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Mega Man 7

Rockman 7 宿命の対決!

Developer / Publisher: Capcom
24 May 1995
Mega Man 7 [Rockman 7 宿命の対決!] - cover art
Glitchwave rating
3.36 / 5.0
262 Ratings / 3 Reviews
#1,760 All-time
#38 for 1995
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Releases 6
1995 Capcom  
JP 4 976219 144162 SHVC-A7RJ-JPN
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XNA XSA 0 13388 13031 3 M/SNS-A7RE-USA
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The way that the classic Mega Man franchise had adamantly remained as stylistically consistent as it did through its run on the NES was always one of the biggest points of contention for me when going through the games, not really feeling as if the sequels had added a whole lot that meaningfully justified them, instead feeling stagnant. As such, the breath of fresh air I felt when I moved over to Mega Man 7 was pretty immense, with the visual differences alone immediately setting a sort of precedent that this was going to be THE game in the series that gave me a stronger sense of appreciation on the whole, and in some ways, it honestly was exactly that, even if the differences were yet again rather minor compared to what they might have seemed. On the other hand, I feel like Mega Man 7 is a pretty interesting look into how greater hardware capabilities are able to shape how a game approaches its design, seeing what parts exactly stay consistent while also witnessing a lot of bits and pieces that could finally be better realised to further provide the desired experience.

The visual differences of this game are what immediately stand out to me as a huuuge improvement for the most part, with everything having such a strong sense of fluidity to them, everything bursting with a far more exaggerated sense of cartoonish charm while only very rarely feeling as if the extra movement got in the way of clarity in various forms, most notably the enemy telegraphs. I say very rarely because the one big exception to this is Mega Man himself feeling a bit too all over the place with his animations, getting into the motion and flopping around slightly too much for jumping to feel as consistent as it was back on the NES. It's not a huge deal overall because it's minor enough that you can get used to it with a bit of time but it's still something that can make things feel more perilous than they often should. In basically all the other cases though, I really appreciate the visual overhaul and what it does to breath further life into a lot of these stages, being able to have so much more moving objects in the background and foreground without running the risk of forcing the player to play a game at 2 FPS. This is especially cool in places like Turbo Man's stage where part of the level is dedicated to riding on the back of a giant truck down a race course, now having so much more energy behind it without feeling as if there was a stark disconnect between the pretty visuals and the elements you could actually interact with.
This is also the first game in the series where I felt like I was actually encouraged to explore a bit more as well, with a few miscellaneous quality of life changes such as being able to swap through boss weapons with the shoulder buttons combined with a lot more unique and intuitive triggers to find secrets.

Experimentation really for the first time feels as if it was fully considered in a way that didn't feel especially contrived, not quite having the same braindead "secrets" as Mega Man 6 would have, but not being especially obtuse either, leaving this nice middle ground where it feels genuinely engaging to mess around and see what effect your weapons have on the world. The weapons themselves are definitely not the most varied they've ever been but practically all of them actually feel useful in what individual quirks they each have, and the aforementioned quality of life improvement of weapon swapping makes it easier than ever to move to them without wasting time in a pause menu as well, which actually manages to provide a bit more appeal to one of the core ideas behind a Mega Man game, the different experiences depending on boss order.

While I'm still not entirely sold on the sense of replayability behind these games, given that there are only so many ways one can approach a lot of these platforming situations regardless of the weapon selection they have, this is certainly the most convincing game for this idea that I've seen yet, with the amount of little secrets and additional paths potentially shaping your route through the stages in very overt ways. Also while the idea of only giving you access to four of the robot masters at the start and showing off the others once you beat the first lot seems like a bad idea thanks to how it reduces that initial choice a great deal, the way it's able to better contribute to a difficulty curve and proper sense of progression more than makes up for it in my eyes. It swaps out the feeling of going from 0 to 100 that the past games had with the transition into the wily stages and now provides a nice middle ground to better prepare you without having to take into account the idea of one of them being the first level that someone would enter.

At this point I've also just realised that I feel like I'd enjoy a lot of these games more if the Wily stages largely just, didn't exist, even though this one is less egregious than some previous entries. I feel like one of the big draws of this series for me personally is the rapid fire collection of unique environments and aesthetics thrown your way that don't have to coherently fit together, taking you on a journey through so many different, creative ideas. Contrasting this with the often deeply clinical and repetitive stages through the fortresses is instantly a huge mood killer that's made worse by how much less engaging it ends up being to play through for other reasons as well. The difficulty in Mega Man when it really ramps up almost never feels fully interesting, but more just annoying with the often silly precision it requires of you combined with being brutally unforgiving. The way these situations are chained together throughout a lot of the stages leads to a feeling unpleasant, everything feels like a challenge explicitly designed to mess you up rather than exploring a hostile environment that naturally wants you dead, and as such, the inherent artificiality in a lot of these levels rears its ugly head to a much greater degree. In this however it's mostly the bosses of the Wily stages that frustrate me the most, either being too erratic to feel as if there's a strategy greater than "just jump around and hope for the best", or being long, painful endurance tests. The final boss is both of these things to such a degree that I just want to find the main designer of it and have a stern talking to them, absolute garbage fire way to end the game even if it ultimately doesn't shape the experience as a whole too much for me.

In general, despite my complaints, I still would readily consider this to be my favourite game in the series so far, with the way it takes the ideas of the previous titles and expands upon a lot of them in ways that make it feel far more compelling. Nothing feels truly revolutionary, but it feels like there were a lot of more subtle design changes underneath it all to lead to a game that feels like it embraced the new possibilities it had with open arms while still remembering what it wanted to be. All my usual issues with the game are present enough that I don't outright love this as a whole, but it's certainly the closest I've been to doing so, and that surely has to count for something. Looking forward to MM8 considering that's apparently the one that shook things up the most.
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Kempokid 2022-10-20T00:20:53Z
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Mega Man 7 is the favourite of few Mega Man fans but I think it’s pretty good.

I like the game’s visuals. It goes for a very stylized look that feels reminiscent of the NES game with the exaggerated facial proportions and it does good justice to the official artwork. The environmental art is also good.

The art comes up as a flaw often in conversation about MM7 because Mega Man is considerably large on the screen compared to older Mega Man games including the X series. While that is usually an issue in games, I don’t think it’s a big problem here. To compensate, the developers seem to have slowed Mega Man projectiles but for some reason it works. The game is still snappy Mega Man fun. Maybe the slower movement speed emphasizes this more than previous games, but I found myself using the slide as a dodge more often in 7 than the NES titles.

I will say though there were times when I didn’t know if I could make a jump or barely missed a pretty small-looking jump because the collision box for Mega Man standing on the edge of a platform is pretty weird. It hurts the gamefeel, even if only a little bit.

With that said, the stages are really strong. The level gimmicks are memorable and the alternate routes and secrets bring intrigue to these little adventures.

This is going to be some weird praise, but I think that Mega Man 7 has the best implementation of upgrades in the Prime series. There’s a lot of bonus upgrades and secrets to find and they are all pretty meaningful. You don’t do a lot of “piece-hunting” like in Mega Man V aside from collecting the Rush letters, and that big upgrade is signaled really hard so its difficult to miss, and the reward is worth the journey! Even if you don’t find certain upgrades in the level, you can always just buy most of them from Auto, which is really cool.

One of the exceptions being Auto’s Hyperbolt which I wish was hinted at a lot better. It’s an obscure secret.

The music is weird texture-wise but I think it’s a mostly great soundtrack. It’s doing something a little different from the NES games and the X series, but it has catchy stage themes in bounds and the depth of the compositions is engulfing.

This game comes together for me. I still prefer to play this one over many other Mega Man titles and appreciate the specific idea it was pursuing.
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DoubleCakes 2021-07-09T17:34:43Z
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ranzac Rockman 7 宿命の対決! 2024-05-01T14:57:33Z
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bewater Rockman 7 宿命の対決! 2024-04-29T15:18:42Z
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pkbean Rockman 7 宿命の対決! 2024-04-20T08:50:08Z
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GojiraTaiMosura Rockman 7 宿命の対決! 2024-04-19T16:18:44Z
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Upsilon_Nova Rockman 7 宿命の対決! 2024-04-01T01:32:30Z
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jcselement Rockman 7 宿命の対決! 2024-03-29T11:06:53Z
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zanderman Rockman 7 宿命の対決! 2024-03-26T19:51:04Z
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Rijndah Rockman 7 宿命の対決! 2024-03-25T21:16:40Z
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eliottstaten Rockman 7 宿命の対決! 2024-03-14T07:38:46Z
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Gibbous Rockman 7 宿命の対決! 2024-03-06T00:15:36Z
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Nomorechie Rockman 7 宿命の対決! 2024-03-04T07:16:11Z
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foiebump Rockman 7 宿命の対決! 2024-02-26T03:36:28Z
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1x Cartridge
Also known as
  • Mega Man 7
  • Rockman 7: Shukumei no Taiketsu!
  • Rockman 7: Showdown of Destiny!
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  • Banana_PD 2022-07-20 13:02:05.372505+00
    I love the look, but it's somewhat jarring going from the NES games to this, with everyone suddenly having noses and stuff.
    • Banana_PD 2022-07-23 00:54:16.260338+00
      Proud of myself for gitting gud against the Wily Capsule. What the hell is up with that edgelord ending, though?
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  • UnmistakableRin 2022-07-31 03:57:01.463716+00
    Mega Man fans are weird
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  • MisTurHappy 2022-08-11 08:25:43.151573+00
    Adore this game, very glad to see people warming up to it. My biggest complaint is actually the sound. Lots of the compositions are great, but the soundfont/patches/samples or whatever you want to call it are consistently high pitched and whiny in a way that exhausts me after only a couple minutes. Some real bangers in the OST, but I'll be sticking to remixes instead of the original tracks for most of them.
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  • Incidius 2023-01-17 21:43:03.340952+00
    Wtf that final boss was brutal
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  • Green_h 2023-01-21 02:05:35.462273+00
    masochists (classic mm fans) when games are fun and not just overly hard for the sake of longer playtimes

    seriously i feel like just the addition of the shop let the levels breathe more and stop the game from just become a series of brick walls to mash into like some other earlier ones. even the final boss can be sedated because they actually allow you to stock up on E and W tanks instead of just throwing you in there
    • omo_ree 2023-12-31 19:17:06.207591+00
      this game is harder than 5 and 6 imo lol,especially final boss
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  • LuraEternal 2024-02-09 14:45:50.622969+00
    It seems minor at first but the fact 4 robot masters are locked at the start for no reason really hurts replayability
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