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Early access
Valheim - cover art
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3.44 / 5.0
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Good Potential
While this game feels awkward at times, it is pretty fun and as far as early access games go I would consider it to be promising. I am interested in where this game will go in the next couple years assuming there are plans for it.
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Duckpin 2023-06-22T01:12:19Z
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Really Rough Around the Edges
Out of nowhere this game became virally popular and it's easy to see why. It's a solid open world survival craft with an interesting fantasy setting and action packed combat for fun with the pals. I am interested to see where it goes but I will not be returning any time soon, it needs a lot of work.

- The combat feels great and rewarding, with a swing and hit, dark souls-esque stagger system. I can't get enough of the screen shake when I attack an enemy, and heavy hits sending the enemies flying, it feels so satisfying to kill enemies who stand no chance, and getting swung on by a log troll feels really dangerous.
- The graphics are beautiful and minimal yet also detailed in their own way, say no more.
- The building system is excellent and easily the most polished and extensive part of the game, if you like to build, this game is great for it.
- The preparation for a trek feels important and in bad conditions you can certainly get slogged down and die. Being well fed and rested is crucial to survival and if you're not, you'll certainly die when adventuring.

- The "survival" aspect of this game is mediocre. You don't need to eat or drink to live, you could effectively sit in a house forever and not suffer whatsoever provided its in a safe area with the vermin-like, mischievous Greydwarfs & Greylings, who are much like the troublemaking teenagers on a Halloween night you'd see in those dated movies: TP'ing houses and running around vandalizing pumpkins. Meals are just health and stamina buffs. That's it. One's max health or max stamina is determined by the three meals they ate or didn't eat. Weather is mostly a debuff. I prefer a real survival system of hydration and satiation, or weather that matters.
- Progression. Trying to move forward up technologies, skill levels, and ages (if you'd call them that), feels like a total grind and often very hardly rewarding if noticeable at all, and when it feels rewarding, that's a fleeting feeling as the next enemies make you feel like you're fighting them with sticks and they're fighting you with the sharpest weapons in all of the land. By the time you grind the gear from the area with the once-were dangerous enemies and resource nodes, you've already conquered them and fully understand them, so you end up meeting the next, stronger enemies and resource nodes that dwarf your shitty gear. It turns into grind or die repeatedly, or even worse: grind AND die repeatedly.
- Farming is so boring and a big time chore, you will certainly wish for any kind of efficient system, why can't I plant more than one seed at a time? Why do I have to point at each crop to harvest each, one at a time. Why cant I harvest handfuls? Upgraded cultivator? If you're growing for your crew, it is an awful chore.. I love farming in games, but not this one. Especially with so few crops
- Scaling in this game is god awful, with the amount of players in a radius, monsters become far more difficult (stat-wise) and the grind necessary to adequately fight those monsters is ridiculous and painful because the resource nodes don't scale with the amount of players, but the monster difficulty does. So you'll find yourself doing chores collecting scarce materials for hours just to suit up your group and if you read my section on progression above: it very quickly becomes worthless as you hop out of the pan into the fire.
- WHERE DO WE GO NEXT? I don't read wikis or follow guides when I play so I tend to rely on the game's ability to show me the way (or at least make it intuitive to some extent) and Valheim hardly helps the player at all and looking up how to tame boars and where to find silver was a must. We fought our way through the plains after the black forest getting a handful of items we had no idea how to utilize (especially those damn black metal scraps) only to search for the mountain biome and struggle to figure out how to traverse it without freezing to death and making lines of campfires just to get murdered by drakes and wolves felt like shit, just to somehow find the hidden silver ore and THEN make the lox capes and wolf capes but hey we tried the frost mead after 20 campfires and 15 deaths so eventually we progressed, and it still felt like shit.

- Difficulty in Valheim gets so steep so fast. Fighting greydwarfs to trolls to draugrs is great fun and feels linear and proper. BUT THEN, plains biome and everything is super dangerous, even the individual goblins and shaman are as challenging or more dangerous than the bosses leading up to them. the mountains very simply just have frost resistance gear to counter so much of the damage you'd receive. Which is so silly. Don't even get me started on fighting Yagluth. God. what an agonizing mess. After hours of preparation, we still died dozens of times because every weapon and arrow we shot did no damage to it except for the two silver weapons we made.

Even though I am a strict blind player especially with games like this that have exploration and discovery: DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME BLIND. save hours of your time and dodge the frustration and confusion that comes with this counterintuitive design.
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Unleash 2021-10-16T18:28:04Z
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This review was written after an 84 hour blind first playthrough of Valheim (Home and Hearth) with 4 friends.
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Valheim is a great survival game with some quirky graphics that take some getting used to. The progression is very linear and easy to understand however is very punishing if you aren't in the right places. Nonetheless the game is great and really feels like its own world. The first time I found a troll I ran away screaming, and my rage at being killed by a falling tree and my first encounter with a deathsquito is hard to forget! The building in this game can also be very fun and is easy to understand. Highly recommend this game, especially if you have a small group to play with.
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Sir_RollyPolly 2021-07-08T03:28:52Z
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Supported: YouTube, Soundcloud, Bandcamp, Vimeo, Dailymotion
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Integrus Valheim 2024-05-01T23:28:36Z
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WeskerStar Valheim 2024-04-26T15:48:53Z
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orchidcnr Valheim 2024-04-17T16:09:45Z
Windows / Linux/Unix
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schumts Valheim 2024-04-12T16:56:52Z
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Dangalf Valheim 2024-04-11T02:50:29Z
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Oqwert Valheim 2024-04-06T08:31:55Z
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saiphhh Valheim 2024-04-01T12:08:42Z
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beekbirb Valheim 2024-03-27T05:54:11Z
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zanderman Valheim 2024-03-26T19:26:13Z
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noyade Valheim 2024-03-25T12:02:35Z
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Chitallic Valheim 2024-03-24T09:40:42Z
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deSelby Valheim 2024-03-24T04:20:31Z
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Player modes
1-10 players
Early access date
02 feb 2021
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  • ThrashingFairy 2021-07-26 21:35:26.320509+00
    I hope it lives up to it's potential.
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  • Jaxijin 2021-10-25 04:08:49.890143+00
    ngl I started enjoying this more once I installed the gravekeeper mod. I didn't mind the "lose everything upon death and then mad-dash back to get it" mechanic at first, but by the time you're trying to do harder stuff like get iron out of the crypts in the tough swamp areas, my friend and I just got fed up with it. Play sessions increasingly became "someone died in a tough area so now we spend 1-2 hours working to get the stuff back" and we just lost patience.

    The game is quite fun once you get over that annoying hurdle.
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  • LanI 2022-12-12 12:42:11.803147+00
    Anybody playing this game download ValheimRAFT and inventory mods. Improves the game considerably.
    • ThrashingFairy 2023-05-29 12:03:41.331495+00
      They should just add Steam Workshop support and that'll improve the game considerably. It'd make the long waits between updates much more tolerable.
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  • Symbiat 2023-01-18 16:09:40.630761+00
    great game but the death loop of spending an entire in-game week trying to get your items back when you make a stupid mistake in a dangerous area + constantly being harrassed by little squadrons of graydrawves any time you build anywhere kind of makes me lose my mind sometimes
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  • DavidthePearce 2023-01-27 05:59:41.136247+00
    this game made me realise that if I was teleported back in time to be amongst cavemen, I would probably progress technology backwards. I had to see someone online post about a sun dial to realise that would work.
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  • ElectJimLahey 2023-02-03 07:39:53.85359+00
    This game absolutely rules but the devs ran out of excuses so long ago that I dock it a point. It's a lot of fun with friends but holy shit you should be adding a new biome once every few months, not waiting until 2025 to finish a game.
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  • Fowlawneeshafow 2023-04-21 05:33:35.534128+00
    Very comfy game
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