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Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly

Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly - cover art
Glitchwave rating
1.77 / 5.0
245 Ratings / 2 Reviews
#256 for 2002
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Releases 3
2002 Equinoxe Check Six  
XNA 0 20626 71647 5 SLUS-20315
2003 Equinoxe Check Six  
GB 3 348542 182721 SLES-51043
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By all accounts, there's an alternate timeline where Enter the Dragonfly is not such a stunningly mediocre and incomplete game. Design documents from the past show some fairly lofty ideas for the first Spyro game to boldly go to next generation home consoles - but of course, excessive micromanagement from Universal seems to have fated the game to be dead on arrival before it ever even had a chance to breathe its first breath. When this game came out and I was but a child, I was very excited. I had loved the original PS1 trilogy, after all. A new game on new hardware could only be the next best thing. But, alas, even through the eyes of a child, it was a pure disappointment. I ultimately wound up trading it in for $2. Yes, two whole US dollars was the value I put in it. So now, decades later, I must confront my past self and ask; was this overdramatic? Is there more value in this game?

Before even getting into any of the issues the game has, I should get it out of the way immediately - Enter the Dragonfly is not entirely irredeemable. But that's almost what makes it sting more. Occasionally, there are flashes of inspiration that make the mediocrity all the worse. The experience of playing this game is not unlike telling your child you're not angry at them, you're just disappointed. Firstly, the level design. A platformer lives and dies by its level design, and essentially every level in Enter the Dragonfly can be boiled down to the same general formula - a large ring that loops back into itself with large open spaces containing excessive amounts of gems scattered haphazardly across the landscape. Exploration isn't really fun in this game because there's so little to actually explore. Every area of a level feels like the last. There are some slight exception cases - Monkey Monastery has one or two cleverly hidden side routes that feel like something you might see in the original trilogy, and Jurassic Jungle is easily the most varied level in the game with volcanic interiors, large ruins, and jungle clearings. Thought a lot of this is still overly large without a lot of flair.

There's also not a lot of levels. You get one single homeworld in Enter the Dragonfly with something like 11 levels. Now yes, these are larger levels than before, with some of them containing entire speedways inside them and higher gem and objective counts than any other Spyro game, but the aforementioned issues apply to essentially all of them. The worst offender is Crop Circle Country, a predictably ring-shaped level with wide open space and an alien invasion motif over a farm. The level is bizarre, quite honestly. The NPC dialogue feels unfinished or broken in a way? Like there's an exchange between Spyro and a farmer in the level where they both just rattle off one word responses with the same voice. It's baffling. The whole game has this disjointed feeling of not being finished - and that's because it wasn't finished. Game or no game, the deadline was hit, and out the game goes. You feel this every moment you play it.

Moment to moment gameplay isn't particularly good, either. Spyro feels sluggish, the framerate suffers constantly, and picking up gems is simply not fun when they're all just vomited across the landscape with no good flow or logic. Some of the challenges are alright. The slides in particular feel decently designed, but of course suffer from finicky controls - like everything else in this game. Bafflingly, Moneybags appears exactly once in the entire game in the very first level. Then you never see him again. There's one boss, but you unlock their phases the more of the game you complete? It's all just incredibly strange - to the point where one can't believe that these were the original intended design choices, but some straight compromise that happened down the line.

There are no extra characters to play as. No post-game bonus levels. No surprises of any kind really, besides the occasional section of a level where you think "that wasn't awful actually", which is the most damning praise that can be given. Stewart Copeland does return for the soundtrack, and there are shades of the previous games that shine through in this. Even so, it's probably the weakest of the three soundtracks as well. Unsurprising, as there's not really anything about the game to motivate a truly inspired soundtrack. You work with what you've got, and with that in mind, it probably is the best thing about the game. But overall, it really is a sad experience. Is it really only worth the $2 I valued it at as a child? I'd actually double that price and say $4. If this were a $4 game on Steam showing up in your queue, it would be a curious little time waster that wouldn't incite any real feelings. But this was a full priced game from a respected series. At least I can rest easy knowing that the worst is likely over for our favorite purple dragon.
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Teglement 2024-06-11T03:35:57Z
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Even as a kid this was shit
I was a huge Spyro fan as a kid, I remember having the first 3 games, and loved the original trilogy on PS1. Then I saw this at a rental store and decided to check this out since I wasn't sure what to expect and I heard this had Rypto back as the main villain and he was my favorite Spyro villain. Well this game managed to both bore me and lose my interest within the first day of playing it, and I was a kid who was pretty easily impressed. The level design was awful, the story was bad, the graphics were ugly, the music wasn't that memorable, and nothing about this was remotely good. Its easily one of the worst games I played.
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jweber14 2017-07-21T21:54:09Z
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ifeelthecosmos Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly 2024-06-20T00:42:27Z
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Innerexperience Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly 2024-06-18T08:01:26Z
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Megistotherium Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly 2024-06-15T21:05:00Z
Gamecube • US
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Teglement Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly 2024-06-11T03:35:57Z
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MaestroOak Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly 2024-05-30T05:18:12Z
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sadgirl2023 Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly 2024-05-24T18:02:36Z
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LilHooty Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly 2024-05-18T22:20:41Z
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ofsynesthesia Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly 2024-05-14T04:28:32Z
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Lrexie Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly 2024-04-11T14:20:41Z
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leo_n Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly 2024-04-06T13:48:57Z
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hermitcub Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly 2024-04-03T05:56:43Z
Gamecube • US
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Total_Tot Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly 2024-04-02T09:28:24Z
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1x DVD


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  • FleegalFlargel 2023-02-16 01:16:31.334454+00
    Ahhh I get it now. Like the Bruce Lee film. Haha...
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  • PrivateJoker 2023-06-21 11:43:22.455563+00
    So I'm not the only one for whom this was their only experience with the Spyro series? And even as a kid, I remember noticing many obvious quality control issues.
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  • TheDavidLol 2023-06-25 07:31:15.114193+00
    lol this was my first Spyro game
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  • inunonaizo 2023-08-14 18:12:07.538211+00
    disregarding the glitchiness (and perhaps influenced by my fondness of the original trilogy), this is easily among the most soulless games i've played. if this game had eyes, they be completely dead
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  • 0skar 2023-09-10 14:21:18.025007+00
    I think this is the first game i've ever played
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  • Drawdler 2023-10-25 05:59:35.288412+00
    I love this game because it makes this fandom seethe
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    • Drawdler 2024-02-06 07:51:06.955309+00
      If you don’t know what’s bad about the Spyro fandom you haven’t been there long enough, one of the most cliquey and tribalist fandoms out there and they’re very good at presenting otherwise
    • Drawdler 2024-02-06 07:52:00.01734+00
      But really it’s not against people who are Spyro fans, it’s the overall community, it’s hilarious
    • Drawdler 2024-02-06 08:02:59.774575+00
      Okay last thing but to put it simply the Spyro fandom is what people SAY the Sonic fandom is like. There were legit tons of people bullying others for liking Skylanders, they’re really vitriolic about that series in general, they are about most stuff past the original trilogy, there’s been tons of internal drama about people just having different opinions or liking certain eras, about people making fangames or mods, and I just know a lot of internal drama about some of the bigger name fans. To see the fandom want to pretend this game didn’t happen while they complain about so much is really funny to me. They put so much vitriol to stuff that’s just not to their taste, while this game that actually kinda sucks they can’t comprehend or just nope out

      Tbh I don’t really care if these comments get modded either, this chain was cringe of me but I feel like I should present a more sincere answer to make up for it.
    • Teglement 2024-06-10 20:06:16.982474+00
      007: License to Yap
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  • LedriTheThane 2024-03-25 02:38:00.670685+00
    I remember jumping being a major skill issue
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  • Skidsinmyute 2024-06-11 08:33:44.206834+00
    I hate Ripto's model in Spyro's eye on the cover.
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