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"You get an album full of cool-sounding fragments with nothing to say - a hipster's wet dream." ~ Hippocampus

"There is, on the other hand, the incontrovertible fact that popularity has never been the sole determining factor of one's artistic eminence. Nor has one's personality or averred pomposity. Many brilliant artists are right fucking jerks, and I count myself among the most brilliant of all time." - Clayton Counts from Bull of Heaven, basking in unwarranted self-importance

True story: There's an old blues band playing on a street corner in Harlem and they are inviting folks to jam with them. So a young, recent Berklee graduate joins in with his wailing sax, playing free jazz lines to the bemusement of many of the onlookers, until finally, the old band leader confronts the sax player. "Man, what are you doing?" he asks. The young saxophonist answered, "Oh, I was just playing what I was feeling". The old man responds, "Oh really? Well, how about feeling something in Bb, motherfucker!"

My five stars are IRRITATING. I guess I just don't get it man, I just don't get it :(



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User #294,730

Joined 2009-03-11T16:07:45Z

23 mar 2015
8 apr - 12 may 2015
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