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01 May 2023
Glitchwave rating
2.33 / 5.0
#229 for 2023
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Vamps Without Teeth
I wanted to believe. When Redfall was unveiled in the summer of 2021, I wasn’t sure what to make of it. It didn’t look like the Arkane games I knew and loved, and the trailer didn’t reveal about the gameplay. Yet despite all the unknowns, I felt confident that Arkane would make it work.

As launch day approached the particulars came into a hazy, pseudo-focus. Redfall would feature co-op like Left 4 Dead. It would boast an open world à la Far Cry 2. And yet it would still retain the hallmarks of the immersive sims Arkane had made its name on. This combination of disparate elements sounded incredibly ambitious, and I had no idea how Arkane Austin was going to pull it off, but still, I wanted to believe.

Now Redfall is here, having crash landed between Star Wars Jedi: Survivor and The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom [ゼルダの伝説 ティアーズ オブ ザ キングダム]. And gosh, did it crash hard. It’d be easy to write it off as a complete loss and move on, and yet here I am, digging through the wreckage, trying to ascertain if there’s anything of value among the smoldering remains.

Before I discuss the game itself, though, here’s my take on the pre-launch marketing and the backlash. From the initial reveal until launch day, Redfall’s marketing never made it clear what the game was supposed to be. A looter shooter? An immersive sim? An Ubisoft-like open-world? The marketing was gaming’s version of a Rorschach inkblot test, in which everyone saw what they wanted to see.

When Redfall launched, it became clear that it was a Frankenstein’s monster of all the promised features. Yes, technically it’s a co-op open-world immersive sim, but the individual elements all feel at odds with each other. The game offers neither the immersive depth of Dishonored or Prey, nor the pulse-pounding tension of a horde shooter. It aims for too many targets and misses all of them.

It was also in the unenviable position of being Xbox’s first major game release since Halo Infinite, which came out nearly a year and a half prior. Yes, Microsoft launched many other games in that span – Pentiment, Hi-Fi Rush, Minecraft Legends, a few ports from PS5, and whatnot – some of which were quite excellent. But none of those are the kind of huge AAA game that can draw everyone in. By closing its 2021 summer showcase with an extended trailer for Redfall, Microsoft gave the impression that Redfall was supposed to be “that” game – the one that would stand toe-to-toe with Sony and Nintendo’s offerings.

Needless to say, Redfall is not that game.

As a shooter Redfall is passable. The shooting mechanics feel solid enough; the problem is with the people and creatures you’re tasked with taking down. Human enemies are little more than cannon fodder. They come in different varieties, like snipers who do more damage and engineers who set up turrets, but these enemy subtypes never significantly changed how I approached combat encounters. The only way they could overwhelm me was with sheer numbers.

Vampires, meanwhile, are supposed to be more imposing opponents but prove to be one-trick bloodsuckers. Once you internalize the timing of their swipe attack, you’ll defang them with ease. Occasionally other types of vampires appear, and they do put up more of a fight, but they also never forced me to change my tactics in an interesting way. Siphons and Anglers can kill you quickly, but are easy to dispatch from a distance. The Shroud is a nuisance more than anything. Even the Rook, Redfall’s take on Resident Evil [バイオハザード]’s Tyrant and Mr. X, is easily disposed of with the right combination of special abilities and a stake launcher. Far from striking fear into my heart, encounters with the Rook quickly became little more than glorified gold-tier weapon drop events.

So Redfall fails to impress as a shooter, but what about its immersive sim pedigree? Here, as well, it falls short. Immersive sims derive much of their fun factor from the invisible hand of tight level design, which is the antithesis of an open world. Although on some missions the level design does narrow its focus, recalling Arkane’s past triumphs, even then it usually feels like a pale imitation. I chalk this up to the fact that there are four different characters, each with their own abilities. Arkane had to ensure that every obstacle could be overcome by each character, either alone or in co-op, thus necessitating a lowest-common-denominator approach to level design. If Redfall had been built from the ground up as a co-op only experience, it could’ve had some very smart puzzles, I’m sure. Likewise, if it was a purely solo experience, with a singular protagonist like Morgan or Corvo, I’m confident the developers could’ve sprinkled clever environmental puzzles throughout the open world. As it stands, however, they tried to cater to every playstyle and the results do not impress.

Having read this far, you may think that I despised my trip to Redfall. Yet surprisingly, nothing could be further from the truth. Though the enemies aren’t going to win any awards for ingenuity, gunning through packs of them still had its charms. Once I tweaked the controls to my liking, I was able to pull off slick moves, like sliding past cultists and mercenaries while shotgunning them in the face. Was this any more effective than running past them while shotgunning them in the face? Probably not. But it sure was fun!

And how about the game’s namesake? The town of Redfall exudes a distinct sense of place, one that is rarely found in games. It reminds me of the small towns I’ve visited on the coast of Lake Superior. Boutique shops, lighthouses, hilly hiking trails, cargo docks, churches – it’s all there. When I hike up to one of Redfall’s peaks and look down, I see a real place. That many of the homes are fully explorable and filled with the journals, diaries, and other documents we’ve come to expect from an Arkane game is just icing on the cake.

Yes, Redfall does feel rather empty. Sometimes you can run for minutes without encountering any enemies. While this isn’t ideal, I must say that simply increasing the enemy density is not the right solution. I played Far Cry 2 a few years back, and my lingering memory from it is the ridiculous enemy respawn rate. Having to deal with the same encampments again and again was torturous. I’m glad that Redfall offers quiet moments of respite and largely allows me to explore at my own pace.

There’s also the matter of the narrative. Simply put, the backstory of Redfall is more interesting than the story in its present. As you work your way through the game, uncovering scraps of evidence and watching phantasms replay past events, it often feels like you’re chasing ghosts. The real story has already happened and the missions you go on are essentially McGuffin quests that help you uncover the truth.

As is the case with the world design, the reason for this rearview-mirror narrative design comes down to the game’s open-world nature and the presence of four player characters. It’s hard to craft a compelling, forward-moving narrative when you need to tell it nonlinearly through the eyes of four characters. That being said, I did enjoy hearing the tale, even if the flashback scenes felt long-winded at times. And if you squint, you’ll still spot inklings of classic Arkane environmental storytelling. The most memorable bit for me was in a scene featuring Charles and Claire Beck as children. Go search by the fireplace and you’ll see what I mean.

Yes, Redfall is a disappointment on nearly every level. Making a four-player open-world immersive sim would’ve been a tall task for any studio, and I’m not surprised that Arkane Austin’s stab at it fell far short of expectations. And yet despite all these flaws, I still found myself enjoying Redfall. Staking vampires while going for a hilly afternoon hike, breaking into buildings by throwing my teleporter through the window, and sifting through documents in a church basement were just a few of my favorite moments – moments that are unique to this game. Though it’s not the AAA immersive sim blockbuster I hoped it would be, it does have undeniable charms. My hope is that after the worst bugs have been patched and the game drops into budget-bin territory, more people will be willing to wade through the wreckage of the game’s crash landing and uncover Redfall’s secrets for themselves.
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toadhjo 2023-05-26T07:24:27Z
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Jack of all trades, master of none.

When Redfall was announced it looked like it was Left 4 Dead and it didn't really grab my attention much. But as time passed it was revealed that the game wasn't that at all and was rather a multiplayer open world co-op shooter action rpg immersive sim and I think that puzzled everyone. But it's from Arkane Austin and they had done Prey, so hey it's possible that it was going to work. As we were getting closer and closer to release I was getting more excited to play the game, really thinking it was going to be an amazing game. And yeah... it's perhaps not.

While 5-6 years in development, the game does feel undercooked. I'm not just talking about performance and bugs (the 30 FPS at launch is the least of its worries actually), it's just that so many systems are underdeveloped. During my first few hours I was having fun as the movement and the shooting is really good, this is pretty much the things that is done well the most here. It's what holds the game down and makes it an enjoyable experience. However there is nothing that Redfall is the best at. It's trying to be Borderlands, but Borderlands is better. It's trying to be Fallout, but Fallout is better. Even Ubisoft is able to knock out better with its open worlds. It's trying to be have "Prey" elements with multiple ways to clear an area but it's really used at the lowest level possible. The story is whatever. The skill tree is unimaginative and doesn't allow for much different builds and flexibility. Even the skills from the characters have such long cooldowns that it doesn't add much to the combat, it's pretty much all about your guns. I didn't try the multiplayer co-op, but it's so weird to have that in a single player story game where you cannot replay any of the missions.

The game wanted to be everything at once. There's lockpicking and hacking for whatever reason, but they are barely used all game and only to find some loot and perhaps open a door here and there to break in from somewhere instead of the front door (this is about where the Prey elements end). The currency system is not great, you can purchase bad weapons or refill your ammo and health kits... if you die you lose like 10% of your wealth, and you will die a shit ton of times. But even if you are rich, there's pretty much jackshit to buy and the good weapons have to be found in random crates with some luck required. The equipment system is barebones too, just guns, a vampire blood thing that boosts your health and some vampire god power that you get later in the game (very minimal effect actually). There's not much strategy at what you are equipping, just keep the gun with the highest damage. There's a variety of 6-7 guns only and all you get is higher-levelled versions of them. You can only equip 3 at a time, and there are some parts of the game where I wish I had a few more slots as the Stake Launcher and Sniper are situational but they are always unequipped when you need it (and this is always online, so no pausing to fix that).

It's not that Redfall is horrible, but it's more like how the game overpromised so much and the ambition was through the roof, and most of the features are undercooked. The graphics, environments, shooting and movements are pretty good and that makes it a decent experience, but everything else on top is just fluff that didn't need to be there or should have put more work into it. Borderlands 3 perhaps had the most annoying story, but at least it was able to execute what is was doing very well. There's also no post-campaign end game here (well you can raise the difficulty, but that's about it), so even if you are teaming up with friends you won't have anything crazy like Destiny raids to do when you are fully geared up. I really wanted to like this better, I believed in the game but that's what mostly Microsoft overselling the game when it perhaps just needed a quieter launch and it wouldn't have all this controversy. It's a shame that it takes 5-6 years to release a game from a studio now, so much work into the graphics that these little ideas and risk-taking games are going to cost so much resources to pull out and a failure is just the worst that can happen to a big time studio. Not that Prey was carrying Xbox back then, but the lack of 1st party exclusives for 2023 kinda pushed Redfall into the limelight when it shouldn't have. Arkane (especially the Austin studio) will have a lot to prove on their next projects... Bethesda is a powerhouse, but not every game is a hit, and this is one of their weaker titles.
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diction 2023-05-03T23:41:26Z
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The18th Redfall 2023-10-09T00:54:00Z
XSX / Windows
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toadhjo Redfall 2023-05-26T07:24:27Z
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gcaragliap Redfall 2023-05-05T08:55:25Z
XSX / Windows
7.0 /10
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diction Redfall 2023-05-03T23:41:26Z
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the_grAyLIEN Redfall 2023-05-03T03:28:09Z
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to_noid_or_not_to_noid Redfall 2023-05-02T21:32:52Z
XSX / Windows
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ColdVein Redfall 2023-05-02T07:18:24Z
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  • sunshinerecorder 2023-06-01 12:35:47.958039+00
    depressing reports from schr*ier, rip arkane😭
    • Illogic93 2023-06-01 15:57:39.682077+00
      rip arkane rip prey 2
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  • DaymanNightman 2023-06-02 18:36:24.972633+00
    By the end of Redfall’s development only 30% of the team worked on Prey, that’s just crazy to think about
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  • Cacola 2023-06-10 17:27:06.410202+00
    I want to be able to hope that Arkane Lyon will still be able to recover from this mess, Deathloop was amazing (okay it doesn't ramp up to end amazing but the general body of the game is top notch).

    I have very little hope for Arkane Austin sadly, as a much of a masterpiece Prey was.
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  • Diugo 2023-06-10 19:35:41.989799+00
    1.65 still #19 looter shooter. Damn this genre sucks so much ass.
    • Doctor_Murdezio 2023-08-04 17:57:32.021696+00
      I'm not a fan of the looter shooter genre but, uh, there's only 21 games on the looter shooter chart...
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  • sosa_ 2023-08-20 06:17:06.263506+00
    RIP Arkane Austin
    • sosa_ 2023-08-28 00:45:48.474729+00
      microsoft should've known this game would be a dud man i hate sunk cost fallacy.
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  • townandcountry 2023-09-02 07:06:21.868239+00
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  • to_noid_or_not_to_noid 2023-09-23 17:38:46.355142+00
    So is this in the process of being patched or did everyone involved just take the L and move on? Because the silence is deafening.
    • Threntall 2023-10-02 23:32:51.960025+00
      It sold really poorly, and sales likely wont rise if they improve the game with patches. Moving on is the best option on this one
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