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Hip-hop is my favorite genre and is the main genre I cover, but other genres I like include alternative, jazz, reggae, spoken-word, and rock. I will eventually add more ratings and lists from these genres as well. All of my lists contain the albums that I have heard, if there's an album that's not included on a certain list that's most likely because I haven't heard that album. I love to hear new suggestions so feel free to let me know if I'm missing an album you think is great. For example, my best of the 80s hip-hop list has 60 albums in it. That's not saying these are the best 60 hip-hop albums of the 80s, but they are my 60 favorite (in order) that I've heard from the 80s. The same goes for all of my lists unless I specifically say its a top 100 list or top 50, etc.

Album Ratings:
All of my ratings are based off of my opinions. I take all of the following into consideration when I rate these albums: Lyrics, production, content, replay value, song structure, hooks, etc. Music is subjective so I don’t expect everyone to agree with me, but I’m always open to other views and hearing new opinions. I rate the albums with RYM's rating system as well as my own system. Heres how to interpret my ratings:

10: Perfect Album (To Me)
9.5-9.75: Masterpiece
9-9.25: Excellent
8.5-8.75: Great
8-8.25: Good
7-7.75: Solid
6-6.75: Average
5-5.75: Weak
4-4.75: Bad
3-3.75: Terrible
0-2.75: WTF

5 Stars = 10 (Perfect)
4.5 Stars = 9.5-9.75 (Masterpiece)
4 Stars = 9-9.25 (Excellent)
3.5 Stars = 8-8.75 (Good-Great)
3 Stars = 7-7.75 (Solid)
2.5 Stars = 6-6.75 (Average)
2 Stars = 5-5.75 (Weak)
1.5 Stars = 4-4.75 (Bad)
1 Stars = 3-3.75 (Terrible)
.5 Stars = 0-2.75 (WTF)




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User #462,505

Joined 2015-01-01T00:02:25Z

23 mar 2015
8 apr - 12 may 2015
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