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Assassin's Creed Brotherhood

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3.44 / 5.0
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#1,370 All-time
#49 for 2010
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This is the continuation of what I and many other will tell you is the best entry in the franchise, while it's a bit of a step back from that game due to there only being one major location (that being Rome) I will say that this is the best game overall when it comes to the sandbox style gameplay given that there's so much more to do here than there is in the other instalments.

This is a hybrid of the first two games in the franchise, meaning that some of the mechanics that the second game discarded such as the militia and flags to collect return here whilst still retaining the perfect pacing each mission has from the second game. A new mechanic introduced is the option to "fully synchronise" a memory by having Ezio perform a task in a specific way (i.e. not falling into water or assassinating someone without getting detected.) The factions from the second game are back as well, each having their own quests which offer rewards whenever you find yourself in need of their services. They were very useful in the previous game and invaluable in this game due to how much trickier the missions have become. There's much more side quests as well which include destroying da Vinci's inventions which the Borgia have stolen (his reduced role was expanded in a dlc this game has) as well as the return of raiding tombs in order to unlock a treasure room just like in the previous game. These side quests are the only time the game doesn't take place in Rome which is a welcomed addition to the otherwise stale map. It’s hard to believe that Ezio is in his fifties throughout the game (even considering how the last game spanned over two decades) given how he moves just as nimbly as he did before. That said, even he knows he can't fight this battle on his own, which is why the game introduces apprentices he can take on which he can level up by sending them on quests throughout the world to increase the assassins influence throughout Europe, basically it’s the games explanation for the downfall of the real-world Templers which I think is clever. As this game largely takes place in Rome, there's fewer historical events for it to exploit and the few it does it has to take massive creative liberties with (I'm happy to report the Borgia’s did not engage with incest despite what this game depicts.) It's a fun way of tampering with history that the game doesn't take too seriously. One final thing to mention is the real-world events, specifically the mystery of who is betraying our heroes. I won't reveal who it is but let's just say it doesn't make sense no matter how hard the game tries to make it so.

I know it's a step back from the second game, however it's still a fantastic experience that's well worth your time.
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Foxylover92 2021-06-23T01:07:21Z
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The modern-day story is a continuation of Assassin’s Creed 2, although you're not missing much if this is your entry-point to the series since it is rather brief. Desmond views more of the life of Ezio Auditore who lives in Renaissance Italy. The Villa that you built up into a fortress in the previous game gets ransacked, led by Cesare Borgia, son of Pope Rodrigo Borgia.

Ezio travels to Rome. You will be restoring Rome instead, after taking down the Borgia Towers in each district. Investing in shops allows you to purchase weapons, armour and medical supplies at a discount. Although the system sounds good, I was just buying any building I came across, and only bought a few weapons and armour at key points in the game.

It’s a problem with the majority of these games really, that there’s a few systems and loads of objective types but every aspect is just basic and you just casually play without putting much thought into most of it.

The parkour part of the game often just involves holding the run button and moving forward so Ezio automatically jumps when required. The impressive climbing animations allow you to traverse most buildings as there is almost always something for Ezio to cling onto in the city areas.

There’s quite a few “tailing” missions where you have to follow someone, and you can’t get too close, or too far from them. Some stealth sections don’t allow you to take the easy aerial route, but when you are on the ground, you can “blend” into crowds by walking slowly with them.

Committing crimes in a city increases your notoriety bar which determines how much attention the guards will pay to you. The lower the meter, then the closer you can walk to the guards. At a low level, they may be curious and walk towards you, but if you have high notoriety, they will begin chasing at first sight. You can lower the notoriety by ripping wanted-posters from the walls, killing officials or bribing the heralds. It's an overly simplistic system which means you don't really need to care about your actions since it's easy just to revert the situation back to normal. When guards give chase, you also have the option of running out of a set area to evade them. Alternatively you can hide in the hay, or roof-top shacks as long as you have broken line of sight.

The exploration element of Assassin's Creed remains the same. There's a large environment to explore, and scaling buildings is easy. Your map initially lacks detail unless you climb the tallest buildings and 'synchronise'. At this point, points of interest such as quests, shops and notoriety-reducing-elements are marked on your map. But then it becomes so cluttered with all kinds of icons.

The health system is similar to the previous game. Ezio starts off with low health (using the usual trope of being injured to make him weak compared to the end of the prior game). You can only replenish full health points by using the medicine items, or visiting a doctor. I found the 5 medicine vials you can carry to be rather generous, and this limit can be extended by purchasing better pouches. You can increase your health points by purchasing better armour which can also be temporarily broken until repaired at the Armourer. These elements make the game very easy.

There's a decent range of weapons you can purchase, with various daggers, swords and axes to play with. You can also customise the theme of Ezio's clothing by dyeing his clothes via the Tailor.

There's a basic combo system to combat, but the counter-attack move still remains the most effective and easiest option. The enemy variety does result in different strategies, but ultimately it resorts to similar behaviour to the first game where each character takes turns in attacking, allowing you to pick them off easily. Once you execute one guard, you can chain into nearby guards for easy kills. Stealth assassinations allow you to kill from hiding places, ledges and rooftops for some satisfying and strategic kills.

Scattered around towns are groups of Warriors, Thieves or Courtesans which you can hire. Warriors can fight but are limited to the ground, Thieves are weaker fighters but can follow you over rooftops, and Courtesans give you a moving group to blend with, and will distract guards with their charm. Although this sounds like a good idea, just like all the other ideas; it's overly simple. In the prior game, I used them for easy escape but didn’t bother with them much.

There’s actually a better system to use anyway, where you can save citizens from being beaten by guards, and they join your Assassins. Then you can call them to swoop in to take out guards for you. You can send them on missions to gain experience to level up, which is a simple system of a percentage chance and a short cool-down timer when they return. Although if they fail, they are killed and don’t return.

There's a good amount of collectibles with the usual flags, feathers and chests.

There are a couple of areas where you are in non-city areas like tombs. These are small Prince Of Persia style areas where you will be climbing and jumping around structures. It doesn't quite reach the complexity of Prince Of Persia, or even match its design, but it's a nice change of pace although it can be hard to tell where you are actually supposed to go.

The game is just more of the same Assassin’s Creed 2. Although that was a great game, it just feels a bit too repetitive and unoriginal at this point, and is a little too easy.
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CaptainClam 2023-10-15T22:06:07Z
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+ Great narrative sequel to AC II.
- One of the first attempts at tedious base-capture mechanics by Ubisoft.

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Chieftah 2021-11-27T07:27:38Z
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Assassin's Creed Brotherhood - Nintendo Switch
So, take Assassin's Creed II, take out all the major blemishes, give Ezio his coolest Assassin Robe, and you're done. It's pretty much the same game, just better. There's really not much to it. Switch version ran perfectly well. I don't know what else to say really. I guess Cesare is a very fun villain, something that AC II can't say. He's probably the best villain in the series. Just fun and hateable, and his slow breakdown is really satisfying.
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kyungsoon03 2023-07-12T22:46:48Z
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Less is more?
I’ve seen this game described that way a lot, and yeah it is less... but what the fuck do people mean by more? More what? More shitty tailing missions? In this 8-10 hour game I think I’ve spent at least 4 hours either following people or escorting people, in AC2 it was barely like 3-5 missions where you did this, here it's like half of them and it gets old fast.

Also while the brotherhood mechanic is cool and all I think it could have been better if these weren’t just randomly generated characters, would have been cool to just have 5-10 side quests on the map where you meet a character and make them join your cause instead of an infinite amount of bland nothing characters that you don’t really become attached too and seeing them die is more of a matter of going oh well I guess I’ll have to go find a new one after the mission is done rather than anything.

I was really disappointed by this game, I had never finished it till today and honestly I find it strange that a lot of fans hold this as the best game in the franchise. Not saying that’s not a valid opinion I just personally don’t see it, it takes AC2 and just does it again but with a more focused plot that lasts 10 hours instead of 20-30.
Still there’s strong points here, the story is great...and everything that was good from AC2 came back so 95% of your enjoyment depends on whether you liked Ezio to begin with and whether you liked AC2 in general, granted that shouldn’t be much of an issue I think most people would agree that Ezio is an amazing character and AC2 is a great game.

The modern day storyline is a bit worse than in 2 imo, mostly because there’s more of it and I find Desmond to be bland as fuck, Lucy and Rebeca just sorta exist, everytime they try to make a joke I kinda cringe though, and then there’s Shaun which I actually dig, idk I find his sarcastic remarks and jokes funny. Def the one saving grace of this section of the game.

I found the parkour to be slightly worse, idk just didn’t feel as good as in 2, the one thing I’ll give this game and not to AC2 is that the combat is much better and the stealth is also a bit better.

Good game and good sequel, but nothing that great or impressive if you’ve already played 2.
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Docky14 2021-06-29T14:43:40Z
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More of the Same, Give or Take
After coming out with the great Assassin's Creed II, there were a few different directions the series could have headed. A new setting was of course mandatory to keep interest up, possibly a different time period with a new cast. However, following the high praise that Ezio garnered, Brotherhood is a direct continuation of his story. Rather than taking place in Venice, Ezio travels to Rome in the late 1400's to finish what he started with the Borgia family, and to uncover more secrets about the distant past.

Brotherhood is, by and large, incredibly similar to II. Most features make a return, with a few alterations to keep things interesting for series veterans. Now, instead of maintaining a single villa, Ezio can invest in the economy of Rome as a whole by purchasing and opening businesses or landmarks. This allows for a steady flow of income that increases the more you invest. Alongside this is the assassins recruitment system, where you can bring on new assassins and send them off to perform distant tasks, or have them aid you in battle. These two additions add quite a bit of content, though your mileage on how enjoyable you find them will vary considerably. There is also a new multiplayer mode which I have not played, and can not comment on.

One of the biggest reasons to appreciate Brotherhood is the absolutely gorgeous new setting of Rome. Assassin's Creed II was generally a very urban game, barring a small bit of countryside in Flori. Brotherhood gives you the city of Rome, the Vatican, and a bit of the surrounding Rome countryside including the Colosseum to explore. It's breathtaking. Some of the best sites in the franchise up to this point take place in this game, whether you're running across ancient aqueducts or exploring hot springs. It's undoubtedly the most colorful Assassin's Creed game yet, and I spent more time than I'd like to admit simply running through the countryside, enjoying the light soundtrack.

In terms of missions, the variety has been spread out a little bit. Standard side assassinations still exist, now being dolled out by the mercenaries guild. Other missions are sprinkled across the thieves and courtesans guilds, featuring tailing missions, races, beat ups, and some new attempts at side missions. Still, the meat of the content is in the main story itself. One exception is the Leonardo Da Vinci missions. Reprising his role from the previous game, Leonardo has been contracted by the Borgia's to create new weapons of war, and he's asked you to help destroy them. Generally, these missions are actually pretty fun, as they all give you the chance to get behind the wheel and try these war machines out. A prototype machine gun, tank, skiff, and bomber are all yours to seek, use, and then destroy. They're mostly fun, though a couple of them control a little too awkwardly for you to wish for more by the end.

The modern day portions of Brotherhood remain traditionally dull, but do have a few surprises, as the Animus is now set up in the villa from Assassin's Creed II. This callback is a welcome setting, as you are allowed to leave the Animus and explore the villa, now with modern day amenities to a degree. Still, there's little reason to do this when the Ezio portions of the game are the clear meat. Assassin's Creed Brotherhood is so similar to II, that it becomes difficult to ascertain whether it's better or worse for it. If you really just wanted more II in your life, then Brotherhood is the game for you.
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Teglement 2018-12-24T19:56:57Z
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paillou Assassin's Creed Brotherhood 2024-06-14T15:44:27Z
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ssguiss Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood 2024-06-13T18:46:39Z
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airslashes Assassin's Creed Brotherhood 2024-06-12T17:57:37Z
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ChristianArtNetwork Assassin's Creed Brotherhood 2024-06-11T21:17:44Z
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danielrqt Assassin's Creed Brotherhood 2024-06-10T13:44:23Z
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W28Mews Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood 2024-06-09T05:58:29Z
Xbox 360 • US
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B4rtoszG Assassin's Creed Brotherhood 2024-06-08T08:53:25Z
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thekoreanone Assassin's Creed Brotherhood 2024-06-06T19:19:12Z
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Jigglybacon Assassin's Creed Brotherhood 2024-06-06T18:20:18Z
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quallit Assassin's Creed Brotherhood 2024-06-04T17:59:14Z
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Power_Pop77 Assassin's Creed Brotherhood 2024-06-04T12:06:42Z
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americanflotsam Assassin's Creed Brotherhood 2024-06-04T05:34:25Z
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  • vibrii 2023-07-20 04:16:58.23606+00
    This has some missions that are better than anything in 1 or 2 and then follows them up with the most buggy and insufferably boring missions imaginable...
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  • Innerexperience 2023-09-04 14:31:50.487056+00
    Some hilarious characters in this one makes me like it more than the 2nd game!
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  • Pumas 2023-11-15 02:09:54.617404+00
    Don't know why I can't remember shit from this game
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  • Drizoen 2024-05-20 07:39:45.264238+00
    "hey Kristen Bell, how much money do we need to pay you in the next game... oh, I see"

    *goes to the story team*

    "hey guys, I know it's really late in the dev cycle and the story is locked in and all, but we aren't getting Kristen next game. There's no time to alter things. Just kill her right at the end."
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  • ChristianArtNetwork 2024-06-11 21:17:30.322743+00
    crazy that this is above AC2
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