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Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3 [J2ME]

Developer / Publisher: Gameloft
12 January 2004
Glitchwave rating
2.28 / 5.0
2 Ratings /
#585 for 2004
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fuck fuck fuck fuck, this game COULD be so great!!! I know it's there. Ok here's the problem. theres 15 missions, about 5 of them (or more) involve something where you can randomly, arbitrarily INSTA FAIL. so no, you won't be failing because 8 of your men died. You will most of the time be failing because "HOSTAGE HAS BEEN SHOT" or "DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN DESTROYED" or "BOMB DETONATED" but theres usually NO indication why or when these things happen. You actually just have a complete gamble on if the enemy AI will let you win or not. Will the enemy AI roll the dice and decide you stepped one step too loud this time so they instakill the hostage before you're even anywhere near the door? PROBABLY YES.

It fucking sucks. I did one mission (Falcon Hour) atleast 50 attempts. I used the premade plan, I made my own plan. I put it on easiest difficulty, I turned autoaim on. Like, I'm not that shit at games, especially shooters..but god fucking DAMN every single fucking time I got anywhere close to the hostage room (Including Open & Flash, Breach charge, whatever the fuck you name it) they instakilled them and immediate mission failure. I think I only lost by death maybe once or twice in the entire game.

Honestly the missions where it's like *Go in and neutralize all terrorists always made me feel excitement. Cause I knew I woulden't have to deal with any insta-lose replay 100 times until you get the right AI diceroll bullshit. Fuck man, it sucks. This game has everything to be THE classic staple tactical shooter. I mean it practically is. I don't know what I was doing wrong, or if people just don't remember the campaign but damn it is annoying to play the same mission 20 times in a row.

Besides that shit, I appreciate having a large list of operators to pick from, but honestly I don't even think I really gave a shit, or it matters..? once a named operative dies, hes gone forever. and replaced with a generic *Assault 123 kind of guy. So you never actually run out of team members, just kind of inferior versions of the named operators. I mean does it really matter? everything kills in like one hit anyway, so as long as you give all your guys not complete shit weapons (Use the m4 with silencer) you'll probably do fine.

I'll admit I didn't really understand the planning shit at all, and mostly just used the default made plan, walked around and used callsigns when it told me etc..the game just does such a shit job at teaching you the basics, and HOW you're actually suppose to play... I don't know

I'm so conflicted on this one. On one hand I'm really glad I played through it, the general combat does make you feel really OPERATOR and some of the team maneuvers can be badass, but that excitement and love quickly gets soured once you have to redo the same thing over and over and hope your gamble wins this time...ugh..

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darkrecollections 2020-09-03T22:15:30Z
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act2hydrocityzone Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3 [J2ME] 2023-05-23T09:27:50Z
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darkrecollections Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3 [J2ME] 2020-09-03T22:15:30Z
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nmkolp Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3 2017-02-28T01:51:24Z
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