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Most, if not all, of the albums listed under 'collection' as 'Used to Own' were vinyl copies, 33 1/3 rpm, that were once owned and were donated to a couple colleges a while back. Initially a couple hundred to one college, keeping my best hundred, then choosing to donate those last ones to another university eventually altogether. Now in the process of getting CD versions of the vinyls that I once had. Which isn't easy since a number of them haven't been converted, except, maybe, into a cassette format. and I'd really, really much rather have a CD version of the exact 'original' vinyl release in place of the 'bonus tracks' added type releases; which really isn't what I'd prefer as each album was a 'concept' item of art, so to speak. Adding other forms of music/different artists as I go along as well to my overall collection.

My father had converted most, if not all, of his 78s & 45s from the forties and fifties onto reel-to-reel and I used to listen to those as I grew up, thinking to do the same with my collection eventually, as well; but then they came out with the 8-track, cassette, and finally the CD variety which really nullified the reel-to-reel format, at least, to my way of thinking. I really wish I had that o' trunk of old 78s and 45s from those days, I could really have added to the overall accumulation of knowledge as this site, RYM, has the potential of doing. But they regrettably got lost, stolen or thrown out. What they used to do with the 45s was 'box' four of them together with four songs on each 45, two songs to a side, and have an overall 'box collection' of twelve songs, like they had with 33 1/3 vinyls eventually, like, since during the mid-fifties?...can't quite remember since I was pretty young at the time and I need to do some research. Many of my postings of track listings of my previously owned copies are from rote memory augmented from what information/data I can gleen from various Internet sites that still cater to vinyl copies/selling. Finding the cover art for a lot of those old copies of vinyl tends to be rather difficult at best!




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