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As you might gather by having read my much-abridged favorites list, I can pretty much find gems I like in almost any musical genre. Oddly enough, despite my more immediate Latino heritage, the music I find least appealing is Latin dance (though I do find styles that are more Pre-Columbian in nature very interesting). I suppose you can also pass me the earplugs if you decide to throw on any of the following: Country, Gospel/Christian, or most post-1992 Hip Hop/Gangsta Rap. All this said, I firmly believe there are good tunes to be heard and appreciated in all genres – some more than others, of course. Music – the universal language, as it has often been called – is an expression, a snapshot of a moment in time or, at times, an epiphany of something larger. This can range from the highly personal to the more collective. I sometimes like to think of myself as both artist and canvas, creator and created; that is, I enjoy sharing my tastes and knowledge with others and am equally interested in the expressions of others whether it ends up in the work-in-progress or not. I try, of course, to extend this beyond music as well. Now, yours truly, having gone to engineering school (what was I thinking?), I'm somewhat partial to electronic music though I still maintain rather eclectic tastes, much to the mystification of today's casual music listener. I find a lot of the music I listen to either paints imaginative mental pictures or just plain "rocks" - from Classical and Opera to Hip Hop and Hard Rock. I kind of like to be taken on journeys of sonic innovation whether through Electronica or World or what have you...I'm open-minded.
(Note: the ratings and reviews here represent most of my collection with some things missing here and there - most notably, individual track downloads and some harder-to-find albums.)



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User #172,026

Joined 2007-03-17T04:07:35Z

23 mar 2015
8 apr - 12 may 2015
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