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Clone Hero

Developer / Publisher: Ryan Foster
29 November 2022
Clone Hero - cover art
Glitchwave rating
4.03 / 5.0
311 Ratings /
#152 All-time
#6 for 2022
Clone Hero is a fan-made recreation of the Guitar Hero series of rhythm games.
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Fan-made recreation of the Guitar Hero series of music and rhythm games.
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2022 Ryan Foster  
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I AM the clone hero
I love to play trash music on this game, it really shows how far we’ve come as human beings to make a game about playing a guitar. I mean seriously, how lazy are we to not play the real guitar and choose to play a fake one? Anyways, i’m addicted to this game and love it dearly. I like how you can pirate songs from the rock band and hmguitar hero franchises.I can play any song I want without being swatted because the feds can never catch me!!!! I think it’s cool how my flipping guitar strum is broken ( I think) when I hit a long note I strum it and the game strums twice and flips up the long note. Not the games problem but i’m just saying. The convenience of this game is pretty cool too, I just need to add a zip file song to the clone hero files and boom. I am a pirater. The game gives you and option to change backgrounds which is lovely so I can add a pic of Pirates because I live that life. In conclusionnnn, this game is a wonderful convenient and LAZY game that is FREE because they know the gh community is BROKE after spending their life savings on a raphnet adapter. love this game, peace and love✌️☮️
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Cody645 2022-11-25T08:03:36Z
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as someone who has played a lot of rhythm games, if you complain about the lack of timing windows you're a loser. not because it feels good to hit notes that you shouldn't get away with, but because what sets high level clone hero apart from other rhythm games is its sheer amount of tech

HOWEVER it is extremely disappointing how conservative the charting community is with musical accuracy at anything that isn't a super high level and it basically prevents me from actually enjoying the game for longer than a couple days. the point of the original games having guitar-accurate charting was about image, pretending you're a rockstar on a stage with all the cheesy graphics and models. once it's removed from that context and becomes another community-dependent rhythm game where you react to a lane on a static background, i want to see some experimentation and dump charts! but they don't exist if you aren't insane at the game

one of the reasons i play rhythm games is to see how people interpret a song: what their favorite parts are, what instruments stand out to them, and how they imagine a song existing through the filter of very specific gameplay mechanics. this variety in perspectives is what prevents rhythm games from getting stale for me. in this way, 99.95% of clone hero is like anti-level design. shit like this is super cool though (god this thumbnail is so funny)
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over_loadcode 2023-02-12T02:21:25Z
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Supported: YouTube, Soundcloud, Bandcamp, Vimeo, Dailymotion
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reshader Clone Hero 2024-06-29T18:13:00Z
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aztrosist Clone Hero 2024-06-25T07:26:58Z
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Schnedeny Clone Hero 2024-06-24T04:13:31Z
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Anatomized Clone Hero 2024-06-13T00:12:43Z
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danielrqt Clone Hero 2024-06-04T19:33:37Z
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ntxp3 Clone Hero 2024-06-01T07:48:02Z
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kaanbreaker Clone Hero 2024-06-01T03:33:40Z
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JmoZ Clone Hero 2024-05-29T09:53:11Z
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ThaSoupDude Clone Hero 2024-05-27T02:17:14Z
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Bel3 Clone Hero 2024-05-21T22:07:43Z
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phoe Clone Hero 2024-05-21T03:29:28Z
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DriedRoseTear Clone Hero 2024-05-20T06:19:36Z
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Player modes
1-4 players
Early access date
01 mar 2017
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  • andreapesthebigtizio 2023-06-04 07:20:40.652052+00
    definitely one of the games of all time
    • Dr_Manhattan95 2023-06-05 16:00:46.025863+00
      definitely one of the best games of all time
    • renegadexavier06 2023-06-08 16:58:29.551858+00
      Altough the song choices for harder songs can get... weird, and the playstyle for such high level charts are... spammy, I'm pretty confident in calling this the best VSRG
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  • TomokoKuroki 2023-10-11 13:50:44.880953+00
    great fun but yall are wild for rating this higher than any of the actual GH/RB games lol
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    • finemotorsmiff 2023-12-01 06:19:41.16395+00
      But the charts are the game. Clone Hero is literally stripped down to nothing but pure gameplay. You seem to value the personality of those games which is super valid, but I don't think it's wild at all that people on this site prefer the game with the most content by far.
    • HiroM 2023-12-05 12:52:32.146239+00
      I honestly think that's just a difference in approach to rhythm games. Someone who will play rhythm games to get good at them and learn it over hundreds or thousands of hours is always gonna prefer the game with endless content and better quality charts over character and personality as those are novelty that will eventually wear off anyway. If you're someone who just plays the game for a few hours and then only plays very occasionally and casually you're likely gonna get more value from the latter.
      I don't think either of those approaches is right or wrong.
    • UnhallowedBlood 2023-12-18 07:50:03.583495+00
      But, you can also add any custom background videos and highways to all your songs, which allows you to give them those same personalities the GH and RB games have. Want all the GH3 songs to have their original background videos and characters with their highways to match? You can, and that's what I've actually been doing with all the games. It might not be a 1-to-1 recreation, but it looks damn good and feels awesome to play. It's like having a portal to every game's quickplay in one place.
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  • Bender161 2023-11-25 00:09:41.202422+00
    completely strips guitar hero of its main appeal (having ridiculously overdesigned characters rocking out on screen), without that its just another rythm game
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  • Kittyhat 2023-11-30 22:00:21.893774+00
    adding stuff like this and Visual Pinball seems like cheating cause these are technically perfect games but just have to rely 100% on user generated content
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  • breakdownbbe 2024-01-04 00:25:33.839858+00
    Great idea & execution
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  • JillSandwich390 2024-04-27 06:38:07.778998+00
    This is literally the game I always dreamed about when I played guitar hero as a kid. Having full control over a constantly expanding setist is absolutely huge. Nothing else can measure up to that feature
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