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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

ゼルダの伝説 ブレス オブ ザ ワイルド

Developer / Publisher: Nintendo
03 March 2017
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild [ゼルダの伝説 ブレス オブ ザ ワイルド] - cover art
Glitchwave rating
4.26 / 5.0
5,901 Ratings / 15 Reviews
#32 All-time
#2 for 2017
After a hundred years of slumber Link [リンク] awakens to find himself in the post-apocalyptic kingdom of Hyrule, severely destroyed by the Calamity Ganon. Guided by a female voice he sets off on a mission to recover his lost memories, defeat the Calamity and save Hyrule.
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Really overrated
Sure its a good game but its definitely not the best 3D zelda or one of the best games of all time:

1. The enemy variety is awful. In every part of the map you mainly fight the same 3 enemies: bokoblins, moblins and lizalfos. Changing their level doesn't really add any difference, the fights against these 3 get really tedious. There really should have been different sets of enemies for each section of the map

2. Some of the shrines are lazy. There are too many combat shrines which are all basically the same fight with a guardian and there are some shrines which have no gameplay and say "You've already completed the challenge" despite the fact that there is barely any challenge for some of these (for example, one requires you to get to the top of a skull eye which is really easy) but other shrines already had a challenge to enter and still contain gameplay which just doesn't make sense

3. The main bosses are bad. The 4 fights against the Ganon blights are too similar and the final boss was kind of a let down for me: the first phase is too short if you completed the rest of the game as it loses most of its health at the start and the 2nd phase with the big Ganon on the field felt very anticlimactic, it is just a sitting duck with really inaccurate attacks that you have to do target practice on. This is a shame considering other legend of zelda games usually put a lot of emphasis on memorable and unique bosses...

4. A lot of the world is very empty. Compare the outside world to the starting tutorial world and it really becomes apparent how much nothingness is in a lot of the map

5. The story is very basic for a legend of zelda game: it is basically all summed up in that tapestry song cutscene and it doesn't progress or develop on it much with the memories

6. The soundtrack does have a few good songs but for the most part it is just random piano noises, its definitely not as iconic or memorable as other legend of zelda games like ocarina of time

7. The weapon breaking system is a cool idea at first but it does get really annoying, there is no durability meter or ways to repair weapons so when you get good weapons you are afraid to use it as you don't want to waste it, leaving you playing most of the game with bad weapons
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Incidius 2022-05-10T09:00:32Z
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I guess i'll be the one to say it. Definitely a fun game at times, but the issues that made themselves known throughout my playthrough were glaring. Mind you, I am viewing this game after playing ALttP and OoT consecutively.

The story is contrived and not very compelling. Voice acting was very unneeded as well. After playing OoT, I do not think they would be able to come up with anything better though. I really did not feel invested at all with the townspeople and heroes that assisted Link 100 years ago. Granted, I don't play games for the story at all, but the game really does quite the job beating you over the head with Ganon bad, Link good.

I didn't initially mind the weapon durability mechanic, but after really playing this game, the joy of finding an awesome weapon was quickly gone after realizing even the stronger weapons will still break rather quickly. Imagine acquiring a Great Thunderblade only to realize it will break after killing 2-3 Moblins. Just like the shitty Traveler's Sword I used at the beginning of the game! It's nice that some have positive attributes like Durability+ and Attack+, but those are seemingly random pickups, and to my knowledge, there is no way to enchant your weapons with those effects.

Although the climbing mechanic is a great addition, making it literally impossible to climb anything during a rainstorm is a really dumb idea. Sure maybe slipping every now and then would have been fine, but slipping 100% of the time is insulting. You basically have to either plot a new destination as opposed to the one you were originally heading out to, or just stay there for 5 real life minutes till the storm blows away. Neither of which are pleasurable. I can't tell you the amount of times I was in the middle of scaling either a tower or mountain, then all of a sudden rain happens. Oh well! Time to do something else I guess!

In relation to poor weather, lightning storms automatically forcing you to disarm yourself of anything metal is a really dumb forced mechanic. You will always get hit by lightning unless you remove your melee weapon/bow/shield. It's really frustrating when you are in the middle of a battle with a Guardian (or anything really), and a lightning storm happens out of nowhere, forcing you to flee after disarming yourself.

Although the wide open area environment is one of the largest that I have seen in a game, there is actually a whole lot of nothing going on with the desolate plains you traverse most of the time. Sure it looks pretty, but I found myself running for 2 minutes in a line without really encountering anything remotely interesting along the way at times. Lacking enemy variety is a disappointment as well. With this presentation of the Zelda universe in mind, this game feels like it is trying to be something it is not at times. I do not really care for the cartoony nature of the enemies or animals, because a game like this really reminds me of Skyrim and Farcry, except it is intended for a younger audience. It is really trying to be the epic, badass game, but then you arrive in villages and you are reminded you are playing a Zelda game when you interact with the quirky, cartoony residents. At this point, this is making me hope Elder Scrolls 6 fixes all the shit that was wrong with Skyrim, because this title seems like it is drawing too much influence from its contemporaries, which makes it feel like something it is not at times. This series is actually in a really awkward spot in time with that in mind, because this series initially influenced almost every sandbox RPG, but now the series feels like it is borrowing from games that it originally influenced. It lost some of its charm during the translation to this kind of format. OoT felt like it was definitely its own Nintendo product. BotW feels like a haphazard culmination of modern video game mechanics thrown into a stew of Nintendo nostalgia. Having a lack of music most of the times makes entering ruins and new locations lack impact as well. I thought it was kind of jarring how austere entering new areas felt. I guess it makes sense in the context of the detached nature of the landscapes from the damage that has been done, but going from new ruins location to new ruins locations didn't really feel special at all. I appreciated some of the tunes in towns like the remix of the Windwaker theme and Hateno village. Hyrule Caste was great too.

Now, about the shrines. I actually prefer shrines over finding heart pieces scattered over Hyrule, but I really wish the shrines were more varied in design and feel, even if some of the puzzles are fun. All of them seem like a copy/paste of the interior, which feels really lazy. None of them really felt special after the first few. A lot of them can actually be accomplished by cheesing with fire arrows and other ways of unintended manipulation, which felt even lazier by design. Because of that, some felt easier than they should have because Nintendo didn't force only one answer down your throat for some of them. Also, the gyro puzzles are something fucking no one asked for. Every single one of them was absolute torture. Like I said, I actually like the idea of the shrines, I just think the design and objectives could have been implemented a lot more tastefully.

Bosses do not seem too interesting either. They all look the same. All of them are homogenous shadowy beings in which the only variation is the element they represent in the region you are in. They all lack the character that I felt ALttP and OoT brought to the table. None feel unique and gripping like most of the earlier entries of this series. None are particularly difficult either. Also having Ganon looking like a combination of a guardian and any of the dungeon bosses in this game was also very disappointing. Talking about Ganon, it seems that the most awkward thing about this game is that it doesn't force you to complete all four Divine Beasts OR obtain the Master Sword. I was actually looking for the royal armor set after my third divine beast, only to accidentally trigger the final boss after exploring for a while. What the fuck is the point of introducing an objective that is part of the main quest that you seemingly need to fulfill before finally taking on the final boss, but actually don't? How the shit does not making it mandatory to completing all the dungeons in this game make any sense? The way this game was structured was absolutely bewildering to me after beating Ganon prematurely. What the fuck is the point of the Master Sword as well? After I beat this, I realized how slipshod the game design was compared to early entries. The ascent through the castle and infiltrating various enemy locations along with the great music accompanying it was awesome though, I will say. All the goodies you find are cool as well.

Having four dungeons with no sense of intending the player to go to one in particular (really just at your leisure) seems rather careless. The whole game feels like it just wants you to fuck around with lush empty landscapes while honing your combat skills against repetitive enemies and doing rather insignificant side quests, and then completing the game whenever you want.

I will still probably try the sequel to this game whenever that comes out, just to see if they fixed my gripes. Honestly, if the main quest structure gets fixed, that would be a huge improvement already. I feel like this had a decent formula on a few things, but they fucked up other things with lazy design and lackluster decisions. I really do feel like this game had the potential to be as amazing as most reviewers are claiming it to be, but it just never got there for me. Surely Nintendo will fix some of the bullshit in this in BotW 2.

With all the negativity I harbored from this playthrough, I will say that I still enjoyed a decent part of the game. The combat feels good, the weapons look cool, I like the cooking system, some of the shrines are fun (and the dungeons feeling like a larger shrine, although feeling lazy at times, were a bit fun at times altering whatever gimmick each dungeon had to morph it), climbing is great (barring weather fuckery), Hyrule Castle easily being the best part of the game, and paragliding was a perfect addition to roam the open skies. But seriously, playing this game with the hindsight of understanding the precedent Nintendo laid with past classic Zelda titles, and actually playing games that this game clearly drew influence from, rating this higher than OoT is ludicrous.
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Starburstman 2021-01-19T18:44:14Z
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Does your food get worse if you add spice to it?
I am writing this review in the context of Tears of the Kingdom because it poses an interesting question: Does the existence of Tears of the Kingdom make Breath of the Wild a worse game? Also I don't think it's possible to write a review of Breath of the Wild post-Tears of the Kingdom and not atleast mention it.
If you were around for the release of Breath of the Wild you know the game was universally loved. Most reviewers and magazines gave it somewhere between a four and a five. I LOVED this game. Not enough to collect all the 900 Koroks but enough to defend it against oldhead Zelda fans, who were saying "it's not that good" and it "wasn't a real Zelda game". And I STILL love this game but ever since Tears of the Kingdom came out I've had this idea growing in my head: Was Breath of the Wild maybe actually lackluster?
To spoil my review: No it wasn't. I mean I spent almost 200 Hours with it on one playthrough how could it be? But I have to be honest: Tears of the Kingdom really spiced this already amazing meal up. Pretty much everything (except Kass, RIP) is improved in Tears of the Kingdom. Yes most of the Sheikah stuff is gone and some Characters just forget Link but these are mostly things to not confuse new players and I can excuse them.
But lets actually talk Breath of the Wild now: Man what a game. Perfectly nailing an atmosphere like this is really impressive, 100 years have passed since an apocalypse and I think it is perfectly portrayed. Ruins are scattered all across the Land, grownover structures and guardians are everywhere and there are barely any people aside from the seven (and after a quest eight) towns and few travelers who are all equipped to fight simply because they have to be. This world isn't inhabitable for these "humans" (referring to all the species that can talk) anymore. What survives are animals and monsters. It can even happen that NPCs fight monsters and most of the time they lose miserably (unless it's like a red Bokoblin or you help them).
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Breath of the Wild is a puzzle game about traversing a wilderness. You spend your time climbing mountains, crossing rivers, and skirting hazards. Even the game's enemies are obstacles more than adversaries, most of which are easily avoidable. The feelings you remember from it are the essential feelings of exploration: seeing something in the distance and finding your way towards it, or coming across an unexpected obstacle and puzzling your way past it. Nothing else in the game is especially remarkable. Its story is not especially memorable, and the 'divine beast' living dungeons are its weakest gameplay element. The physics-puzzle shrines are mostly tutorials, though spaced out well enough to remain fun. But they don't matter all that much, since these are all supporting structures upholding the central mechanics of traversal and exploration.
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BindTortureIll 2024-03-21T05:08:58Z
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An extremely slow starting, but very rewarding game
I ended up trying this game three times before I actually managed to play the whole game through.
Persistence is key, and the starting area is quite boring if I'm being honest.
Once you get the hang of the game, however, it really opens up.
The game has fantastic exploration. Any area you look at and think "Hmm, I wonder if there's something there" you will be right when you go to investigate.
Combat starts by feeling clumsy and slow, but eventually when you get the hang of it, it feels responsive and deliberate.
The weapon system initially bothered me but I started to see merits in it, and by the end of the game I was enjoying the constant flow of new weapons.
The story is very good, when I took the time to get all the memories/story beats, there were a few tears (of the kingdom (HAW HAW HAW))
The music is by far the most rewarding part of this game. There are some absolute musical gems in this soundtrack, and it's worth a play through to experience all the different tracks and their contextual importance.
I don't think its GOAT, but it's definitely a must play for capital G Gamers
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JohnnyPete 2024-02-15T22:14:19Z
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You might find it hard to believe, but Breath of the Wild was the first Zelda game I played. With a few exceptions, I didn't grow up with much Nintendo in my childhood; so all those classic SNES, Gamecube and N64 games passed me by. I had a Gameboy for Pokemon but that was really about it. Instead of Mario, I grew up playing Sonic the Hedgehog and got a Playstation soon after that. I was firmly on that side of the fence.

So I just want to get it out there, that I have absolutely no attachment or expectations for this Zelda game or for a lot of Nintendo key franchises. But even someone as ignorant as myself couldn't ignore the buzz that came with this game. Everyone was calling this a masterpiece and days within it's release it was already topping best games of all time lists. I thought if the game was really that good, then maybe this was the game that would change my mind.

All I can say is after completing this game in it's entirety (100% completion), I'm not sure I get it. There are many parts I find impressive, but I just didn't enjoy it as much as many people rave. From the very start I found the game a bit of a chore, with such a vast open world to explore at your will, it's a very daunting concept and I found it difficult getting into it. The first 10-20 hours were a very harsh slog, which only got better once I could fast travel a lot of the map.

I was also surprised just how empty the world actually is; the lack of much civilisation is conveniently explained by a calamitous event in the game. Personally I think this is just a shoddy plot device used when developers didn't have the time to make the kind of game they should have made. Kind of like when characters in RPGs conveniently have amnesia because they can't be bothered explaining an event or writing them a backstory. That kind of laziness always irks me.

The world is huge, so a lot of time is spent travelling by foot or by horse until you can fast travel. After a while all this time wasting gets quite tedious, but mainly because there is a serious lack of interesting content. The shrines themselves become very repetitive and dry. Most shrines are pretty easy and can be completed in minutes and don't require an awful lot of thinking. There is a lot of rinse and repeat mechanics involved. I think I would have preferred less shrines and more dungeons, more boss fights, more cities, more story. More everything. This game desperately needs more varied content. They created this beautiful world, but it's so empty and barren.

But where I am completely amazed by is the physics engine. The game feels incredibly responsive, from everything like the movement of the grass, the water physics, the wind, the sun, the ice and snow to the effects Links abilities have on the natural world. How the environment reacts to the weather changes, or how you can bend and manipulate objects. Climbing the highest peaks which gives the impression that there are no physical bounds. The possibilities are endless and the sense of freedom is immense. It's just so unbelievably impressive, it's a technical achievement that is truly groundbreaking and one which I don't think I have witness in any other game. Many games have tried to imitate this style in their own open world games, but I find they all lack this games realistic physics. After you've played breath of the wild it makes every other game feel lifeless. I found recent games like Pokemon Arceus completely unplayable all because of this games existence.

But the actual substance of the game is lacklustre. The story is thin, there isn't much to really do, other than the repetitive shrines. It's the same monsters over and over again. The dungeons in the game are too few and far between. All the travelling and collecting the Korok seeds is a massive chore - which for completionism sakes I did get all 900. To be honest the Korok seeds were some of the more satisfying part as you really get to explore the world and appreciate the landscapes and the physics engine to it's fullest, but did we really need 900 of them? No. Also I'm not sure I got on with the battle system - I found the weapons degrading a bit annoying and unnecessarily punishing. I found controls a bit fiddly and timing difficult; I could never time a parry, particularly on those tough Guardians.

But there were so many moments where I could just forget there isn't a game here, and just escape into the breathtaking world and explore it. The minimalism of the OST and the watercolour art all combine to give a sense of peacefulness and ambience. It's the perfect game to just sit back, unwind and revel in the beauty.

All in all it's a hard one to rate. I think Breath of the Wild is the kind of game that has and will continue to inspire many games in the future. It's set the bar so unbelievably high for what a living, breathing world should look and feel like, that I think it's kind of upset the gaming industry, or at least to me it has. The game is a work of art, but as an actual game, there is a lack of varied content and I don't think it is that fun, which let's be honest, is the whole reason we bother to play games in the first place.
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ntxp3 The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2024-06-01T08:15:09Z
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mahen ゼルダの伝説 ブレス オブ ザ ワイルド 2024-05-31T14:29:31Z
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keithphobic ゼルダの伝説 ブレス オブ ザ ワイルド 2024-05-31T04:33:05Z
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romantiiica ゼルダの伝説 ブレス オブ ザ ワイルド 2024-05-31T03:12:16Z
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Riceballs ゼルダの伝説 ブレス オブ ザ ワイルド 2024-05-31T01:12:56Z
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finn_keeley ゼルダの伝説 ブレス オブ ザ ワイルド 2024-05-30T23:03:26Z
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TheChomper ゼルダの伝説 ブレス オブ ザ ワイルド 2024-05-30T14:41:36Z
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PizzapastaButcooler The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2024-05-30T14:23:30Z
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Shivam ゼルダの伝説 ブレス オブ ザ ワイルド 2024-05-30T11:07:18Z
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The_Groblin ゼルダの伝説 ブレス オブ ザ ワイルド 2024-05-30T00:11:03Z
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cannedhamsters The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2024-05-29T20:52:09Z
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ricopomelo ゼルダの伝説 ブレス オブ ザ ワイルド + エキスパンション・パス 2024-05-29T18:16:34Z
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Also known as
  • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
  • Zelda no densetsu: Breath of the Wild
  • Zeruda no densetsu: Buresu obu za wairudo
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  • burny 2024-02-08 06:04:57.929346+00
    totk is a better Video Game™, but the subtlety, minimalism, atmosphere, and nostalgia to a lesser extent of botw made me rate this one a 10 and the sequel a 9, although i very well may adjust those scores at some point. funny that i would rate this one higher even though today i would rather play totk and consider that one to be much more fun, at least for someone who's spent as much time screwing around in botw as i have. this game was pretty much my favorite thing when i got it. "Confirmed: Best Zelda Game Objectively One That Came Out When I Was 11" etc etc. it's far from perfect and i could go on for hours talking about every little detail but it's one in the morning rn
    • NickFerrant 2024-02-11 10:40:38.071486+00
      Also, this game is way more groundbreaking than Totk.
    • nxchos 2024-02-24 19:33:57.948628+00
      playing totk and I have to agree
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  • babyclav 2024-02-19 22:28:54.780921+00
    This game is not innovative in literally anyway, has to be the biggest psyop associated with this game.
    • finemotorsmiff 2024-03-15 05:28:57.925191+00
      What about the whole “see that mountain? you can climb it” thing? AFAIK no previous open world game operated without an out-of-bounds of sorts. Sure you could horse-force your way up mountains in Skyrim but to what end? BOTW actually encourages, rewards, and was built for this exact thing, and I do think that’s innovative. Perhaps I lack context though and there are other games that did this earlier.
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  • okayfrog 2024-04-16 22:52:39.25232+00
    to be honest, it feels like at least once a week I get an urge to replay this game.
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  • _sawdustanddiamonds_ 2024-04-23 18:46:49.947109+00
    had to bump this to a 5 after reflecting on it for a while after finishing it earlier this year. by no means a perfect game but unparalleled in terms of atmosphere, exploration, and atmosphere. i could live in this game.
    • _sawdustanddiamonds_ 2024-04-23 18:48:57.399977+00
      only other game that gave me the same sense of freedom was subnautica and this is clearly a much more polished and crafted game with much more to actually do.
    • _sawdustanddiamonds_ 2024-04-23 19:05:12.963496+00
      also some of the best sound design in a game ever
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  • anonymous01201 2024-04-26 18:45:52.36484+00
    ahh the nostalgia
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  • omo_ree 2024-05-02 01:41:58.823634+00
    banjo kazooie nuts and bolts walked so this games vehicles could run
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  • Gayvyn 2024-05-11 21:18:21.654122+00
    Need to replay without fast travel at some point
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