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Developer: Kaos Studios Publisher: THQ
14 March 2011
Homefront - cover art
Glitchwave rating
1.86 / 5.0
210 Ratings / 2 Reviews
#285 for 2011
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Releases 5
2011 Kaos THQ  
Homefront Xbox 360
2011 Kaos THQ  
XEU 4 005209 141222
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Homefront Exclusive Resistance Multiplayer Pack
2011 Kaos THQ  
GB 4 005209 144452 BLES-00962
2011 Kaos THQ  
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Homefront is set in the near future, where North and South Korea have united as the “Greater Korean Republic”. Over time, their power has grown, and eventually have occupied large parts of the US, after a combination of events.

You play as Robert Jacobs, a former helicopter pilot and classic silent protagonist. You are taken by the Koreans and transported by bus with one other guy. As the bus moves and your new “friend” is saying how you need to stick together to survive, you can look out of the window to see the atrocities committed by the soldiers. They seem to be rounding everyone up by force, even shooting some people, including a small child’s parents in front of him. It was quite shocking and surprising to see that - usually developers will shy away from such grim content. Throughout the game, it does touch on the darker sides of war, and not just portraying the Koreans in a bad way; so it’s definitely going down the “Spec Ops: The Line” route.

A group of resistance fighters plough into your bus in a dangerous rescue attempt; nearly killing you in the process. Despite this, Robert has no qualms joining the resistance.

The game mainly takes place in urban areas, although there were some missions in the countryside. I particularly liked it when you were battling inside a large department store, but this section could have been longer. These are much cooler environments than battling in fields/trenches like many FPS war games.

Some people seem to complain about the product placement, but it makes the world more believable. I also thought it was quite funny when team members are telling you enemies are coming out of Hooters.

There’s a few sections where you are flying a helicopter, or gunning from a helicopter or APC, but the majority of time you are running around on foot and shooting standard enemies. It does make use of cover based gameplay, so you will be popping your head above objects such as cars and fences, before ducking down to reload. There’s a few sections where you are accompanied by this rocket-launching vehicle known as Goliath. You can use your targeting computer to instruct it to fire rockets which you will need to do in order to ensure Goliath’s survival against the RPG troops or tanks.

You can only carry two weapons, so will often grab guns off the ground and keep switching as you go. You do have a few grenades and there’s a few sections where you find C4.

Between the shooting, you mainly follow your team, and will have to wait for them to shift cupboards that are barricading doors, or squeezing through small passages. I assume this is the usual hidden loading screen.

Throughout the game there are newspapers to collect that also provide a bit more backstory.

The graphics look a bit dated, but I guess it is quite old now. The sound was quite satisfying and many of the death screams sounded like the classic “Wilhelm scream”.

I don’t think I’m very good at FPS games but I thought this game seemed fairly easy. I mainly died due to grenades which seemed to happen quite a lot early on - which was frustrating. The game uses the typical regenerating health when you avoid damage (which seemed a bit too fast if anything), and there’s frequent checkpoints when you do die. I’d imagine FPS fans will find this game far too easy.

I managed to complete the game in just under 4 hours, but it didn’t really feel that short. Still, those expecting a lengthier 8 hour plus game will be disappointed here. I liked the setting of the game, but felt it could have been developed further. Apart from some of the story themes, it’s basically just another generic FPS really.
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CaptainClam 2020-09-11T20:44:38Z
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so this game is hot off the heels of the cod 4 crisis back in late 2000's or some shit. seriously, this IS cod 4, just worse in every way. we will safely disregard multiplayer, because fuck that. the campaign is 4 hours.
so with that in mind, what do we get?
everything is generic as possible. I already forget the story/all the characters they suck so much. Ignore
graphics are stock standard, I mean it. it some how manages to look and feel worse than Cod4. cod 4 seriously has a better engine.
You can't shoot through objects, enviorments don't really get destroyed.
theres a variety of weapons, but it actually doesnt matter
Seriously every gun kind of feels the same and does the same function. It's just the way its designed. Laser accuracy, no recoil, etc. its pointless . Just use machine gun #1248125

It's a shooting gallery with a really tame and uninteresting story about korea taking over the world or some shit, idk. World war 3 apocalypse, except its a total missed opportunity because NONE of it is stand out. It's melodramatic militaristic bulshit. Fuck man, why did you fall so hard? sounds good on paper, but nah. its just boring.

Look, for what it does its not pathetic. If you want a shooting gallery with kind of mindless AI, whack a mole pop-head out of cover gameplay, its here. For a few bucks its fun for an evening of drinking beer & being stupidly entertained by a cliche war FPS. The mechancis are kind of there, theres a hitbox when you kill the AI and that *TICK!* everytime your shot hits, its mildly entertaing.

It's mildly entertaining.

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darkrecollections 2020-09-03T22:54:59Z
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No home here
Its a pretty bad Call of Duty clone. It offers all of the cliches present in the military shooter genre, including the excitement of having to wait for your AI teamates to open doors for you, shooting down helicopters with javelins, knife kills, and of course the obligatory sniper stealth level. Its only missing the dogs, but i guess they can still add that to the sequel. There is no sort of innovation in this game at all, and since its so linear there is little fun to be had. The weapons are useless unless you ADS, and the enemy AI is dumb as hell. Storywise it tries to be grim and dark, but i find it hard to take it seriously when it is so hard to relate to any of the wooden characters. Its really short as well, lasting about 3-4 hours. Overal a pretty terrible game
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Threntall 2016-11-11T22:48:48Z
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Josh783 Homefront 2024-05-11T22:42:34Z
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Manygodsnomasters Homefront 2024-04-25T23:12:38Z
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svartkonst Homefront 2024-04-25T20:38:58Z
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shanethebrownbastard Homefront 2024-04-19T05:05:06Z
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DarK_RaideR Homefront 2024-04-17T13:34:48Z
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stillnotasaint Homefront 2024-03-30T14:12:11Z
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polaroid_android Homefront 2024-03-15T19:55:47Z
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TK56789 Homefront 2024-03-10T20:09:00Z
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ssguiss Homefront 2024-03-03T19:37:14Z
PS3 • GB
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philichili Homefront 2024-02-20T15:15:30Z
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celticphantom Homefront 2024-02-15T22:48:19Z
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Pumas Homefront 2024-02-08T01:04:25Z
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  • Abelton 2022-12-03 14:32:24.095189+00
    The North Korea "trivia" in the collectible notes is straight up just propaganda
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  • townandcountry 2023-01-25 08:12:43.678138+00
    POV: It is raining white phosphorus
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  • ... 2023-08-29 17:36:16.458934+00
    Just beat this for the first time since release on hardest difficulty. It has aged like sewage in nearly every way. The story is a complete joke, unimaginative even from an alternative history perspective, the friendly AI is so laughably bad at their own game they can't leave cover for more than 1 second without getting downed, cover is also useless as the enemy AI can see through everything that isn't a solid wall, and every single gun feels the same and is a one hit headshot so the game is brainless to complete. The shooter setpieces it puts you in aren't terrible, but the entire game involves 50% following the SLOW friendly characters around suburbs and 50% shooting at waves of soldiers. I kept having to reload checkpoints because the game would bug and not load the next cutscene ("regroup") It has quite good voice acting that's about the only positive thing I can say about it. I also enjoy the way the m4 sounds like a chainsaw for some reason.
    • m_crowley 2024-03-25 22:39:17.779246+00
      fun fact: the m4 sounds like a chainsaw because the weapon sound file is playing at double speed for some reason
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  • DomMazzetti 2023-10-04 15:03:09.486143+00
    I like the hat.
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  • DaymanNightman 2023-10-13 05:22:59.563629+00
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