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What are your favorite games that you WOULDN'T recommend to others
Tawp 29 Aug, 2018 15:502 posts
Flower, Sun, and Rain absolutely
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Tawp 2 Aug, 2019 11:302 posts
For me, it would be Uru: Ages Beyond Myst (and it looks like I'm the only who gave it above 4 stars). When I first played it, I was thoroughly impressed by some of the extremely detailed textures (considering my shoddy computer at the time) and the sheer size of the world to be explored.

However, considering the fact that one of the story puzzles requires you to stand in one spot for 15 minutes, there is no way to justify playing this game to someone else.

I also love that game, but not as much as the ones I consider 4 stars. I remember someone pointing out once how the problem with Uru is that at times you can't solve a puzzle moments after you know the solution, you figure out the solution but then you have to do some extensive work to progress, not very different from performing a chore. So like the example you gave. For that reason, you really gotta love the setting.
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