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Hi everyone, I'm Alex and music is my life :D

My favorite song of all-time is "More Than A Feeling" by Boston.....hence my username.

Oh yeah, I also like to stay up late and not do anything productive.

I have been a huge fan of classic rock since I was a wee lad so most of my music comes from an era before I even existed...often thinking to myself that I was born in the wrong decade. I have more recently (within the past 5-10 years) come to appreciate more of the music coming out today and am finding, as my musical taste expands, that I love most of it in the rock/alt genres (and subgenres).

Also, know that I always listen to the album or song I am rating prior to and during my rating process and I will always give a star rating and write a review. Understand that my review is strictly subjective and will reflect my own personal opinions. And yes, this will be an actual review and not something like "this music sucks and is overrated" or something like "these people rating this suck donkey balls" (c'mon now guys, let's not do that to each other) or "I listened to this music when I was 12"....honestly I don't give a f**k if I'm into music other people don't like...if it sounds great to me, then I'm going to like it. Also who really wants to read a bunch of reviews that don't really review anything at all? I will give actual well thought out reasonings for why I like the music. I also try to do as much research on the music that I am rating beforehand so I don't rate some album that I'm not really that familiar with...I usually listen to my favorite albums for months at a time so I will probably be slow in getting out reviews. I don't want to make them too long, usually a paragraph or so (unless there's a story involved) otherwise people probably won't read them. Since I am rating music that I find appealing, the vast majority of my reviews will be very positive and highly rated. I will eventually get reviews out for all the music I have under my favorite artist list but seeing as I just joined and am not on as frequently as I'd like, I guess I will get to them when I get to them. I'm also not here to judge other's taste in music because I know everyone is coming from a different place and everyone has different tastes in music and that's part of what makes the world go 'round. Anyway...if you've seen this, thanks for stopping by and have a great day! (I'm sorry that sounded gay, but it's probably from having a sales job)

I've decided to do it based on the titles of songs from the band Boston seeing as they are one of if not my favorite band of all-time. I actually love every song on this system and this isn't necessarily the order in which I prefer each of these songs either but thought that their respective titles would do the job in displaying how I feel about each star rating.

5.0 stars: "More Than A Feeling"
4.5 stars: "Peace of Mind"
4.0 stars: "Higher Power"
3.5 stars: "Foreplay/ Long Time"
3.0 stars: "Feelin' Satisfied"
2.5 stars: "I Had A Good Time"
2.0 stars: "I Think I Like It"
1.5 stars: "Cool the Engines"
1.0 stars: "Don't Look Back"
0.5 stars: "Corporate America"

I find that my reviews, though everyone is different, seem to have some sort of formula to them. I'll try to give you the basic rundown of what I have observed from my own reviewing. I start off by giving some background about the artist (for those who may not know and are in seek of useless information). I then like to talk about the components of the music (aka harmonies, melodies, guitar riffs, etc.), sometimes selecting specific tracks where these elements may apply. I may bring up the vocalist, guitarist, bassist, drummer, etc. if I feel it important and describe their role in the success/failure of the music and possibly provide some biographical background. I then go onto the success the artist has had in the past or what my prediction may be about the artist (if still active) will be in the future. I will then give the reader what I feel are the key tracks, sometimes expanding upon what I like about them or giving some background. Finally, I will determine how I ultimately feel about the album/single compilation and then give a recommendation to music listeners who are fans of particular genres that may enjoy this music if they've never experienced it before.

And...feel free to add me.
If there is anything you think I'd like or feel I should check out for whatever other reason, don't hesitate to recommend it to me!




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23 mar 2015
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