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not much really. apart from the fact that i love music alot and that i have pretty much non-existant of a social life apart from the computer and pursuits of entertainment usually based on materialism. i can be somewhat obsessive about things that i am passionate about like music, food, getting substancial sleep, and my favorite figure-skaters.

i am not really a tv person, since most of the stuff on it is crap unless it is olympic season or a good skating competition is on. other than that i don't give it the time of day. tv really does make you stupid-er.

i have the convinience of owning a lap-top pc therefore enabling me to utilize the unit wherever i may be in the house. just this past december it was attacked by a virus that destroyed the hard-drive. i don't think it had anything to do with my music, probably was my the sims 2 stuff. i had some 10gb of that stuff.

i don't get out as much as i'd like to but i do like to go out to the movies preferably once a week. currently i've been on 'casino royale' fever. i've seen if four times and that still is not enough to satisfy my palette. damn, daniel craig's blue eyes must have done something to me. oh yeah, did i mention he looked good in a blue speedo?

haha, and if anyone was wondering my screen-name *hint-hint* is the name of the villain in the movie. 'le chiffe' basically meaning 'the number' in french. in german it is 'herr zimmer' not really the most important fact but yeah it is there

when it comes to music i don't care about what anyone thinks or says about it. i like what i like and that's that. i don't listen to the crap that's shoved down our faces by the evils that are mtv and hollywood. yes, ashlee you can't sing. it's already bad enough to sit through the black eyed peas, but they don't play christina aguilera to torture terrorists for no reason? i can't stand her screeching voice... agh.

thanks but no thanks, i support talent. sadly it isn't necessarily relevant in today's pop culture. don't buy into and waste your money on crap. take a look at my profile and see what good music is out there to offer. there is hope.

lol, ok that sounded kinda preachy and whatever, lol. i will wrap this up saying i am 1/2 italian and proud oh and i like mob movies.




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