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In any case, this was what I thought of theater and acting. I never liked psychological theater, dedicated to imitating „reality“. For me, this realistic theater was a vulgar expression in which, under the pretext of restoring something real, the most obvious aspects are re-created as well as the most hollow and the crudest, just as it is perceived normally. What is generally called „reality“ is just a part, an aspect of a much greater order. This so called realistic theater appeared to me – and it still does – to wash its hands of the unconscious dimension, the dreamlike magic of reality. Because, I repeat, reality is not rational, no matter how much we want to believe that it is to reassure ourselves. Human behaviour is in general motivated by unconscious forces, those to which we can attribute rational explanations later. The world itself is not a rigid place but an amalgam of mysterious influences. To retain from reality no more than the immediate appearance is a betrayal, a surrender to illusion disguised as „realism“.
(Alejandro Jodorowsky, Psychomagic: The transformative power of shamanic psychotherapy, 2004)

The remedy for loneliness and sadness is imagination. Then routine turns into surrealism and life becomes a magic theater.

Truth will flourish in fantasy only to wither and die in what you are pleased to call reality.
(The Mummy's Curse, 1944)

Aş putea spune că vedem dincolo de suprafaţa lucrurilor, auzim în dosul lor şi auzim pretutindeni voinţa în permanentă curgere. Pentru aceia care l-au citit pe Schopenhauer, amintesc că Schopenhauer a presimţit în mod unilateral, numai în lumea sunetelor muzicale, această voinţă ce pulsează; de aceea, el descrie muzica, în general, drept efectul diferenţierilor din elementul voinţă. Dar, de fapt, pentru omul care a dezvoltat în el dispoziţia amintită, totul în lumea senzorială e voinţă ce pulsează.
(Rudolf Steiner – Lumea simţurilor şi lumea spiritului)




  • Kseven 2013-06-25 11:06:19.407686+00
    Interesante gusturi, diversificate. Si Spooky Tooth, wow, prima data cand dau de ei in ultimii 5 ani cred, am si uitat cum suna.
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  • DOZ 2014-05-21 08:15:24.385037+00
    g'day, this is an anunț că am scos albumul de debut cu Exit Oz. Poate-ți place, poate nu, poate ai chef de-o impresie :) Oricum, e pe bandcamp:
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  • Cyrus_Blaze 2016-03-23 13:41:04.382002+00
    You have great taste in music! :)
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