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I play drums. Started in November 06. My major influences are Chad Smith and Dave Grohl. I have lots of minor influences that vary every now and then. Others important to shaping my style have been Matt Tong, John Bonham, John Dolmayan, Brann Dailor, Phil Selway, Patrick Hallahan, and Taylor Hawkins




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  • DeathOfSeasons 2010-05-07 09:02:11.765063+00
    Well I haven't really heard any of those albums but it seems you enjoyed The Hold Steady's album so yay :)

    I too wouldn't mind a new White Stripes album. I thought Icky Thump was their best so far so I hope a new release would improve on that.

    See I'd like to sneak in food but I like eating those choc tops while watching a movie but odds are the ice cream would melt in my pants and everyone would think I pissed myself. If they made non-meltable ice cream I would definitely sneak that shit in :)
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  • DeathOfSeasons 2010-05-16 11:12:39.929101+00
    They STOPPED selling ice-cream? Why the hell would they do that? Do they really hate life that much?

    And yeah, non-melt ice cream would be just about the biggest advance in anything mankind could make. Once they do that they should work on a way to make ice cream constantly cold, so you don't need to store it in the freezer. Imagine a world where you could carry ice cream around without having to worry about it melting or going warm. Now THAT'S a world I'd want to live in :)
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  • DeathOfSeasons 2010-05-21 13:52:54.233252+00
    Hey, now that I think about I'm pretty sure most cinemas near me are cutting down on the awesome stuff. Like ice cream, there used to be a tonne of different flavours and they even had this other ice cream thing that used to stock weird flavours, but now you're more less down to choosing between chocolate and vanilla. Some of the bigger cinemas have a wider selection but it's not cool.

    Oh, and refridgerated pockets is quite possibly the greatest idea ever. But imagine, one pocket refridgerated, the other pocket....a microwave. You wouldn't even have to buy popcorn anymore because you could just bring microwaveable popcorn :)
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  • DeathOfSeasons 2010-06-26 11:31:38.40033+00
    Exactly dude, screw Lady Gaga, we're the future of the fashion. Who the hell wants to wear oversized wigs and shiny things when they can basically become a portable vending machine that suites all your hunger needs?

    Oh and I see you didn't like the Nightmare on Elm Street remake either. I was suprised at how much it sucked. The only thing I enjoyed about it was how the killed off the girl who I thought was going to be the main character (she dies floating above the bed, I can't remember her name). I was sure that Nancy wasn't going to be the lead in the remake.
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  • DeathOfSeasons 2010-07-04 12:54:16.318874+00
    Exactly dude, the dream sequences were completely unimaginative. Pretty much everyone was set in the boiler room.

    I've heard a fair bit about Splice but I don't really know anything about it, and who knows how long it'll be until it's released in Australia. The only horror movies they show at cinemas here are the remakes (Friday the 13th, Prom Night) or the Saw sequels. I'm really struggling to think of any other Horror movie besides those that didn't go straight to DVD.

    Dude have you seen the movie Splinter? Whenever I hear of Splice I think of Splinter and for all I know they have nothing in common but Splinter is a kickass horror film. I'm pretty sure they used very little CGI in it too. Even the host from Wipeout manages to do a decent job as the female lead :O
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  • DeathOfSeasons 2010-07-13 14:26:58.846947+00
    I barely ever saw the TV spots and the only one I remember seeing was when the parents torch Freddy. But yeah, TV spots/trailers have a habit of showing the best parts, like how the trailer for Quarantine and [REC] give away the ending :|

    Well whenever Splice comes out here I'll make sure I see it. Is Triangle the film starring Melissa George? Because I saw the trailer and I didn't think much of it, but I've been told it's more like Time Crimes (great film) than Ghost Ship, which definitely made me far more interested.

    I was actually fairly disappointed in Drag Me to Hell. I guess I overhyped it far too much before I finally got to see it. It had a few good parts but I found the mix between comedy and horror a bit off. If they would've added a bit more horror to the film I probably would've enjoyed it more.

    Yeah dude, the remake trend is crazy. I remember seeing a list on the IMDb Horror board last year about confirmed upcoming remakes and the last had something like fifty films on it :O There have been some great remakes in my opinion (The Hills Have Eyes, Dawn of the Dead, The Last House on the Left, though that's mostly because they got rid of the comical cops) but the majority turn out crap, like The Fog, Prom Night, A Nightmare on Elm Street, April Fool's Day, blah, blah, blah. I have to pretty much rely on "world cinema" (really dislike that term) for good horror films like [REC], Rampo Noir and such.
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  • DeathOfSeasons 2010-07-30 11:41:54.987778+00
    Huh, you're right. I just checked the Quarantine DVD case and it does in fact spoil the ending. That's pretty fucking ridiculous. I recommend you see [REC], it's bloody excellent. Even Quarantine was alright, it was mostly shot for shot but there were a few new scenes added. It's not as intense as [REC] though, that's for sure.

    Yeah dude I found the CGI really off putting, almost as much as the CGI in Midnight Meat Train. I saw Evil Dead 2 such a long time ago, I should probably give it a rewatch. I love the first Evil Dead, and they've got Evil Dead 2 cheap as at the local video store so I'll probably buy it.

    True, the Dawn of the Dead remake had pretty much no brain put as a pure zombie movie I rate the remake much higher. The zombies looked pretty cool and I really enjoyed the action. To be honest I've always found the original Dawn of the Dead to be pretty overrated. It's a shame Day of the Dead doesn't get as much attention as Dawn, I thought it was a big step up from Dawn of the Dead. But the Day of the Dead remake is absolutely horrible. Zombies that climb walls and refuse to eat meat is a terrible idea.

    Dude, Splice comes out on the 12th of August in Australia so I should be able to see it soon! Unless it gets an R18+ rating, which is what I think it might get :(
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  • DeathOfSeasons 2010-08-10 12:17:30.155491+00
    If you're not in the mood for intense Horror films I'd suggest taking your time before seeing [REC]. It's pretty much non-stop action for the most part, excluding the start and about ten minutes in the middle of the film.

    Speaking of Braindead I accidently rented a film called Brain Dead the other day, except it was the wrong Brain Dead! It's still a pretty good Psychological Thriller/Horror, but I really need to see Braindead. It looks badass.

    The original Romero zombie films are worth watching. I recently got Night of the Living Dead which looks great. The last Romero film I saw was Diary of the Dead which was terrible, and I heard his newest wasn't great either. I think he might be losing his touch unfortunately :(

    Splice has been delayed by a week or so but it's only going to be MA15+ so it looks like I'll be able to see it in cinemas! I can't wait, hopefully it makes up for me seeing the terrible Nightmare on Elm Street remake at the cinemas.
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