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E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy

Developer / Publisher: Streum On Studio
29 July 2011
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy - cover art
Glitchwave rating
3.50 / 5.0
213 Ratings / 1 Reviews
#1,240 All-time
#37 for 2011
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There has been very few games that have reached the epoch that E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy has reached, it a game that has something of a mental illness to it like that of bipolar, on the one hand it's a game that is absolutely brilliant with tons of variety at your fingertips and on the other hand it's a downright horrible game with so many error that it needs to explained in detail. E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy does this so well it's likely to perplex any gamer whether they're causal or they're a hardcore veteran of the first-person shooter genre.

Even though that's the case E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy is a game that is wholly unique in how it approaches everything in its gameplay mechanics, it is likely a game that needs a little more than four hours of getting into just to understand what's going on. But when that's all cleared up there's so much more wonders that's in store. The game is an RPG but more in the vain of Deus Ex, you play as a soldier of one of two factions in conflict with one another, you go on a series of missions to plan out attack, dig deeper into what's going on and how the conflict can be resolved. The story itself is a small piece of the universe that E.Y.E situates itself in. In fact the story is thin but not to the point where the game's whole selling point is the gameplay. The universe of E.Y.E is huge with libraries of text waiting at your disposal for partisan players to dig into about the history the factions and how it all came to be. The lore of the game is enough to make another new game. But E.Y.E's biggest selling feature is the gameplay and it delivers it in a large amount of depth and variety. E.Y.E allows you to do things that is only skimmed across the surface of other games. You can allow yourself to be a grunt in an army with rifle and some handy grenades but you could also be a hacker who uses cloak to sneak around enemies never killing anyone with your weapons, you could invest in melee weaponry and go in like a ninja slashing all foe who get in your way, or you could lay back and have a trusty sniper rifle in your hand picking off enemies, you can manipulate enemies to do your bidding or cause enemies to kill of one another by causing them to go insane or possess the bodies of enemies to kill. This and a handful more of features that are in-depth that I personally haven't scratched the surface of, the game always leave you with surprises. The best part about the game is the hacking, which is basically a game where you have to use time and speed to hack a certain opponent, what's even more amazing is that the enemy can counter hack you and you may have to hack yourself back into the world to keep playing.

The game is an RPG, but this one has created a world that is rich and vibrant, with sprawling city landscapes and natural environments all feeling large and monolithic filled with interest characters, creatures and machines all waiting for your interaction, with multiple pathways to choose from to finish a mission, it allows you to even go back after a mission for extra content that will help level up your character. The game has 3 upgrade systems that all help you fine tune your character into what you want it to be.

All of this in my opinion is what makes E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy a great game. Though I have mentioned previously that this game is a bit bipolar, and truth to be told it does have many downsides. The game litted with problems, for one thing the translation of the game is shocking, sometimes making very little sense whatsoever. The game has this knack of giving you all these wonderful things and then not telling you about it, even though it has a tutorial manual, it never tell you anything in detail. It took me forever to understand a specific aspect of hacking, only for it be known much later in the game. Another problem is the balancing of skills, some playstyle's will have a disadvantage over others only if you know how to play the game in a certain way to achieves the same balance, for example hacking doesn't give you much skill points but gunplay does, this can make it hard since some units in the game a unhackable, so more time needs to be done grinding on side missions in your spare time than actually playing story mode.

Now even though I have given many critiques of the flaws in the game, all these things can be solved quickly, the game's wonder do in fact outshine it's flaws. An overall experience of it was a one that I have never had before at that time, it's a game that is thoroughly unique and I love it to bits.
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Previous 2016-06-03T05:52:45Z
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simplesmente uma das maiores MERDAS que ja tive o desprazer de jogar cada segundo foi de sofrimento e agonia.
Maybe the WORST game i've ever played. to me is unbeliveble a normal person like a thing like THIS, this game is so FUCKED so CLUNKY and so DESGRAÇADO if you allow me a brazilian word.
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degurechaff 2023-03-02T02:57:18Z
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this is a really odd game made by a obscure french studio based off an aparently in house developed board game, based on the source engine. is that already weird enough? well it gets worse

you awake from a strange dream, in a sudden haze of deja vu, as you head into the first portal, wondering what to make of it all...

eye is basically a really intense half life 2 mod. theres about a hundread things you have to learn when you first start the game. the skills system is incredibly obscure, the research, tech trees, hacking, interface, etc, is all very forign and strange. the game has tutorials but it really doesnt teach much. a lot of this is due to the really rough and loose french translation thats present in the game, which for better or worse is pretty entertianing at times.
so is any of this bad?
well not really, the weirdness of the overall experience, the wacky but sometimes really thought proviking translations really give the charm an incredibly unqiue and charming feel.

so its a first person shooter, with a ton of rpg mechanics shoehorned in. the general combat and controls are fair enough, you have a selection of weapons avalible from the very start (in the locker) and you just pick a load out and try to gun down some crazy looking AI. soon enough you arrive at your hub world, and shit gets real. all the character designs / world design is truly otherworldly and unlike anything you've seen before. just look at pictures of it, its not possible to explain.
you have a mentor and a captian that gives you advice and objectives, fortunately you always know where you need to know due to onscreen hints, which is very welcome. so playing through the levels and getting lost rarely happens.

it's on the source engine so of course the graphics are sort of dated, but the overall atmosphere/design of the enviorment makes up for it. it is a surreal experience to say the least. much of the writing and plot has a very strong philosphical overtone, almost asking "what am i doing here / is it for nothing?" which is very interesting, even if you never quite really know whats going on...

so the general gameplay cycle is pretty basic, talk to mentor/captain, get teleported to mission scenario, follow objectives, kill bad guys ...and then theres one problem.. the Hacking

the hacking is basically one big timesink. its a strategy time based game where you have 5 options to pick from and you have to outsmart the AI. its a numbers game. it can sometimes take 30 minutes straight to hack a required objective. until you realize theres a simple cycle you can repeat for almost every hack in the game and it works... i dont know, the hacking is just a total failure in my eyes. it does nothing but detract from the overall experience and cause frustration and it unnessesarily haults the progress of the game. so fuck that part.

other than that you can talk about EYE forever i feel. theres so much depth in the mechanics (learning new abilites, buying new weapons, unlocking levels and stats) it feels overwhelming, almost consuming. fortunately you can just sort of ignore all of that RPG stuff and kind of play it like a straight FPS, if you have the skills, you'll do fine.

its fast paced, with decent firearm mechanics and a general fun gameplay cycle. nothing ever looks quite samey, so exploring all the enviorments is always interesting. theres a section thats quite long, incredibly obscure, and flat out strange called Noctis Labyrnth. it kind of sucks, but its also really memorable. the helicoptors / enemy spawns are pretty annoying, and you do a LOT of running back and forth it gets pretty tedious...

theres one section where a 'King' tells you to kill '28 humans' and theres no way to track how many, or any idea where to kill these humans
so you basically go to a camp and literally spawn camp the AI as it spawns........pretty lame, goes to show how buggy and unrefined much of the game is. but still, it adds to the charm factor for me.

definately an unforgettable experience, game has many flaws and faults, bugs and oddities, but overall its certainly unique and fun

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darkrecollections 2020-09-03T22:49:59Z
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Drongus E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy 2024-05-04T15:07:36Z
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wintermere E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy 2024-04-28T01:03:16Z
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mittelmaessigexistent E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy 2024-04-27T13:13:40Z
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_AK_ E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy 2024-04-21T07:35:07Z
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blackdre666es E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy 2024-04-16T18:58:15Z
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nxchos E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy 2024-04-11T07:33:17Z
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XterminatoR666 E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy 2024-04-10T12:24:20Z
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UltraKat1337 E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy 2024-04-07T12:04:47Z
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Spletski E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy 2024-04-04T12:33:40Z
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Maksym_Svyda E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy 2024-03-25T16:16:29Z
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Bobek E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy 2024-03-23T17:56:06Z
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wargrl E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy 2024-03-18T13:02:59Z
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Player modes
1-32 players
Multiplayer modes
Cooperative , Deathmatch / FFA, Team play
Multiplayer options
LAN, Online
Also known as
  • E.Ψ.Ǝ: Divine Cybermancy
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  • DomMazzetti 2023-08-27 11:48:34.0659+00
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  • gaizu 2023-09-30 21:03:01.292352+00
    the day i play this ill be the coolest playa in town
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  • marten91 2023-11-29 01:50:45.610627+00
    It needs the same treatment that Pathologic 1 got in form of Pathologic 2
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  • thm_yrk12 2024-02-20 10:18:24.261464+00
    is this the final boss of immersive sims
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  • Zenosyne_ 2024-03-04 01:01:56.414204+00
    get this game. worth every brouzouf
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  • wargrl 2024-03-18 13:04:12.510475+00
    I don't care if the translation is shit, or that the game is janky.. its absolute gem!!!!!
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  • sosa_ 2024-03-20 02:44:57.044707+00
    Needs a sequel/remake
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  • guidop 2024-04-21 21:03:44.253202+00
    is the multiplayer fun
    • Zenosyne_ 2024-04-29 10:20:21.507255+00
      The game never got to develop a large enough community of players so it's pretty dead most of the time, unfortunately. The maps I've played are really cool, but fighting against bots in a large arena gets old fast. I'd just stick to exploring the campaign tbh
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