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What are your favorite games that you WOULDN'T recommend to others
act2hydrocityzone 14 Nov, 2023 22:372 posts
dropping my couple of words on a 2 years long wilted thread. definitely Planet Alcatraz [Санитары подземелий]. quite trashy games with irritably uncomfortable mechanics, they are

for example, navigating your party members during both randomly encountered and scripted battles is almost useless as they're all easily killable and therefore completely wear out costly armor; playstyles are rudimentary due to how they are time-draining in comparison to simply tanking the enemies with overpowered melee weapons; so on

beside that, these games are extremely racist and homophobic, but i can get past all of that and squeeze some enjoyment out of its playfully vulgar texts, dumbhead humor, and surprisingly great atmospheric soundtrack. check it out, by the way

oh, and there's no english localization, so... yeah
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act2hydrocityzone 3 Jan, 2024 00:032 posts
^ as i'm replaying, i take my words back regarding battle mechanics. my squad is fully equipped with quite powerful weaponry and everyone makes it alive out of almost all random encounters. sure, complications are faced from time to time, plus it's a bit overwhelming to heal companions when sh' turns chaotic, but the progress is delicious

by the way, there's a fan translation in the making
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