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  • TeunAjax 2016-12-07 21:47:49.810095+00

    Listened / Watched your review. I'm pretty impressed by how much you can tell about an album. I would be done talking about it in like half a minute. Like 'yeah it's pretty good, some cool covers as well. Would recommend listening to it.'

    One thing I would encourage you to do is speak with a bit more confidence at time, with that I mean that you quite often say something and then immediately correct (or nuance, is probably the better word for it) yourself, while what you said wasn't wrong at all. As long as you say it like you believe (or pretend to believe) what you're saying, others will as well. Not sure if you get what I'm trying to say, if you don't I will try to elaborate on this.

    I will try to watch some of the other video's as well in the near future, although I'm quite busy right now with exams (which is also the time I spend most time on stuff that has nothing to do with exams so I might get around watching it anyway). What are your plans for the channel?
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  • TeunAjax 2016-12-07 21:56:28.629032+00

    Listening to Jacques Dutronc - Jacques Dutronc right now btw. Alex > Jacques imo. Glaxo Babies - This Is Your Life is next on the list.
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  • TeunAjax 2016-12-08 09:39:58.04095+00
    1/2 Ah yeah you told me you would go to see Blossoms, just not when. Nice (although I must admit I'm not the biggest Blossoms fan), how was it?

    I would have liked to be in a band as well, but I'm a talentless fuck when it comes to music. Or, well, I'm a lazy fuck. Apparently I was quite promising when I started playing guitar back when I was like 10. But I was lazy and didn't practice much, then after like 6 months the teacher quit because his main job (this was just a side job he did for fun) was too demanding. So then I thought 'I might as well quit too'. I picked up playing the guitar last summer because I was bored, but I couldn't stand the fact that I wasn't as good Jimi Hendrix after a week, so after a month or so I quit again. My dad has always been in bands, basically ever since he was 16 and is quite talented, so there was hope for me. A few weeks ago he made an electronic song as well, just to see if he could do it (even though he detests electronic music). I listened to it and it wasn't even that bad, with some better equipment it could have been a decent Aphex Twin like IDM track.

    Holy shit that video is sick. I mean, if Radiohead had taken that video nobody would have questioned it. For a group project at Uni we recently had to make a short movie as well (approximately 2 minutes) containing several editing errors (errors that disrupted the flow and shit). I came up with the idea (inspired by the Daydreaming video) for the movie and further developed it with two others. I also came up with the music (Radiohead - Codex) and was there with the filming and played a small part in it. Obviously it isn't as advanced as yours as we only put like 5 hours in the preparing and 4 hours in filming it, but it still turned out really well. The other groups' video's looked fucking shit compared to ours. Will try to see if I can get a link.
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  • TeunAjax 2016-12-08 10:01:59.715422+00
    2/2 About end of the year lists. I will probably just publish this list on RLF again, but I won't write anything about the albums because as I said I can't write or say shit about music. I have my exams next week (Monday, Tuesday, Friday), haven't done shit yet and have to work the whole day tomorrow and have a sort of Pre-Christmas celebration from 3PM on on Saturday, so time is running out. And here I am browsing RYM all day. But knowing me I will pass all my exams in some miraculous way anyway. Good luck with your exams. Where are you moving? Staying in Winsford or? I got accepted for Exeter btw, so I will be studying there for the first semester of next year. Looking forward to it.

    I'm also looking forward to going to a few concerts in the next few months, but it's still hard to find people to go with me, and I also have to choose between different concerts one day. Next Thursday there's Canshaker Pi in my former hometown (sort of), but the next day my exam (in Tilburg, not in Den Bosch) starts at 8:30, so it wouldn't be clever to go there. My dad probably will with a friend of his because I have made him a big fan as well. On the Friday of the exam week, so after the exam there's two things I want to go to. There's the Song of the Year festival in Utrecht from a Dutch radio station. I don't care much for their Song of the Year list, but amongst others Mozes and The Firstborn, De Staat and Vant are playing there. Tickets are 5 euro a piece, and 3 for 12, but it's in Utrecht and train connections are shit on the way back.

    At the same time Rats on Rafts and De Kift are playing in Nijmegen. Their collaboration Rats on Rafts / De Kift is sick and Rats on Rafts' Tape Hiss is my album of 2015. I would have gone to watch them a few weeks ago in Tilburg (literally on 5 minutes biking distance from where I live now), but I was really ill that day so I didn't go.

    On the 22nd there's also this big dilemma between two awesome concerts. On the one hand there's Canshaker Pi playing in a pub in Tilburg, but on the other hand there's this free Christmas festival by Mozes and The Firstborn and friends in Eindhoven which is going to be awesome, but I will probably stick to Canshaker Pi as a housemate of mine said he would maybe go with me and Tilburg is more convenient anyway.

    I do have tickets for DeWolff (5th time seeing them) in Den Bosch in January, traumahelikopter in a pub in Tilburg in February and most importantly the Sunday of Best Kept Secret festival (with Radiohead) in June in Hilvarenbeek, which is also within biking distance of Tilburg.

    Do you have any concerts planned for the near future?
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  • TeunAjax 2016-12-08 13:55:10.111812+00
    Blossoms is actually slowly gaining some popularity here as well. That song Charlemagne was on the radio a lot a few months ago, I knew them from that even before you mentioned them.

    My study's called 'University College Tilburg: Liberal Arts & Sciences'. The name is really vague and basically gives a completely wrong image of what the study actually is. It's hard to explain it to people as well, but the website does an alright job. Basically it is as follows; in the first year you have a lot of different courses in different fields like economics, law, philosophy, social sciences, neuroscience etc. You use insights from these different fields to come up with solutions to problems of society. In the second year you choose a major. You can choose 5 majors, those being 'Business & Management', 'Law in Europe', 'Social Sciences', 'Humanities' and 'Cognitive Neuroscience'.

    I picked Business & Management which means that I'm now doing something similar to stuff like 'International Business' and whatnot. The main difference is that our classes are smaller so that there's more interaction between teachers and students, that our teachers come from different academic backgrounds (so it might be the case that we have two teachers teaching a course, one of which is an economist and one of which is lawyer or a psychologist) and that we have more freedom in choosing our courses. In terms of master programs I can do after my studies it's a bit more complicated. One that I can certainly do at Tilburg University is one which I think is called 'International Strategic Management' which is I think also the one I will do. For other masters you might need to do extra courses and stuff.

    I honestly haven't got a clue what I want to do after my studies, but i hate studying as well (I mean I like student life, but I hate my lectures and studying, hence why I'm not studying right now lol), so studying till I know what I want isn't really an option either. I will probably just finish my Bachelor, then do my Master and just hope that I know what to with my life when I've done that (which is in 2.5 years).

    Both houses look pretty good. It's hard to see whether one is better than the other just from pictures though. Good luck with the decision. About Coronation Street, I've never seen it, but the name sounds (really) vaguely familiar. But, apparently it was on Dutch TV in the '70s and also since 2010 till present.

    I'm pretty happy with the house I'm in right now. The location is pretty ideal right in the middle between the city center (10 minutes from the city center, 10 minutes from Uni). Usually this means that there's lots of traffic and shit, but our house is basically in the backyard of that of our landlord, so it's really quiet and safe. The house itself isn't really spectacular, the bathroom and the kitchen are alright, but not fancy at all. We don't have a livingroom, but our rooms are sufficiently big to chill in each others rooms. When I'm in Exeter I will probably (if I'm allowed to by the landlord) rent my room to my cousin. Her mother wants her to move out and she's really nice so it's not that I set my housemates up with a terrible person. About Exeter, I've really only heard good stories so far (from an English classmate and friend of mine who has a bunch of friends studying there, from a colleague, from people from RLF).

    Alright back to studying. At least there's Ajax tonight to look forward to. I'm really looking forward to that. We're playing our B-Team again with Nouri, Van de Beek, De Ligt etc. Also would you mind and lose to Zorya Luhansk tonight, so that Feyenoord can advance (although Feyenoord would probably still bottle it against Fener), thanks.
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  • TeunAjax 2016-12-08 14:20:58.362762+00

    About adding your collection. On RYM I have properly added my collection in the sense that I looked at serial numbers and stuff. That's not doable here as you would probably have to manually add about half the releases you own. So what I did was I just went to the primary issue, added that one in the right format (or whatever you want to call it, vinyl, CD, digital etc.). I do have my whole collection with the right serial numbers and stuff catalogued on Discogs (there's a link in my RYM bio thing to my collection). It was a few hours work, but in the end I only needed to add one album (or single better said) myself.
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  • TeunAjax 2016-12-09 08:12:53.722124+00
    It's just my study that's different, not necessarily my uni. If you study International Business or shit like that you just have business courses in your first like Accounting, like Finance etc. If you study psychology you have psychology courses etc. However, my study is designed for people who want a broader view at the world, although in about half the cases it's for people who just don't know what to study. It did have much higher requirements than your normal university study in the Netherlands though. I think I explained it once on RLF. In the Netherlands you will be accepted for basically every study at Uni (except for a few exceptions like Liberal Arts, Medicine etc.) if you have done the highest level of secondary education (with in some cases the required courses. Like for physics you need to have done physics in high school as well). But, as I said there are some studies that have additional requirements. For my program I needed a >7.0 average at highschool, I needed to write a letter of motivation, an essay about a societal issue and I needed to do an interview with the board of the study. So now we have a group of people who are extremely intelligent, but don't have the slightest idea what the hell they want to do with their life. So it's good to have that in common.
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  • TeunAjax 2017-01-10 18:17:00.415125+00
    There's not that much good stuff that's already been released so far anyway. I really have to actively seek for good music and even then I barely find any. Luckily there's that new Mozes EP to save the day, or the year.
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