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tom h

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Oh hey! Didn't see you there, since this isnt fucking chatroulette or something

i try to rate albums totally subjectively and just regarding my relationship with it, instead of solely the effort put into it and

and i like to think the lower ratings aren't NECESSARILY bad, otherwise i'd be giving every album and their accompanying EP and singles 5s and man where's the fun in that?

*5* - IMPORTANT, feel strongly and personally as hell about it, have listened to it probably in the quad digits, is music that should be boosted and inducted into the NRR, (if it isn't recognized enough already) just One Of Those Albums where every song is worked to perfection, or it's seriously exceptional in it's field

4.5 - damn, a good favorite
4 - mmmmm shiet

3.5 - i love bits from this album but don't know it well enough in it's entirety to call it a true favorite, but want to listen to it more
3 - pretty fucking great

2.5 - pretty good, nothing wrong with it, i can get behind it and see why someone would dig, OR the artist could have changed things up a little bit to achieve their goal but it's a solid effort
2 - didn't do much for me

1.5 - pretty bad but it's cute
1 - trash, pretty bland, sounds like the artist made it not so much for the music as they as did trying to make it big/image

.5 -the MC is turning the last 3 word sentence he thought of a minute ago and using it as his big hook, or the guitarist is about 3 beats off from the drummer, and the drummer completely knows but he just shuts up and plays for the check, or a the sound of a good 3 minutes in Reason



  • GiovanniLoddo 2017-03-15 20:15:13.865826+00
    thank you! :)
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