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Bonnie Laurel

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Basic views on music:
1. There are four kinds of music: classical, jazz, pop and world music. I use "pop music" in the broadest sense of the word, including rock, soul, hip hop, chanson etc. "World music" includes traditional music from all countries and folk music.
2. My album lists focus mainly on pop music in this broad sense, although list before 1970 also include a number of jazz albums and lists of more recent years also include a number of world music albums.
3. I don't believe in a distinction between "mainstream" and "alternative" music. Those are meaningless terms invented by critics to make people believe that their own taste is superior to that of others. I don't believe there's a clear distinction between rock and pop; many of my favorite albums are somewhere on the borderline between those two.
4. Lists in rock magazines and on the Internet are usually dominated by British and American male rock stars. There's a bias against women and non-English artists. There should be much more diversity.
5. Vocal quality, sound, harmony, rhythm, melody and lyrics are what matter to me, regardless of the reputation or "street credibility" of an artist.
6. I don't believe in target groups. If I like a teen pop or an "adult contemporary" album, I just put it in my list of favorite albums. Those divisions mean nothing to me, they're meaningless labels.
7. Sounding subtle and poetic has more merit than sounding loud and agressive.
8. The best way to listen to music is alone with your headphones on.
9. Pop music can be art, but it's certainly entertainment. There's nothing wrong with being sexy or funny.
10. If I like it I like it, no matter what anyone else says. There is no such thing as a guilty pleasure. People should never feel ashamed for liking something, nor adjust their taste to confirm to others.




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