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Yes, in fact, there is one thing... I'm feeling really uncomfortable, doing these track ratings and I need to get this load off my chest. Alright, so if you look at my ratings and then look at the track average rating and then do the math, you may be confused.
...or I may seem confused.

So here is how I see this: If I give an album a 5-star rating, it is because I feel that this album deserves 5 stars and not because every song on there is a 5-star song. Some of the albums, that I awarded 8,5 (please see my tags for clarification; 8,5 is the same as 4,25) have a better track-average than some of the albums I awarded a 9.
This is because maybe I sometimes feel, that the albums with more flawed tracks have much more personality. Maybe the highlights on these albums mean more to me than the highlights on others. Maybe the album with the slightly more flaws flows better. It really depends.

So don't come along telling me I can't count. Thank you!

For me:

It seems important to me now, so I'll say it: I love The Beach Boys

I am currently editing my awful reviews (there are quite a lot of them :)). So if you see something in the colour red, it is an edit. I'm leaving the bullshit because there's a little bit of bullshit in me and that's good.

»So ist das Leben:
Siebenmal hinunter
Achtmal hinauf!«


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  • jeeeesus 2017-04-03 16:01:37.725267+00
    That's OK, but it's your first quote that implies that I hated the film because I couldn't figure it out. I'm not sure what you think I've missed.
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  • jeeeesus 2017-04-04 11:50:04.431406+00
    You have mistaken my carefully considered expression of the reasons I dislike the film for unfair bias. I have no idea why.

    'punchably idiosyncratic' as in possessing a single characteristic which is exploited in exclusively non-funny ways (as opposed to, say, Mr Bean).

    'blank canvas' as in possessing zero characteristics other than the quietly wise 'Mom' stereotype beloved of every Disney film ever made.

    'off-the-peg ch...' wait a minute what's hate-filled about that?

    I mean, I might understand if you called me out for overreaching about certain things or about my taking issue with a single film for what are faults endemic to the Hollywood system (there's an interesting thread about this on the message boards right now) but you didn't do that; you suggested that I didn't understand the film (in ways you can't or won't explain) and that I have channeled my lack of understanding into building a hate-based personality because to do so is 'easier' than figuring out Honey, I Shrunk the Kids. Have I got that right?

    But hey, thanks a lot for not being a fascist. And you're right, Armageddon is "the shitfest." All the best, j.
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  • jeeeesus 2017-04-07 15:15:15.74499+00
    Thanks for the honest response, and the compliment. It's been good to think about this stuff.

    Suffice it to say that I don't agree with your opinion that art should not be taken seriously, particularly regarding works with mass outreach and particularly those aimed at children. Art / media has the potential to affect how people think and feel and can dumb down, reinforce stereotypes, misinform or corrupt.

    I have grown cynical about the Hollywood films I was raised on (not a particularly uncommon or controversial viewpoint), and see no problem with criticising them accordingly. I do not consider nostalgia a positive impulse. An ideal world would be devoid of cynicism but in this one it's a necessary defence mechanism.

    All that said, I agree with your general point about negativity, and am acutely aware of the fact that I tend toward writing negative reviews (I try at least to make them funny or absurd, though admittedly not in the current case) - often because it's just easier. It's part of the reason I write so few these days.

    All the best, j.
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  • blackearth 2017-04-13 23:50:40.570766+00
    Yeah, no need to come to my profile. I don't know what to tell you, guess anyone who disagrees with you might have to grow up. I mean, getting offended and telling me to grow up because of a small comment about that record? Damn, what a fine example of maturity right there friend.
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  • blackearth 2017-04-14 21:55:11.202662+00
    I'm being honest and I did expect a reaction, I just find it pretty stupid to see a reply by calling someone just to "grow up" because of a brief downplaying on the album, it's a RYM comment box after all, so don't expect a thinkpiece from anyone. Have a nice day you too.
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  • Wuarst 2017-04-26 12:12:18.650617+00
    Hi! Ah, ich hab's einfach nicht so mit der Internetkommunikation. Hauptsache hauptsächlich Musik bewerten und rauß. Stefan Bodzin, ja, ich sehe gerade dass ich das 2015-Album eher lala fand, aber ich gehe deiner Empfehlung mal nach. Ich hype gerade ein wenig Henrik Schwarz. Und die die obligatorische Frage: schon den neuen Lamar gehört? :D grüßlis
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  • lalalandon 2017-06-28 00:06:53.948412+00
    top record of 2017 so far ?
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  • lalalandon 2017-06-28 21:29:16.05051+00
    fleet foxes and planetarium for me. and then mac, slowdive, TOPS and a bunch of others. i liked DAMN a lot tooooo
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