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Curtis Sarles

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I have a lot of music that I like, a lot of music that I like but need a break from, a lot of music that I'm just not that fond of, a lot of music that I haven't heard enough of or haven't heard at all. There is also a lot of music that I have heard and liked, but I don't know who it's by. And there is most likely a huge amount of music that I haven't heard, but would like.

I am using this website to help sort this out.

First, I will go through my CDs and make sure they are all loaded onto my computer. I will separate out the stuff that I know I like. Then I will make a high priority list of music that I own but do not know. I will listen to it and make up my mind. If I am not into it, I will put it into a "just in case" folder and take it off my computer.

This will leave me with only music that actually interests me on my computer.

But my collection will still not be sorted quite yet, because not all of my music is in a digital format. I also own a bunch of vinyl. In the digital age, I think it would be handy to possess a digital version of every record that I own and like. I will see to this. Then, I will separate out the stuff that I know I like, then make a high priority list of music that I own but do not know. I will listen to it and make up my mind. If I am not into it, I will put it in storage and take it off my computer.

This will leave me with only music that actually interests me on my computer and my shelves. Then my music collection will be sorted.

You can see that I listed my favorite artists above; some of these I know well and some I know only a little. I will try to become knowledgeable of each of these artists. I ought to, because they are my favorites.

So, I will have only music that interests me on my computer, and I will be knowledgeable about all my favorite artists.




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