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06 September 2023
Starfield - cover art
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2.54 / 5.0
386 Ratings / 4 Reviews
#4,215 All-time
#133 for 2023
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quick thoughts from early access
i hear from my roommate that it’s really similar to oblivion - haven’t played that one though. really reminding me of fallout 3 / nv in space with looooaaaadds of side content. got to the first major city and spent a couple hours just talking to strangers and doing quests. didn’t feel pressured by the main quest at all.

the combat feels good, albeit hip firing does seem to have some auto assist (which is good for me, mileage may vary)could be trippin though. i’ve seen the gunplay compared to FO4 but i didn’t get much time out of that game. one specific moment i loved was throwing a frag grenade at enemies bunched together, jumping into the air, using my jetpack to boost away, and watching their bodies fly in every direction. so many moments that i would’ve dreamed of doing in fallout are possible here.

put in an 9 hour shift playing this game on early access and i’m honestly really enjoying it. i’ve gone through a few main quests and more than a few side quests. one gripe i have is the loading screens between landing / leaving planets and the travel between systems. but considering i can land and have fun exploring and talking to npcs wherever i am for hours, i’ll take the trade off. not sure if anyone cares to read this / my opinion, especially considering the disjointedness, but i’m a huge fan of fallout 3 and NV and have had multiple playthrus of each so hopefully my opinion can hold even a grain of approval
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infection 2023-09-01T10:18:44Z
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A game that comes so close to greatness in many aspects, but falls short right before the finish line, faceplanting and scraping its knee in the process.
there are so many *almost* great mechanics, so many *almost* great storylines, and the main story is *almost* amazing, but Bethesda is so infatuated with dumbing down its games, and making them safe for the "modern audience" that it becomes not just "almost great" but entirely terrible, and not worthwhile.
I may be biased as someone who bought a series X for this, and is a lifelong Bethesda fan, who waited years for the release of starfield, staying up late waiting for its launch, but there's no other way to describe starfield other than it being safe, derivative, boring, and monotonous in all the worst ways possible.
I spent 50 hours on my playthrough, and loved it at first, but every time I think back, I recall more and more shortcomings of the game, where I was blinded by my own desire to enjoy the experience at first, and now, it is impossible to deny just how incredibly lazy Bethesda is as a studio, that *this* is what they spent 25 years on.
Do not bother with this game, Do not buy it, and for the love of god don't do what I did and buy a new console just for this one game.
The only thing I enjoyed about the experience, looking back, was the UAC questline, which was still just *almost* great, with how the ending completely spelled away any nuanced political takeaways you could have, instead just telling the audience the whole conflict was due to "one bad apple", but there were genuinely great moments in it. If you're dead set on playing this game, at least don't miss the UAC questline.
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BitterAndThenSome 2023-12-30T01:09:26Z
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To The Moon (Again)
Starfield is a big game. It’s a good game, too. But it’s a big, good game with issues. And while I generally don’t like to focus on the negatives in games that I’ve enjoyed, I’m afraid in this case I have make an exception, because as great as Starfield is, it’s an experience that’s defined by its restraints and limitations.

See that moon? You can travel there! Just hit the button and you’ll arrive. No need to pilot through space, no need to practice landing. Just click and go. (If only travel on our planet were so convenient – lord knows I’d love for my next trans-Pacific flight to be over in blink.)

And once you’re there? Well, odds are another space ship will fly overhead and land somewhere nearby. It’s almost inevitable. You can moon walk for five minutes to go see if it’s a friendly ship or a pirate one. Or you can walk five minutes in another direction to go witness a special geological formation that’s has randomly formed among the desolate craters. If this actually sounds kind of cool, that’s because it is – the first five or six times, at least. But soon you’ll come to realize how similar all these moons and planets are to one another, and how painstaking it is to traverse across them just to check off some boxes on the planetary survey checklist.

So it goes for combat. I actually enjoy the gunplay quite a bit, but most enemies are either robots or men in spacesuits, and if you play for any length of time you’ll begin to notice the repetitive environments. It’s not just the textures – entire caves and moon bases will reappear, carbon copied from ones you’ve seen previously. I was happy to suspend my disbelief as I jetpacked around and blasted a few bad dudes, but the déjà vu was unsettling just the same.

Ambition is what sets Starfield apart, but it’s also its downfall. Making a game this big and filling it with interesting stuff would literally be impossible. Even if Bethesda had kept the game in the oven for a decade or two, it would still feel incomplete. While I appreciate the ambition, I can’t help but feel that Starfield would be better if Bethesda had focused more on less. Fewer planets with more density; less open space, more cities. Surely there are billions of people in this galaxy? Where do they all live? (On the bright side, there’s plenty of opportunity for Bethesda to offer DLC that adds depth to spaces that are currently empty.)

Yet despite all these grumbles, I did enjoy Starfield. The gunplay is fun, and I’m actually quite impressed by the skill tree. There are so many interesting skills, and every time I leveled up I felt like I had a tough choice to make. And empty as the moonscapes may be, there is something cool about climbing up a lunar mountain and seeing another moon hanging in the sky above. The majesty is real. Bethesda shot for the stars, and though they didn’t quite hit their target, they still landed in a great spot.
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toadhjo 2023-12-19T03:12:20Z
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Apart from the very fun ship building mechanic, this game is an amalgamation of outdated and unfun systems bundled together with some of the most generic and least likeable characters I have encountered in gaming. With all it's flaws I think the game could've done well if it just had decent writing, but unfortunately it doesn't.
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rened22 2023-11-01T15:58:47Z
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Criminally thrown down by console war haters, this is the best game by Bethesda, a shining gem that will set the standards for the next ten years.
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baruch 2023-09-19T14:06:54Z
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O jogo que define a palavra medíocre
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kxpedro 2023-09-17T22:31:55Z
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Megurenibs Starfield 2024-06-27T20:18:33Z
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wubzy265 Starfield 2024-06-25T04:56:35Z
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crimsonsepitaph Starfield 2024-06-24T19:58:42Z
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Fungal_Jungal Starfield 2024-06-24T17:04:35Z
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orots Starfield 2024-06-17T12:47:27Z
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JAChanning Starfield 2024-06-15T21:03:42Z
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Shybull877 Starfield 2024-06-07T06:23:10Z
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americanflotsam Starfield 2024-06-06T04:51:43Z
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MesoUggo Starfield 2024-06-05T03:49:44Z
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protent Starfield 2024-06-01T16:01:28Z
Windows / XSX
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MaestroOak Starfield 2024-06-01T06:31:53Z
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xmd5a8000 Starfield 2024-06-01T02:02:24Z
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  • Zaknainyon 2024-04-21 05:33:35.854647+00
    There are many aspects of this game that I don't like, but the point I want to make is different. I think this game gets unnecessary hate. In fact, Bethesda did not show the player anything that was not in Starfield. They delivered what they promised in trailers, teasers and gameplay videos.
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  • idkpokeit 2024-05-06 18:02:34.911408+00
    People who call this overhated are dumb
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  • DomMazzetti 2024-05-08 02:32:07.884831+00
    Overhated, should be a 2.59.
    • hugo6849 2024-05-11 20:30:58.854489+00
      2.57, the minimum
    • TheRealJimMorrison 2024-05-21 05:13:02.796827+00
      Nahhhh I was thinking 2.59.5
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  • packtsardines 2024-06-10 03:53:24.568513+00
    i really hope this improves like no mans sky but its bethesda so it probably wont
    • to_noid_or_not_to_noid 2024-06-17 20:03:11.466445+00
      They’ll rely on “”the community”” for that.
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  • teags 2024-06-16 19:59:23.242721+00
    i honestly would have finished this if half the playtime wasnt loading screens or the guns didnt feel like super soakers
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