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Teen Titans 2

10 October 2006
Glitchwave rating
3.13 / 5.0
3 Ratings /
#609 for 2006
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XNA 0 96427 01481 2 AGB-BZUE-USA
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For me, this game was a good bit better than the first Teen Titans GBA game. While definitely still a beat 'em up style game, this game is much more heavily focused on platforming and level navigation than the first. It's also significantly more difficult than the first, especially since you only use one Titan during each level.

I did miss this ability to switch between the Titan's during the levels but, since each of the levels in this game are designed to be challenging based on a specific Titan's abilities, that feature simply couldn't carry over. On the plus side, because the levels are much more focused in design, they are generally much more challenging. Combine that with the fact that there are simply more levels, and you'll find that this game runs about twice as long as the first game.

Robin, Beast Boy, and Cyborg's levels are all platforming levels, which center around their abilities. Robin can double jump and wall jump. Beast Boy has a single jump but can climb walls (and ropes). Cyborg has a single jump but can hover in the air. All the Robin and Beast Boy levels are good, though Beast Boy's lack of health can make his annoying at times. I found Cyborgs levels to be fairly frustrating however, mostly due to his combat abilities. Raven can fly, and thus is overpowered so her levels are all easy but are a nice respite from the more difficult levels. Starfire is similarly overpowered, but is at least given a new type of level, scrolling shooting sections, which are a nice change of pace.

The bosses aren't too challenging, and the AI is much better than the first game, but it's still not great. The art design is pretty much the same (quite good), using the same assets as the first games with slight differences here and there. The enemy designs are generally better as well, though the game could have done with a bit more variety. The music is still nothing special, but I quite like the updated theme, and the level music does have a bit more pep than the first.

Overall, it's certainly not a great game, but if you like Teen Titans and you like 2D beat 'em ups/platformers, then it's definitely worth a playthrough, especially since you can beat it in under 10 hours. If you like just one of those things, it might be worth a try, but again don't expect anything impressive or original. If you're ambivalent towards both then it's probably not worth it.

P.S. I rate things based on my own personal enjoyment, because that's what is most useful to me. If I were to give this a critical rating, I'd probably land it at a 6/10.
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samthemusicman Teen Titans 2 2022-04-15T15:52:32Z
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8+ Hours
Mentaldinner Teen Titans 2 2022-03-15T18:54:05Z
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GBA 2D Platformer Side scroller
Content rating
ESRB: E10+
1x Cartridge
Also known as
  • Teen Titans 2: The Brotherhood's Revenge
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