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Kirk Andersen

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I Generally like all kinds of music, there are some exceptions. I'm also into Theatre, movies and Sci-Fi.

I am still adding my collection here, it will take sometime since I have a ton of each format. That is if I continue, or rather pickup from where I left off.

I try to rate things fairly and honestly, I have found that albums I once thought of as part of my top favorites I have only given less than 3 or 4 stars. Also if I give something a 2 or less it doesn't mean the album is terrible, it just means I personally don't like it. I tend to appreciate music of many genres. A song can be well performed and the recording expertly mastered that doesn't mean I'll automatically like it.

For my vinyl I have some local stuff that will never see CD and some radio shows on vinyl. The radio stations are supposed to destroy copies of radio shows after they have been played or transferred to tape for broadcast, but many stations either keep them for their studio library/archives or let the DJs take them home. The DJs then sell or give them to used record stores, and then collectors like me can buy them.

I have a handful of Minidiscs, four to be exact (well technically I have a few more but I'm just counting the permanent pre-recorded ones), but I don't have a working player so I can't review any of them.

Some of the tags I use are: "review this album game" for albums I've been assigned to review for the game, and to indicate my reviews that came about because of that game. I also have a "can review" tag to make it easier for folks playing that game to tell what I have available to review. Been months since I've participated in that. Not sure if I'll continue with it anymore. I tend to come and go to it as is.

Then I have a "reviewed" tag showing what I have already reviewed. Some albums I might eventually re-review but not at this time when I have most of my collection yet to be reviewed.

You can visit my personal blog at even though it doesn't normally talk about music.




  • mookid 2014-08-11 14:17:12.503152+00
    cool concert list mate!
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  • klandersen 2014-08-11 17:31:28.731682+00
    Thanks. It has been a long time since I've been to one. The cost for the big acts is the biggest factor. Also they don't mean as much to me as they used to and there are fewer artists that I want to see live in concert. I would like to catch a "Weird Al" concert sometime.
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