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Dying Light 2 Stay Human

Developer / Publisher: Techland
04 February 2022
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2.96 / 5.0
196 Ratings / 2 Reviews
#2,968 All-time
#121 for 2022
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One of my favorite games in recent times, along with CP2077
I hate zombie and parkour games, but I LOVE Dying Light 2.
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Полная хуйня, которая и в подметки не годится первой части. Метахуитикс как обычно насрали себе в штаны, оправдывая это и крича о новых механика паркура. Но кому нахуй сдался паркур, если это все пересиливается уебанищеским сюжетом, кислотной атмосферой дешёвых батл роялей для детей и хуевейшими нереалистичными дерганными анимациями?
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resusfactor 2023-02-27T23:12:54Z
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One of my favorite games of the last few years
Almost a year after its release, I finally got around to finishing this game. Literally in the first few minutes of playing, I knew it would be one of the best looking games ever, and it very much was. I didn't think at all that I would enjoy this more than the first game, but this blew Dying Light 1 away. It did everything good that the first game did but like much better. The parkour is such a thrill and that alone makes the game fun to me. I adore how gory this game turned out to be and how much more killing zombie after zombie has become. The storyline is really addicting and I even quite enjoy doing many side missions. The ending had to be one of my favorites, if not my favorite ever. It just sucks I have to replay the game to find the alternate ending, so it'll be a while before that (I don't wanna look it up).
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Jason29422 2023-01-16T19:04:49Z
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Truly incredible. I saw someone else say that this game can flip flop between being the best game and the worst game in the same ten minutes and good god, they were right on the money.

- This is the most fun I've had with first-person parkour in any game. Not Dying Light 1, not Mirror's Edge. It's a bit floatier than DL1 because you now very lightly snap to thin/narrow terrain. After about an hour of play you get used to it. After a little more time and a few more skills, the convoluted paths laid out for early-game Aiden are more a suggestion than anything. This game hits new heights once you can completely disregard the paths laid out before you and blaze your own trail.

- Gear just does not matter at all. You get 5 pieces of gear with bonuses of 1-2% each. I usually just pick whatever gear has XP bonuses.

- Things like the immunity system actually make night and dark areas scary again. Sleeping biters are a fun incentive to come back to places in the middle of the night.

- The new upgrade system sucks. I don't mind the inhibitors, but all the skills in the skill tree feel kind of limp and way too situational to ever be useful. Compared to things like "you get a grappling hook" or "here's unlimited combat stamina" from DL1, the Big Final Perk in each tree is worth less than dirt.

- Rarely, Aiden will giggle or cheer himself on when you do one of the parkour skills you've learned, and it's so goofy and childlike that it's really endearing. I notice it once every 6 hours or so but it does a lot to make Crane 2 feel more organic than Crane 1 ever did.

- I quite like the new grappling hook! I know people are disappointed it doesn't just let you Spiderman around (it actually uses physics now) but I like this system a little more, feels a little more skillful, a little more interactive.

- The heights of the second half of the map are thrilling! I don't much care for the paraglider and generally try to avoid using it as much as possible, but when you're running on the side of a skyscraper it feels a lot different than making small jumps between mid-rise residential buildings (like those in Old Town in DL1).

- The story. Oh boy the story. I was essentially neutral on the story until the epilogue - the voice acting oscillates between passable and mind-boggling, and Rosario Dawson makes a prominent appearance as an insufferable Marvel character.

- The ending. I'm not going to spoil anything, but in the ending I got on my first run most of what happens was essentially pulled out of thin air. I think I confused the game with my choices because I watched a character shoot themselves in the head in the center of my screen only for the epilogue to say they're ruling the city.

- The faction system had the potential to be interesting but I just cannot bring myself to care about the Survivors at all. They are just a thoroughly charmless group who consistently treat you like you're the biggest asshole they've ever met. I saw no reason to not side with the Peacekeepers until roughly halfway through the story when the game decides some shit needs to happen so I can make some big story choices.

- Why would you remove text chat? Even ignoring accessibility issues, I'm not trying to hear chip bags and music from two rooms over.
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jobosno 2022-04-02T00:54:17Z
7.0 /10
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NickyCage Dying Light 2 Stay Human 2024-04-25T22:25:46Z
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blacktomatoemperor Dying Light 2 Stay Human 2024-04-10T10:34:55Z
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yassineZ Dying Light 2 Stay Human 2024-04-07T19:36:52Z
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EldenJuan Dying Light 2 Stay Human 2024-03-29T06:57:50Z
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KAPSENSI Dying Light 2 Stay Human 2024-03-25T20:40:04Z
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wokejev Dying Light 2 Stay Human 2024-03-21T15:16:26Z
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eliottstaten Dying Light 2 Stay Human 2024-03-15T01:46:21Z
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SoftestDrinks Dying Light 2 Stay Human 2024-03-14T18:37:10Z
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SigurMarina Dying Light 2 Stay Human 2024-03-05T02:40:10Z
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Noahhuds1 Dying Light 2 Stay Human 2024-03-04T19:04:44Z
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CHUCKPERSON Dying Light 2 Stay Human 2024-02-24T21:52:27Z
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CatWithTheGat Dying Light 2 Stay Human 2024-02-15T15:06:54Z
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  • AidanAlva 2022-02-17 17:14:10.425228+00
    It's a pretty strong title though I think I enjoy it less than the first overall. DL1 was a phenomenal sandbox for fucking around with zombies and going danger zone at night, two aspects where this sequel sorely drops in quality. If they at the very least do end up tweaking zombie ragdolls ala the claim they made of the physics not "working as intended", then this could end up being on par with the first. General bug fixes are already in the bag for sure, knowing Techland.

    Also @Gigadweeb unfortunately it sounds like you entered the series on the wrong foot. The sequel definitely pushes much further into conventional open world routines than the original, which did quite a good amount to distinguish itself.
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  • Queenfire 2022-04-26 18:51:57.883504+00
    One of the worst games of the last few years. How is the parkour element so dogshit when it's like half the game? Confounding.
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  • AidanAlva 2022-10-18 04:18:08.005262+00
    lol @ the fact this comment box has been dead since February
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  • hombreverette 2023-01-10 06:28:08.467121+00
    the way they retcon the guns out is hilarious lmao. military took all the guns??? they made fucking windmills and hydraulics do you think they wouldnt eventually MAKE firearms?
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  • wokejev 2023-04-17 00:33:37.775654+00
    god the gameplay is so fucking good but everything else about this game is kinda stinky
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  • thm_yrk12 2023-09-01 17:23:37.465811+00
    they forgot the colon in the title
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  • renegadexavier06 2024-03-24 04:58:32.795796+00
    I was at awe when I heard this line:
    "I've become human. Now I must stay human"
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