Charts Genres Community
Charts Genres Community Settings


Note: you are currently viewing a page in the Sandbox area of the wiki. This area is meant for Wiki editors to work on drafts/work-in-progress pages and proposals for standards changes.
Nothing in this part of the wiki should be considered official site policy until it is moved to the public wiki.
Rules of conduct
English «
This page is no longer necessary. All information here is mentioned on the General rules and guidelines page.

Rules of conduct apply to all interactions on RYM, including message board posts, private messages, reviews, user page content, user comments, recommendations, and tags.

With the exception of extreme cases, RYM members who break the Rules of Conduct will first receive a warning. If a rule is broken again, the member will be banned for 1 day, and for increasingly long periods of time with each additional offense. The admins reserve the right to deviate from this pattern if it is deemed necessary.

    0) Do not create self-promotional posts. Exception: If you're an active, contributing member of the site, you may post about your music-related website, band, or label a maximum of once per week.

    1) Treat other users with respect. Do not harass, insult, or attack other members of this site in any manner, for any reason.

    2) Do not post racist, sexist, or homophobic comments. If you're unsure whether a post might be racist, sexist, or homophobic, then don't post it. This goes for "jokes" as well as serious statements.

    3) The General Music Discussion board is for *Discussion*. If you start any of the following types of threads, you should post them in the Polls/Games board:

    a) Any message board game
    b) Any poll or survey - or thread in which you're soliciting a brief, quick response rather than discussion.
    c) "X vs Y" threads
    d) "Most X," "Least X," "Best X," or "Worst X" threads.
    e) "Give me a list of X" threads. -- for example "desert-island discs" or "put your top 15 jazz albums here"

    For now, the only exception is the "Go review that album" game.

    4) Guideline: If you're discussing music in the General Music Discussion forum, please back up strong statements with arguments. For example, don't just say "x is the best band ever!" - instead, follow up with what it is exactly that makes the band the best, and/or give reasons why you feel that way.

    5) Guideline: Although you're permitted to post negative comments about bands or artists, such comments are rarely productive. You're encouraged to do the opposite - if you dislike band X, then explain the qualities about bands Y and Z that you do like, that band X doesn't exhibit.

    6) If a thread is locked, the reason given will usually be at the end of the thread (if not obvious). If you have an issue with the thread being locked, contact (via private message) the user who locked it. Do NOT make another thread with the same subject, unless you are continuing a legitimate discussion that was derailed.

    7) The goal of RYM is to provide a forum for discussion among members that is as free and unrestricted as possible, while still allowing all members to enjoy using it. The "allowing all members to enjoy using it" takes precedent over the "free and unrestricted", so there are certain topics and behaviors which are not allowed (particularly those mentioned in rule #2). Please don't complain about censorship - you're welcome to start your own website and/or forum and post anything you like there.

    8) This list of rules can't anticipate every situation. For that reason, Rate Your Music reserves the right to remove any post, review, tag, or user profile content, or ban any user, at any time for any reason. If we think you're trying to manipulate the system, you'll be removed.

    9) Rate Your Music has a Terms of service. The TOS is more comprehensive, and all rules mentioned in the TOS apply to the message boards.

23 mar 2015
8 apr - 12 may 2015
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