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A mini-puma prowls the premises to protect the collections. meeeee-OW!

I rate my music and movies on how much I enjoy the album or the film. I don't give lower ratings on something trashy that I really like, as opposed to something that happens to be a classic that I also really like.

I am a hunter and gatherer and scrounger when it comes to music. Which is a good thing because about all we have left in Louisville anymore is used record stores. Favorite Louisville stores: Underground Sounds, Book and Music Exchange (The Highlands), Better Days, and honorable mention to The Great Escape and Half Price Books.

My collection of music is without a doubt, all over the place, literally & figuratively, but my interests are all over the place too, so there you have it. The more disappointed I get with current music, the more I travel into the past and explore things I missed out on the first time around.

I never want to hear "Dark Side of the Moon" again. Never, never, never.

"Theatre X" was a Saturday afternoon TV program in the mid-60's, in Orlando, Florida (near where I grew up) that featured 50's giant bug films, dubbed Mexican horror films, and all kinds of stuff that warped my fragile little brain.

My Favorite Video Viewing That I Can't Add to RYM:
1. The Outer Limits
2. The Twilight Zone
3. The Invaders
4. The Walking Dead
5. The Prisoner
6. Twin Peaks
7. Monty Python's Flying Circus
8. The Alfred Hitchcock Show
9. The Addams Family
10. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
11. Ghost Story/Circle of Fear
12. Night Gallery
13. Hammer House of Horror
14. American Horror Story
15. Secret Agent Man (Dangerman)
16. UFO
17. Bates Motel
18. The Avengers
19. SCTV
20. The Leftovers
21. Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency

Favorite Authors (and books)
1. Ramsey Campbell - Incarnate, The Doll Who Ate His Mother
2. Phil Rickman - Curfew, Candlenight
3. John Shirley - Cellars, The Brigade, Wetbones
4. Stephen King - The Stand, The Shining
5. Kurt Vonnegut - Breakfast of Champions, Player Piano
6. Christopher Fowler - Rune, Rooftops, City Jitters
7. Robert R. McCammon - They Thirst, Swan Song
8. Michael McDowell - Toplin, The Elementals
9. Peter Straub - Floating Dragon, Shadowland
10. T.E.D Klein - The Ceremonies
11. H.P. Lovecraft - At the Mountains of Madness, The Shadow over Innsmouth
12. Clive Barker - The Damnation Game, Weaveworld
13. Joe R. Lansdale - pretty much anything he writes




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Joined 2013-10-04T00:25:49Z

23 mar 2015
8 apr - 12 may 2015
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