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Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

ポケットモンスター ブリリアントダイヤモンド・シャイニングパール

Developer: ILCA Publisher: The Pokémon Company
19 November 2021
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl [ポケットモンスター ブリリアントダイヤモンド・シャイニングパール] - cover art
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2.71 / 5.0
443 Ratings / 3 Reviews
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#158 for 2021
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So when this game was originally announced I'll confess that I wasn't exactly all that enthused. I wasn't actually against the artstyle like some of my friends were, but... tbh the idea of Sinnoh remakes never appealed to me at all and nothing announced really made me think they were actually doing more than just remaking Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. Given that... basically nothing was revealed about the games in the months up to release, I was pretty content with skipping this game on initial release and kinda waiting out to see whether it was actually good or not. Reception was loosely positive, with a specific talking point being "this is really good if you've never played the originals and want to experience Sinnoh for the first time," so I decided I'd shell out and see just what this region had to offer.

Turns out: Sinnoh sucks ass! And, from what I understand, the remakes didn't do a lot to really fix its core issues.

I'll start with the positives because, for all I soured on it, the game left a pretty great first impression. First off: the game is absolutely gorgeous. I eventually grew to really adore the chibi models and the general artstyle/colouring was consistently really appealing — a good amount of locales/backgrounds looked stunning and the 3D models for the Pokémon felt somewhat stylized in a way that they've never really looked before. The modernization of old DS-era quirks also provided consistently nice touches: I felt surprisingly really nostalgic for the top town, grid-based movement of old and felt the way they did trainer interjections in important battles to be sufficiently cinematic (even if so many of them are "you haven't won yet! I've still got a trick up my sleeve *loses literally the next turn*). In terms of graphics and presentation this is honestly probably one of the prettiest games on the Switch.

In regards to how it plays... look, it's a Pokémon game, you kinda know how it goes by now, though initially I was having a lot of fun mostly because the ante got upped a little bit — changes were made to important battles mostly to make these boss fights a lot trickier. As someone who didn't white out in Sword right up until the final fight, suddenly getting wiped by Roark's last Pokemon really took me off guard and forced me to come up with a strategy I never thought I would need to use otherwise. The Elite Four and the Champion, as an extension to this, actively make use of stuff like held items and synergies which turn them into really tricky final fights — at more than one point their last Pokémon would just start sweeping my team and it took a surprising amount of effort just to take them down before they fully completed the comeback. The Pokémon gameplay loop, IMO, is at its strongest when it expects the player to earn their victories, and the very beginning and the very end of this game really did a lot to satisfy me in that vein.

Sure is a pity the rest of the game is piss-easy, though.

It all comes down to one "innovation" made in gen-8: the always-on EXP share. The fact that all Pokémon in your team will gain EXP from every single battle means that you will very rapidly exceed the difficulty curve, very quickly. Even when I never fought wild Pokémon across the entire game, even when I actively skipped whole routes and gyms worth of trainer battles, I was still way above the levels of nearly everything right up until the end. In addition to basically guaranteeing that battles generally never challenged me at all, it also made training new mons for the team a really insufferable experience: given the rate in which mons on the bench gain EXP compared to those who are active you have to put anything you want to get to the level of the rest of the team through basically hundreds of battles until they're with the rest of the party. I was basically never able to use half my team for nearly the whole game because the other half always ended up at a lower level so I had to train them up and it just made for a miserable experience.

Which is compounded by just... how weak regular trainers are. Nine times out of ten, I'd walk into a battle, and then I'd basically just press the same button over and over again to win it because trainers this game just throw three of the exact same, typically unevolved Pokémon that a trainer earlier on in the route already did. Trainers are complete pushovers because of this, and generally it's a self-imposed challenge to just get to the next bed or city before the mon you're trying to level up runs out of PP for all their moves. It got to the point wherein the late-game, when the game just outright starts spamming Team Galactic goons at you that I was legitimately not paying any attention to the game and just pressing the A button to win battles over and over again and, like, yeah I get Pokemon is a kids game, but give me something, y'know? Break the monotony. Make traversing Sinnoh less of an absolute pain.

Because believe me, trainers having absolutely no diversity is just a symptom of how boring Sinnoh is as a region. Every route you just encounter the same 2-3 wild Pokémon. There's the chance of maybe something new if you run around in the grass for ten minutes, but more often than not you'll just be seeing Bibarels and Roselias and Geodudes over and over again because as it turns out, Sinnoh has absolutely no unique biomes. You just walk through beaches and fields over and over again with the token ice area and a (completely optional) swamp. It's near impossible to find representation of certain types if you're picky — Sinnoh having no fire types is a meme for a reason (even if the underground fixes that) but even beyond that, hey, if you want a grass type that isn't Turtwig or Roselia? Either settle for Cherrim/Wormadam, wait several real-time days for the hope you hit that 10% Carnivine spawn, or wait for nearly the entire game to get to the ice area and catch Snover. Even the big catch of the region — a massive mountain that supposedly connects the entire island together — doesn't really do anything because there's no actual connectivity at all: it's just a series of generic cave levels under the same banner that look like they're one dungeon but aren't. Legitimately, I'd call Sinnoh pretty easily the worst region: even stuff like Hoenn or Johto have fun biomes/a unique aesthetic. This has nothing.

And I could bear that if the story/the journey was anything interesting, but... it isn't. This is a Pokemon game where you're fully just going through the motions of going through routes and collecting gym badges and they don't even try to make it more interesting than that. Gym Leaders (aside from some exceptions and inspired designs) are just obstacles with barely any personality who you forget about the moment you walk out of the gym. Your rival's much the same. Team Galactic is much the same. There's no real... story beyond "go to this place, fight gym leader, occasionally suffer through 500000000 Team Galactic fights," and... when the novelty of the journey in itself was already used up for the original games, you need something more to actually interest me and that's... not here.

So overall... god, this was not great. I love the aesthetic, I love the little bits of challenge that were actually there and supposedly now that I'm in the post-game things open up a lot more with rematches and The Underground (which I found to be actually kinda fun and gamey, though you kinda run out of things to do down there quick if you don't want to fight/catch wild pokemon) but when the journey was basically an exercise of going through the motions... I'm not really interested in seeing what bounties I find at the destination.
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Yugisan 2022-01-01T05:18:37Z
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Very nostalgic, chibi characters are cute, the undegrounds are very cool, they kept the storage system in the main menu


too easy (exp. share, no difficulty settings, broken friendship), bad pokekron implementations, the friendship is also stupid (= a random message will appear every turn breaking the battle rhythm and making them longer), a lot of cut content, some of the worst mechanics are back (honey-trees, 32 encounters for spiritomb), no big changes from the originals overall.
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BBozeman 2021-11-19T13:11:14Z
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Better than Diamond and Pearl, not as good as Platinum, yadda yadda
The most damning thing you can say about Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl is that they are unnecessary for many (and that they are visually quite unattractive). These are very faithful remakes, with all the good and bad that entails. There are slight deviations here and there, but this is far from a reimagining. A QoL improvement here, a slight change to side and post-game content there, and that aside, it's the same game that came out 15 years ago. That game was pretty damn good, and this game is pretty damn good because of that.

Sinnoh is easily one of the better regions Game Freak crafted. It's not the perfection that is Black 2/White 2 Unova, nor is it quite as unique as say Hoenn, but it's large, diverse, has a good amount of stuff to do, and has a big ol' iconic ass mountain. It's fun to run around in. It's also one of the more "challenging" games in the series, which is to say they're still very easy, but playing like a giant idiot will see you face some consequences. This threatened to be completely ruined by a full party Exp Share that could not be toggled off (and it SHOULD have a toggle option) but, and this surprised me: due to the adjusted curved used in gens V, VII, and VIII, Pokemon don't get too crazy overleveled unless you try to overlevel them. After facing nearly every trainer in the game along with some minimal grinding in both the overworld and underground, I went into the Cynthia battle with a team of Pokemon in their mid-to-high 60s, with Cynthia's team ranging from low-to-mid 60s. I also didn't swap a ton: once I had Empoleon, Houndoom, Gardevoir, Roserade, Gligar, and Dusclops, they were the team. Candies were the main problem in Sword and Shield and they aren't here to ruin that curve this time. I was overleved as hell for Pastoria and Snowpoint, but classics like Veilstone and Hearthome gym battles were just as stiff as before, if not more so. AI, stats, and movesets have been improved here: high level trainers have coverage out the wazoo, optimized EVs and IVs, use multiple healing items per battle, give held items to their Pokemon (sometimes ALL of them) and these factors make for some of the better campaign battling the series has seen.

And I feel like that's important to note. I think these games, on many levels, ARE a missed opportunity: they should've looked better, had Platinum content, had more brand new content, carried over more QoL improvement than they did. BUT, there are reasons for them to exist. After facing 3rd match Cynthia in this game, the Cynthias of old feel downright lame by comparison. The music is excellent (post-patch, the MIDI placeholders are doodoo). The shiny hunting might be the most fun it's ever been, Grand Underground alleviates Sinnoh dex issues, contests are more accessible to people who struggled to make good contest Pokemon for fear of ruining their battle Pokemon. These aren't everything they could've been, and Platinum is probably still the superior version overall. But if you remove this game from what it could've been and take it for what it is (which I myself struggled to do initially), it's good. In fact, it easily clears the low bar of best Pokemon RPG on the Switch. They aren't close to HeartGold and SoulSilver, but they clear Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire and probably come in right under FireRed and LeafGreen. They aren't the Sinnoh remakes I dreamed of, but for an inexperienced dumbass app company, ILCA didn't do half bad.
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tphillips 2021-11-22T00:20:38Z
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oltnabrick1 ポケットモンスター ブリリアントダイヤモンド・シャイニングパール 2024-05-03T19:50:11Z
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pkbean ポケットモンスター ブリリアントダイヤモンド・シャイニングパール 2024-04-22T23:48:20Z
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HeckMelon ポケットモンスター ブリリアントダイヤモンド・シャイニングパール 2024-04-22T23:35:01Z
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flonch ポケットモンスター ブリリアントダイヤモンド・シャイニングパール 2024-04-12T16:16:15Z
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Bijzettafel ポケットモンスター ブリリアントダイヤモンド・シャイニングパール 2024-04-11T20:09:25Z
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anthinja ポケットモンスター ブリリアントダイヤモンド・シャイニングパール 2024-04-11T16:01:01Z
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tsw167 ポケットモンスター ブリリアントダイヤモンド・シャイニングパール 2024-04-08T19:20:46Z
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karrilho ポケットモンスター ブリリアントダイヤモンド・シャイニングパール 2024-04-01T01:48:27Z
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shady_snail ポケットモンスター ブリリアントダイヤモンド・シャイニングパール 2024-03-31T22:19:47Z
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adg3 ポケットモンスター ブリリアントダイヤモンド・シャイニングパール 2024-03-31T20:19:08Z
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Arself64 ポケットモンスター ブリリアントダイヤモンド・シャイニングパール 2024-03-31T01:35:09Z
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FirstMate ポケットモンスター ブリリアントダイヤモンド・シャイニングパール 2024-03-29T15:04:58Z
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1-4 players
Also known as
  • ポケットモンスター ブリリアントダイヤモンド
  • ポケットモンスター シャイニングパール
  • Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
  • Pokémon Brilliant Diamond
  • Pokémon Shining Pearl
  • Pokémon diamante brillante y perla reluciente
  • Pokémon diamant étincelant et perle scintillante
  • Pokémon Strahlender Diamant und Leuchtende Perle
  • Pokémon diamante lucente e perla splendente
  • 포켓몬스터 브릴리언트 다이아몬드・샤이닝 펄
  • 寶可夢 晶燦鑽石/明亮珍珠
  • 宝可梦 晶灿钻石/明亮珍珠
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  • Meervo 2022-05-28 14:50:17.347154+00
    Lowest point of the franchise
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  • spookypurpp 2022-06-24 04:57:03.810063+00
    game is mind numbingly easy till the elite 4 , the spike is insane
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  • thesoyman 2022-12-06 02:13:45.948083+00
    I will never forgive gamefreak for this, I've been waiting for a remake of my first Pokemon games in the vein of HGSS or even ORAS forever and this is what we got? Probably the single best example of how far they've fallen as a company
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    • Fowlawneeshafow 2022-12-18 02:49:15.454969+00
      lol Game Freak didn't even make this, ICLA did. Game Freak instead made Pokemon Legends Arceus as their new Sinnoh game. GameFreak is done with straight remakes, they didn't even want to make ORAS but caved to fan demands. This exists for the same reasons as ORAS, younger generations getting older and demanding remakes, but never should've existed. Sinnoh did not need a remake, Platinum was always going to be the definitive experience.

      Game Freak still has faults and their release schedule is far too rapid to give their games the AAA polish a lot of people want (hard to point at who's to blame for that), but between PLA and SV they're on the upswing for sure. The new devs directing the series now are taking things in a promising direction.
    • watercolour 2022-12-28 00:19:37.087798+00
      you would think Game Freak would, uh, have the funding to polish their games, but perhaps the Pokémon Company is too busy swallowing most of their profits for them to prioritize quality. it's like the games sell like hotcakes anyway, so why bother to make them good?
    • Fowlawneeshafow 2023-01-28 09:34:52.755961+00
      SV and PLA were good, they're just greatly hindered by a 3 year cycle that has been going since the 90's, in an era where new games typically take at least 4+ years to make from start to finish. I seriously doubt it's a funding thing, they have a lot of employees, but you cannot just throw money at time and buy more time.
    • thesoyman 2023-06-24 03:49:47.711786+00
      Fair points honestly @fowlawneeshafow, still disappointing as someone who grew up on gen 4, including a remake as god-tier as hgss, but having a reskinned modern version of the game for younger fans makes sense in some way now that the dual screens are dead rip
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  • Fowlawneeshafow 2023-02-21 21:15:58.167141+00
    I think it's funny that this is basically the only game in the franchise Serebii Joe thinks is truly bad and openly says as much.
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  • rian290 2023-08-02 17:03:46.986074+00
    only thing that saved this game for me was playing it in 60fps
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  • okayfrog 2023-08-14 20:04:00.413546+00
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  • itschrosss 2023-09-11 16:15:35.743285+00
    i find no reason to play this over the originals. i had a good time, but of course i'd have a good time when the games are literally graphics upgrade (?) sinnoh. there's good reason to return to hgss and oras but not really this
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