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Horizon Forbidden West

18 February 2022
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3.57 / 5.0
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Horizon Forbidden West Complete Edition
2024 Guerrilla Nixxes  
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pretty much what you expect from a sequel... more machines, deeper gameplay mechanics and the ability to fucking fly
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Kevao 2023-08-26T04:56:30Z
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It's brought down by a pretty boring story and too many characters to care about, but there is plenty to see and do and the combat is engaging and challenging (especially on higher difficulties) and rewarding of different play-styles. It could have used some streamlining, but it's nice to see an open world game that's based on hunting and exploration rather than liberating settlements (though that is a thing you can do if you want to). Considering that weapon and armor upgrades all require harvesting resources off specific enemies, it's refreshing that the drop rates are high, and the ability to shoot them off and collect them without needing to kill the enemies makes for some challenging mid-game decisions. Once you can fly, of course, fleeing combat stops being a challenge.

As others have noted, there is a huge amount of original voice acting and motion capture and just *massive* dialogue trees, so it's a shame that most of it just isn't very interesting. There is plenty of opportunity for political intrigue between the different groups and loosely allied clans that just never really goes anywhere. The late game twists with the Far Zeniths don't land with much weight because they've largely been a distant threat for most of the game, and up close they're just kind of silly.

The cauldron dungeons that aren't part of the main storyline are a platforming bore, with bosses that are generally pretty underwhelming since they're just stronger versions of enemies you've already encountered. With so much good content I'm willing to forgive that some of it feels a little less fleshed out. I got bored with the first one less than halfway through, but I'm looking forward to the DLC on this one, so it's definitely an improvement.
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AmazingRando81 2023-04-12T17:33:24Z
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The original Horizon has only gotten better with age, with its parable of corporate greed and unchecked imperialist consumerism not only killing the world physically, but also spiritually, through the actions of one of the most vile villains in media, all themes which sadly ring more and more true as the years go on. Combined with a fascinating/cool aesthetic that matches nature and machine, as well as excellent and versatile combat, it elevated what was almost just another tedious open world mission-a-thon.

Forbidden West barely clears this goalpost, carried only by the strength of its still great combat, bolstered by new enemies and weapons, and some meter management systems that add flexibility to levelling up your character and gear, but it still doesn't evolve enough where it should. A grapple and glide are featured, but have no use in combat, a missed opportunity for extra alacrity to make things even more exciting. Though I love shooting arrows instead of guns, and the DualSense controller was made for the feedback of drawing back a bowstring, it does have its limits that probably could have been superceded in the five years we had to wait for a sequel.

In almost every other respect, Forbidden West is a disappointment, missing the understated nuance of Zero Dawn and only filling it with a bigger map with more fluff. Yes, the environment is beautiful, and when it comes together with the soundtrack, makes for some organically awe-inspiring moments, but none of the extracurricular activities were expanded upon, save for some light puzzling in the ruins, so having to do more to upgrade your character and especially your gear just turns into busywork. Forcing harder robots on you might make the game harder and more frustrating, but evening the odds is a literal chore. Pick your poison.

While I have attempted to reconcile the plot of Forbidden West while I was playing it, I couldn't lie to myself when I reached the ending. The underlying internal threat of Zero Dawn was swept away for a far more external one, one which fails to expand upon the existential and fearful questions posed by the last game's ending or this game's opening, which makes clear reference to climate change, but doesn't tap into it at all. The ending undercuts much of what gives this game about killer robots a human edge, turning it from a cautionary tale and celebration of nature into just another silly sci-fi romp, on the level of camp approaching Yor: Hunter Of The Future or somesuch. And sadly, much like last time, the A-story doesn't give us much to go on either, and what it does also seems lacking, like Aloy's struggles with understanding family and living up to Sobeck's example, or discussing ethical issues with multiple tribes only to strive for the most centrist solution on most of them. The mocap for the dialogue delivery looks great, but when everything else surrounding the writing is only okay or below, it's easy to start skipping everything.

Technical issues also abound, which I only mention as it hampers the otherwise breathtaking visuals and stellar acting and animation. Overall, the inviting, harrowing, sometimes beautiful atmosphere of Zero Dawn is undercut at every turn in Forbidden West, giving way to...just another overlong open-world romp with average writing. The game's above-average combat and visual style carry it, if only to a burned out and extremely disappointing conclusion.
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Lowlander2 2022-04-13T05:55:33Z
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"Horizon Forbidden West" marks a significant improvement over the previous game, yet I wouldn't recommend it to the players who were not entirely sold by "Zero Dawn". Bigger and better, but just as forgettable.

The story picks up right after the end of "Zero Dawn", and it takes for granted that you still remember most of the lore and characters. Again, we have excellent world-building wasted by a mediocre plot, where the player is dumped with lots of facts and information without building up any kind of emotional involvement. There's a lot to keep in mind, but it's hardly about the characters' feelings or inner thoughts. The villains are barely explored, and despite the fascinating incipit, there is no climax nor satisfying ending to reward the player. Sure, there are not as many annoying holograms and static cutscenes this time, but we still lack any kind of cinematic tension.

Much care has been put into the side quests, and, remarkably, detailed information and independent story arcs have been provided for all the minor characters. However, the characters are so forgettable that things get tedious in the long run. They can keep you busy if you have a lot of spare time, but in my case, I would have preferred the developers to focus on carefully orchestrating the main plot and keep subquests quick and simple, if lack of resources was the issue.

Even if the narrative left a lot to be desired, the overall gameplay is usually fun. Optional activities are more immediate and highly varied. While in "Zero Dawn" the same type of activity implied the exact same routine each time, in "Forbidden West" things rarely repeat themselves. If one Cauldron lets you climb to the top, the next one will let you solve puzzles underwater. If one Tallneck needs you to find the right spot to jump from, the next one will ask you to repair its components.

Hunting machine has obviously been the best part of "Zero Dawn", and "Forbidden West" rewards us with many new enemies and a comprehensive selection of weapons and tools to play with. However, I recommend spending some time experimenting with buffs and different kinds of equipment, as killing machines can get damn hard towards the end. Unfortunately, melee still felt a little clunky, with combos beings a little too hard to remember and apply in combat.

Exploration rewards with valuable loot and lots of experience points, even though I recommend prioritizing the main story until you can swim underwater and overdrive flying machines. Otherwise, you will need to backtrack most areas later on.

As expected, the graphics are some of the best on PS4 and a feast for the eyes on PS5. I have noticed some pop-ins while rushing through the map, but the quality of the character models is impressive. Even random side quests characters have realistic animations and detailed models.

Overall, it's been a fun game to play for the first dozen hours or so, but just as it happened with "Zero Dawn", it gets boring very quickly. I really like the setting and overall atmosphere, but it still lacks that edge in both the narrative and gameplay that made other Play Station exclusives memorable.
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manicure 2022-04-02T08:12:03Z
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campaign platinum
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I picked up this Game because i saw the gorgeous visuals and i just wanted to explore this world despite the fact that i really did not like Horizon Zero Dawn. I hated the Robot lore and the plain characters. And i didnt regret getting this. It is absolutely fantastic and superior to the first one in every way. The vertical World Design (Level Design) and the fact that pretty much everything you do in the Game revolves around getting west combined with these gorgeous visuals and stunning sights give this game a very special adventurous feeling i dont think ive ever had in an open world game of this kind ever before, this is truly something special. and i think that the lack of annoying fetch quests just adds to this. The only time i had this much fun exploring an open world before was probably The Witcher 3. But this Game still has something TW3 didn´t have that is something usually to be found only in linear games where you go on an adventure. The vertical World Design really makes this Game at times seem like a non Open World Game linear Game and that is something really great because Open World games can at times lack a sense of wonder and purpose due to their Open Nature imo. Even if the main story is not that great the side quest are decent at worst and pretty good at best. The Gameplay is without a doubt one of the best open world Combat systems of all time (MGSV maybe being the only one playing in this league).


- Vertical World Design
- Getting to the West
- Gorgeous Visuals
- Solid/Good Side Quests
- lack of fetch quests
- Great Gameplay
- pretty decent lore


- long intro (around 10 hours) which is not representative of the rest of the game
- Main Story is not that great
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mindmastermoe 2022-02-21T12:46:32Z
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LostKotse Horizon Forbidden West 2024-05-01T14:53:50Z
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be_my_cilium Horizon Forbidden West 2024-04-30T11:23:39Z
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coheed83 Horizon Forbidden West 2024-04-21T02:45:39Z
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KoldKenward Horizon Forbidden West 2024-04-17T05:47:58Z
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blacktomatoemperor Horizon Forbidden West 2024-04-10T10:34:48Z
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Audi Horizon Forbidden West 2024-04-08T19:22:48Z
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Finnegan1441 Horizon Forbidden West 2024-03-30T02:24:09Z
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renganoid Horizon Forbidden West 2024-03-28T12:12:31Z
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MF_IGUIN Horizon Forbidden West 2024-03-27T14:45:47Z
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surfinbicho Horizon Forbidden West 2024-03-26T10:15:43Z
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alittlebitfrosty Horizon Forbidden West 2024-03-24T15:12:36Z
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I0000days Horizon Forbidden West 2024-03-23T16:40:01Z
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  • charredwind 2023-07-09 17:51:25.242322+00
    and the story sucks, and the sidequests are boring, and i don't care about any of the characters... but it's something to do with my hands ig
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  • charredwind 2023-07-26 02:03:10.472074+00
    it grew on me but there is still absolutely a lot of garbage in this game
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  • Marshyyy 2023-10-11 14:54:54.775932+00
    i just boot this game up if I wanna relax and look at something pretty. I don't really play it for the characters, I play it for the visuals and world.
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  • Bagman 2023-10-20 08:16:47.199179+00
    Enemies feel way more aggressive than in the original which seems like a good and a bad thing at the same time.
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  • ... 2023-11-13 00:50:40.57716+00
    Monster Hunter + Zelda combined, but without any of the actually good stuff about these series.
    • AJSherick 2023-12-17 23:40:29.74336+00
      Man what a useless statement.
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  • Irascibul 2024-01-03 02:57:28.556413+00
    Such an utter, momentous improvement from the original game it’s crazy. Zero Dawn is the worst AAA game ever made imo, and this game fixed all of its problems. Combat is actually good and fun now with tons of variety and ways to play, graphics are mind blowing and I played on a base PS4, it found a way to make underwater sections engaging. The controls are seamless between underwater and on land and and the visuals are breathtaking,l. Just a fantastic game all around man
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  • I0000days 2024-03-22 17:26:58.928851+00
    Why won't characters shut up in PS exclusives?
  • Finnegan1441 2024-03-30 02:28:03.844432+00
    Lot of gripes with this game but ultimately love it. One of them is the difficulty selection. This game has 6 different difficulties to choose from (played on very hard, 2nd from hardest). Many parts of the game dont seem properly balanced because of this (Colloseum especially). Really hate when games do this instead of just having 2 or 3 difficulties that are properly balanced.
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