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Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

Developer / Publisher: Konami
19 January 2022
Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel - cover art
Glitchwave rating
3.16 / 5.0
123 Ratings / 2 Reviews
#2,582 All-time
#102 for 2022
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there is no next turn
Very fun for me because I was piss scared of entering local card shops for the longest time even though they ended up liking me. Regardless, Master Duel is a great client to play the Yu-Gi-Oh! card game online for casual and competitive players alike. It does have a different meta though as releases in the TCG typically enter Master Duel after a couple of months and they also have different ban lists. If you do want an experience that's just like the card game I'd recommend a client like the online,, or EdoPRO. Although I prefer using Master Duel at the end of the day because of the ability to play on my phone or my switch.

My only big issue is with my fuckass opponents in higher ranks who surrender immediately if they brick or if i negate their combo.
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KhaganKaine 2024-01-30T15:37:04Z
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This is a decent multiplayer yu-gi-oh game that teaches newcomers the basics of the meta, although there's not much to do in the single player campaigns given how all of the focus is on the different events that occur since this games launch. Still if you're looking to duel someone online outside of the speed duel and rush duel format from duel links, this is your best bet with how smooth the gameplay is.
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Foxylover92 2022-07-16T17:30:56Z
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A great foundation
I have never played Yu-gi-oh before, and my knowledge of it basically was summed to thinking blue eyes white dragon looking cool. I have played a lot of Magic the Gathering over the years, as well as other card games, so when this one got a lot of attention i resolved to make 2022 the year to discover this card game.

And this game is pretty great for that. Yu-gi-oh is a game that has a lot of power creep over the years, to the point that playing it in 2002 and 2022 makes it feel like two completly different games. The game does an okayish job at tutorializing this through its solo mood, where you learn some of the basic rules of the game, types of summons, different archetypes and (more important than that) some decent AI opponents to get your bearings in.

The game is also really generous in terms of giving you gems (that you can use to buy card packs) early on. Even if it diminuishes as you play more, the first hours will get you a lot of currency, at least enough to build a decent deck to take online.

The game's presentation is great. These digital card games really need good aesthetics to keep people playing them in the long run, and the battles are great at this, featuring a lot of animated monster summons, some key spells are also animated, and impactful hits when monsters trade blows. Its also very clear visually to what is happening, which is essencial for when you are starting out in a game as complex as this.

The game really made me get interested in the card game, to learn its history, its most cherished and reviled cards, and as a result there was a lot of time i dedicated to youtube channels covering this matter. I do enjoy how cool a lot of the archetypes are, how goofy some of the others are, and how it all seemingly fits into the same universe.

The main issue with the game, and modern yugioh as well, is how the power creep effectively made it into a very frustrating game where 1st turn kills are possible, which is only exacerbated in this digital version (as you can craft the cards you want if you have the currency for that). This means that ranked play above a certain level, lets say platinum, will only be against players whose decks are highly annoying to fight, either because they combo for ages making you feel like you are watching someone play solitaire, or they create boards that are nearly unbreakable unless you have a very specific card in your hand. This means that certain OP cards must be present in everydeck (the ash blossoms, the max c, nibiru,...), effectively reducing deck expression.

The game is a lot of fun in the lower ranks, because the unoptimized decks allow mind games, bluffs and counter plays to be much more frequent. Comebacks can happen, and much more important, the game is a proper duel between two players, whose outcome will be both due to skill and luck, and not only deck composition. Its the place where my blue eyes deck can get me some wins if i play it right, and not only because the opponent got a bricked hand. In higher ranks i need to go eldlich or i will lose everygame.

I had a lot of fun discovering yu-gi-oh, but i dont think i will be investing more time in it when higher rank battles are more frustrating than fun. The modern game feels foundamentally broken since it no longer feels like a duel between two players, and more like a puzzle game in how to get a 100% win deck. Im not sure if there is anything that the developer can do to this game when it feels like its the core of the card game i have issues with.
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Threntall 2022-02-15T15:51:32Z
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MichelBlackson Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel 2024-04-30T20:54:45Z
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KCharbzz98 Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel 2024-04-30T01:34:44Z
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GlitchwaveAccount Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel 2024-03-25T17:25:04Z
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eliottstaten Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel 2024-03-16T20:34:35Z
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Toddisodd21 Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel 2024-03-07T06:15:47Z
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Perennial_Quest Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel 2024-02-29T16:43:36Z
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fshwers Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel 2024-02-10T20:30:58Z
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Cbdax Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel 2024-02-08T20:14:29Z
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KCharbzz12 Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel 2024-02-04T01:20:44Z
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KCharbzz12 Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel 2024-02-04T01:20:37Z
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KhaganKaine Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel 2024-01-30T15:37:04Z
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supermeowkybros Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel 2024-01-29T23:12:16Z
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  • Starburstman 2022-01-26 16:41:49.701103+00
    Yet another freemium game that will only ever be as good as the QoL updates and Konami's ability to to take a bulk of user criticism/recommendations into consideration. As of right now, this is a clunky, barebones duel simulator with a slow server, bare minimum solo content, mediocre deck editor, no alt-format support, and no match play with sideboards. I'm not even sure if this is a great intro to the series for new players, because of how unforgiving the ranked online play is right now. They are much better off playing solo or with friends where terms can be made. Only time will tell to see how good (or bad) this game will become.
    • Theboombringer1 2022-01-27 14:43:58.292181+00
      The game seems to be in a beta state right now all things considered. I also think that the singleplayer content and onboarding tutorials aren’t that well done, as i am seeing it now. I’m a casual observer of yugioh, my friends play it but I’ve never given it a shot. The tutorial is barebones and I’m not sure if it gets me up to speed with the complex gameplay. This is just my day 1 impressions, we’ll see how it goes later on.
    • SlappyButternuts 2022-02-16 14:37:11.481257+00
      as much as i like the game and can look past the flaws you pointed out, you are right. time will tell indeed
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  • Ericthefox 2022-02-12 01:57:27.616118+00
    Playing against friends: 5 stars
    Playing Bronze-Silver ranked battles: 3.5-4 stars
    Playing Gold and above ranked battles: 1 star
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  • Minix_Does_Music 2022-03-25 00:15:03.26252+00
    Would be great if modern Yugioh wasn't painfully unfun
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  • Meervo 2022-04-26 22:37:48.813973+00
    Funny how a lot of complaints are about """modern yugioh""" and not the actual videogame
    • daskull 2023-01-18 14:31:01.655307+00
      why would that not be a valid criticism? even veteran players have been advocating for a soft reboot of the game for a while now due to how unapproachable modern format is. the "actual videogame" is modern yugioh dood.
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  • BlackMalachite 2022-07-09 19:36:48.02992+00
    If we're talking about Master Duel as a client, I think it's actually a superb client overall. There are just some features that need to be added.

    - In-Duel Chat (toggleable of course, so that people don't have to talk or see the player text if they don't want to)
    - Additional solo content (I really like the solo content currently, but I feel as though Legacy of the Duelist's story approach would work in Master Duel as well)

    Also as Starburstman posted above, I do agree that the servers need work and that there need to be alternate formats, however, I still can have an absolute blast with this game and still do frequently.
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  • IgorEmu 2022-07-19 22:36:26.916613+00
    Playing this in low rank is really fun, especially during events.
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