
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  • MisTurHappy 2023-10-13 21:57:09.34648+00
    God I love this game so much. The Arrange mode in the Director's Cut is really fun too, though only if you're already familiar with the base game.
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  • fade_away 2023-11-08 06:49:26.393909+00
    PS1 aesthetic obvs means this thing could never be nullified by any remake. honestly feels like a fairly distinct game to me overall. playing through with chris on arrange mode was a blast
    • wesi7 2024-03-22 14:12:28.183331+00
      yeah i love both and enjoy them for pretty different reasons, weirdly enough. the camp tone and retro aesthetics here create something so warm and comfy for me, while the remake has the better gameplay experience. i prefer this just a tad but i have reasons to play & appreciate both separately, which is my ideal scenario w/ any remake.
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  • fade_away 2023-11-08 06:50:54.541159+00
    not better than remake, but blows pretty much any RE game *after* REmake out of the water.
    • Bengals 2024-02-07 23:50:10.160306+00
      admirably hot purist take
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  • Marshyyy 2024-04-26 13:33:51.292901+00
    Hope this isn't Chris's blood
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  • DerHausmeister 2024-05-17 21:35:45.043002+00
    Oh man, I remember the name of this game alone scaring the shit out of me as a kid. Haven't actually played it until a year ago. It's still a good game I always imagine how it must've felt to play this anno 1996 on a CRT in some cellar bedroom. I don't know if people where that scared by it but the vibe must've been something.
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  • mechanicalhearts 2024-06-07 23:47:21.90844+00
    my dad played this over 20 years ago and now we played it together a true daughter father bonding game
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