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Spyro Reignited Trilogy

Developers: Toys for BobInsomniac Games Publisher: Activision
13 November 2018
Spyro Reignited Trilogy - cover art
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3.86 / 5.0
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2018 Toys for Bob Insomniac  
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I know we're in an era where remakes to beloved media from yesteryear is becoming prevalent, however I'd be lying if I said this remake of the ps1 Spyro games was anything short of a masterpiece (unless we're talking about the comedic timing with its comedy but hey, it could've been worse)

Obviously the first game was what relieved the most love and care with this remake, so much so that the other two games were built around the first game as opposed to all three games running on different engines from each other originally. In particular, the third game had the most work put into it given how the original was slightly rushed back in the day which resulted from the occasional lack of polished it now has in this collection. What really sold me was the updated graphics which are more cartoony than the original (which sadly does affect its comedy in a bad but unsubstantial way) but otherwise retains the artistry of the original trilogy. I've also got to give props to the voice acting, which is far superior here than in the original, likely due to the actors having better direction as several of them did return from the original on this collection.

This is a remake Disney wishes it could accomplish, being able to recapture the magic of the source material whilst ironing out elements from the original that didn't work to begin with. It was clearly made by people who love the original games and is definitely worth your time whether you liked their ps1 counterparts or not.
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Foxylover92 2021-06-23T00:26:12Z
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I’ll keep it simple: fine games in their own right, bad remakes. Whole thing butchered the original games’ tone and atmosphere.

Sound design is bad in general though. Anything remotely snarky or edgy was filed down, voice acting makes it feel like everyone is trying to act nice. Game looks too bright. Palettes are simplified to focus too hard on one temparature. Weird artistic choices in many places, a lot of stuff where I can’t understand what they were going for. A lot of stuff looks flat, a lot of other stuff looks messy. Some really nice remakes of levels in here and it shows a nice budget and some technical skill but incredibly inconsistent and often unappealing.

Fun fact: this trilogy had less than a year of development time. It explains a lot. But the first game wasn’t something they crunched on as hard and I think all those issues are still there in the first game in spades. I feel bad the devs had to crunch so horribly on this, I don’t hold it against them, but I still hate this trilogy and I don’t think the all come down to crunch.

If you can help it, play the originals instead. If you want to see where I think this game could improve graphically and art wise play Crash 4 lol. I can’t keep my bias out of this but I wanted to chuck another review on the list vouching for the originals instead.
The games underneath all their problems have good level design and there are unabashedly good levels that really did get a glow-up but there’s this issue with the character of the games being so saccharine that permeates these remakes. It’s irritating. Moreso as someone who grew up, with the originals but if Reignited existed in a bubble? I’d still call it good but extremely flawed, it’s no masterpiece, extremely mixed feelings.

Spyro 2 improved the most honestly, many would disagree but it had the levels that improved the most over the original and the original had the most room to improve. The forced backtracking is a lot better and more minor in the Reignited version of Spyro 2. I like it. The others are take it or leave it and personally I hate them.
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A poor excuse of a remake and about par with the industry standard. No new content or compelling quality of life updates and the old stuff is represented in an inconsistent, frustrating way that screams deadlines and crunch. The big problem here as with so many remakes nowadays is if they had just upres'd the original ROMs and shifted the L1 R1 camera controls to the right analog stick we would have a better bang for everyone's buck. The unimaginative visuals, game-breaking glitches, and descending attention to detail and polish in general (Spyro the Dragon most polished and a decent if unnecessary remake, to Year of the Dragon being oft-times an unplayable buggy mess) make this a truly frustrating experience for hardcore fans of this trilogy which I am very much one.
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toystory5willbeok 2022-04-24T22:10:13Z
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It's a pretty good remake/nearly direct 1:1 port with updated graphics, though I don't think it invalidates the original games at all and there's quite a few glitches that occur more and more frequently as you progress, especially in 2 and 3 that make it kinda clear that the original game got the front end of the beta testing at least when it comes to collision detection. For example, I had to leave and reset one of the stages in 2 because I was supposed to gather together some cattle-bug things but one of them flew through a wall and seemingly out of the map because I sure couldn't find where the hell it went. Another time in 1 an enemy got trapped in an invulnerability state where he wouldn't register as being headbash-able until I died and reloaded a checkpoint. The levels are short enough that it's not that much of an issue outside of losing a few minutes, though.

Other than just general bugs like that it's about the same experience as the PS1 games, for better or for worse. I think it's a safe recommend if you're into these kind of generally easy but pretty and relaxing collect-a-thon mascot platformer games, although it very much still feels like a game from 1999.
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Really sleek, and overall plays really well, but there are certain points in each game in the series that stopped me short. I refused to do the final boss of the first game it's so poorly designed, I refuse to collect everything necessary to get to the final boss of the second game (way too much required) and the third game's first boss is just so poorly executed I have no want to continue. But when it wasn't these parts, I actually had a lot of fun. Balance your game tho
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jerseyscribe 2021-07-18T05:11:53Z
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So, rather than talking about the games on their own individual merits here, I'm going to review this album in the lens of seeing what it did better and worse than the original PS1 trilogy. So obviously the main draw of this game is the completely revamped artwork, bringing the game to the standard of a more modern era of gaming, and I've got to say, I'm really mixed on what they did here. For starters, the level design for the most part looks absolutely stunning, with a lot more detail to the backgrounds and scenery textures far surpassing what the old games could obviously have, and also my own expectations. The little details like the grass catching fire what you breathe on it and how the light reflects and interacts with certain surfaces especially bring the world to life.

Unfortunately, while the scenery itself looks absolutely stunning for the most part, I can't deny the fact that a lot of places had a great deal of missed potential, either being far less charming than in the original, or just failing to establish the same sort of atmosphere. This felt most prominent in the Twilight Harbour level, taking the dark red sky and gritty, industrial aesthetic and turning it into a friendlier looking place where the enemies had paintball guns rather than the real ones they had in the original. This would be less egregious if not for the fact that it served as the final main level of the game and made for a tense buildup to the final boss, a lot of this tension and feeling that you're truly approaching the end being taken away with this overhaul. Similar issues, albeit to a lesser extent, can be seen in levels such as Cloud Spires or Ice Caverns, where a lot of the careful attention to colours was lost, Ice Caverns in particular feeling more like a generic ice cave than the beautiful mix of purple and white that made the original's so striking.

Character design in general is also quite a bit issue I have in some places, as while Spyro himself, along with other characters like Elora and Bianca all look absolutely great in this, feeling as if their designs changed in a way that suits the game perfectly, there are some others that really don't do the originals much justice. While it's an obvious pick, the biggest example really is Hunter from here, losing a lot of the goofiness that made him such an iconic, entertaining character, replaced with him looking more like a generic "cool" sort of character. It also feels quite clear that each game of the trilogy likely had a different art director, or at least different ones being prominent, as in the 3rd game particularly, the enemies look so different to previous games in a way that is distracting, especially given how hideously cartoony they look, with eyes even more oversized than usual and so many creatures having an almost plasticky quality to them. This especially became an issue with the boss fights of the 3rd game, none of which had anywhere near the same amount of creepiness and genuinely apocalyptic atmosphere surrounding them, such as the hellscape of Buzz's fight and Spike's mysterious, sci-fi feel.

While I've mainly talked about the differences in art due to this being the main change the games have received, I also noticed a few gameplay differences, mostly negative, but a few great little changes as well that ought to be mentioned. The control of the characters in general has been streamlined here, whether it be the much easier movement while supercharged, or the additional playable characters in Year of the Dragon being especially changed for the better. Sgt Bird is now capable of actually hitting a target without excessively finicky movement, Bentley's speed has been increased to the point where it no longer feels like you're moving thorugh molasses, and Agent 9 is in a bit faster and more fluid to the point where he now feels like a genuinely kinda-playable character, which is a massive improvement to his original counterpart. Other more minor changes, such as how Spyro slides have also been changed for the better, though these are somewhat less game-changing, but nonetheless appreciated. There's one mechanic however that felt clearly changed for the worse, and that's the flight levels, with moving up and down making the camera move in ways that often block proper vision. Furthermore, boosting in these levels causes Spyro to start drifting in very imprecise ways to the point where it often feels better to just avoid them completely, which is quite a shame.

There were also a variety of smaller glitches that added up over time, especially with certain pathfinding algortithms seemingly not working properly, be it the egg thief in Crystal Islands getting stuck and just, not moving, eliminating the challenge completely, or the way certain AI companions in a couple of sections would sometimes not activate what they were supposed to, causing restarts to be required for no fault of the player themselves. The game also could've used some alternate camera angels for a few minigames like in the original trilogy, as some were clearly designed around having a somewhat different field of view, making some of the sections genuinely awful due to not being able to see what you needed to without spinning the camera around like a madman. Overall though, despite having given all of these criticisms of the game and personally finding playing the original trilogy to be the superior experience to the Reignited one, this is still at its core the original Spyro trilogy, and I absolutely adore the original Spyro trilogy, so I strongly recommend giving this game a shot, especially if you've never played these games and are able to look past a few bits of outdated game design here and there.
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Kempokid 2021-06-26T09:11:12Z
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DonMira Spyro Reignited Trilogy 2024-06-30T13:53:01Z
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BachIsDead Spyro Reignited Trilogy 2024-06-29T10:59:21Z
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thugnificent2161 Spyro Reignited Trilogy 2024-06-27T16:07:39Z
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Goma Spyro Reignited Trilogy 2024-06-25T19:58:26Z
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giggz Spyro Reignited Trilogy 2024-06-24T10:41:01Z
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Asudifo Spyro Reignited Trilogy 2024-06-20T19:21:19Z
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MusicFan713 Spyro Reignited Trilogy 2024-06-13T19:49:07Z
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Jigglybacon Spyro Reignited Trilogy 2024-06-06T22:46:12Z
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GaryOak69 Spyro Reignited Trilogy 2024-06-03T03:07:55Z
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CyXato Spyro Reignited Trilogy 2024-05-31T02:35:47Z
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MaestroOak Spyro Reignited Trilogy 2024-05-29T04:55:26Z
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sadgirl2023 Spyro Reignited Trilogy 2024-05-28T18:12:28Z
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  • n84NTno 2021-10-02 20:33:56.8341+00
    *actually it's 40 dollars on Steam, not 60. My point still stands.
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  • Turton 2021-10-20 05:40:03.351083+00
    literally invented the soul vs soulless meme
    • SongLyricHere 2022-03-25 15:11:08.582265+00
      Lol was it this game
    • Drawdler 2023-10-02 03:43:00.056821+00
      i thought that was pokemon (and i don’t even agree with people saying the 3ds games or scarvi are soulless)
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  • mirrorcult 2022-09-22 15:28:52.952047+00
    this is a really great remaster tbh. i absolutely love the og trilogy and this keeps all the things i loved while also making it decently pretty
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  • Bluemountains 2023-07-10 23:40:08.691303+00
    I asked a speedrunner about the fps bug, and he said that the game breaks when the fps is set at a multiple of 12. For example, 30, 37, and 50 all work fine, but 36, 48, and 60 do not. So the way you fix it is to either play at 30fps, or use Nvidia's frame capper and choose a "non-cursed" number.
    The thing I don't get, is why the developers didn't give us the option to use "safe" numbers, because that would seem like a very easy solution to the biggest problem in the game
    Other than that, it's a near-perfect 3D platformer, especially for people like me who never got a chance to play the originals
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  • deadass 2023-08-14 19:27:51.445137+00
    why are the credits like 10 hours long
    • watercolour 2023-08-15 18:20:49.413846+00
      in order to completely torture the unfortunate type of human being who has the unfortunate complex with the need to memorize every first and last name of every person in the Credits in order to feel like they have a proper appreciation of the foundation of the medium that is Gaming.
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  • Drawdler 2023-10-02 03:42:03.076823+00
    I’m glad this game actually gets criticism on this site, it’s an alright game and they honestly nailed some of the levels but I still think this is shit as a remake. The original games had a sass and edge and way more restraint to them, this is just goofy aah zany with Johnny test sound effects in cutscenes and everyone acting saccharine. Spyro wasn’t primarily cartoony, cartoonishness was instead an aspect of him, but they just flanderised the tone and direction down to complete cartoonishness for this remake. Really have to ignore a lot to enjoy this one. NST had its issues but I feel like I could go either way with that one, whereas with Reignited I clearly prefer a few levels in the remake, and otherwise clearly prefer the originals. Even aside from the changes or comparisons there are just a lot of shit artistic choices in general, even in the first game. I’ve tried so hard to like this but I just can’t.
    • Drawdler 2023-10-02 03:44:21.122964+00
      I’ve always been conflicted about my rating for the same reason, it’s like a 3-4 as a remake and a 6-7 in a vacuum for me.
    • Drawdler 2023-10-02 03:45:31.174795+00
      P.S. remade music sucks enormous ass in this game
    • Moonlight_Shiori 2024-01-06 04:00:34.986737+00
      yeah i agree with you. it does alright at times, but they really screwed the pooch with a lot of the character design choices, visual changes, level layouts, various bugs, and - like you said - it had zero sass. i didn't feel the charm to it in the same way i do with the originals.

      it's hard to rate, but it gets a C from me.
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  • girlpetter 2024-06-18 04:23:31.459759+00
    theres a reason people still show screenshots of the original games in reference to gorgeous video game levels but ive never seen a screenshot from the remakes in the wild. soulless. fun of course, but they totally missed the appeal
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