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SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech

Developer: Image & Form Games Publisher: Image & Form Games
01 March 2020
Glitchwave rating
3.00 / 5.0
#4,585 All-time
#124 for 2019
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I have not played any games in the Steamworld franchise since Dig back in 2014, so I have no idea where they took things since. Of course this being an RPG caught my interest, generally my favorite types of games.

I'd like to give it the game a higher score, but it would require to ignore too many flaws. The game doesn't have good art. The characters are unpleasant to look, and that might be what the universe is about, but it's oh so not interesting. The story is kinda lame, this is made for all audiences with that cute-sy Nintendo approach with light humor that isn't very funny... it's pretty hard to get invested into these characters because they are so boring. The game has a very linear approach with pretty much just one direction to go all the time, aside from a few different paths for additional loot (you can always backtrack to get them).

The good thing about the game (and the most important thing) is the gameplay. The game is heavily inspired by Slay the Spire with the card battles and your deck always refilling. There is some good strategy in the deckbuilding part, there are numerous cards and you can only have 8 per character (for a total of 24, as your party maxes at 3). The battles are turn based and require a lot of thinking, you'll want to be hitting your combos and re-rolling the right card is a skill that you'll develop as you move further in the game. It's a little grindy as the enemies have so much health, so you really have to plan long term in your strategy to survive and do lots of damage. In total there are 5 heroes, but I stuck with the first 3 all the way to the end as they fit pretty well my gameplay strategy. It took me a little over 15 hours to complete the game, but I have to say that the 2nd portion of the game isn't all that interesting with mostly just a repeat of what you'd had already seen... it lacked originality and was just going through the motions for many more hours.

All in all Steamworld Quest is not a bad game, but I do feel there are many elements where it could have improved, like the limited equipment is not really exciting as you just buy the new gear at the store after a few chapters with very few key decisions in that aspect. At some point you've figured your deck and strategy, so then it's doing 10+ chapters with the same cards that you keep upgrading... It seems it could have benefited from more variation. It takes a lot from Slay the Spire, and to be honest, I would rather play Slay the Spire than this overlong non-roguelite version of it. I wouldn't recommend or discourage anyone from playing it, it's kinda just there and it's ok fun for a while.
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diction 2020-03-01T13:30:57Z
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diction SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech 2020-03-01T13:30:57Z
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  • toadhjo 2019-06-29 06:05:53.93622+00
    Maybe I'm overestimating the popularity of the SteamWorld games (I enjoy them quite a bit!), but I feel like this is flying under the radar relative to my expectations.
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