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I'm working to make this page into one of the most educational music sites to span the mighty creative renaissance of the 20th century – encapsulated by the rise and fall of 'rock' as a higher art form – which commenced in 1967 and concluded around 1985.

Song Rankings:
"Ruby" = love it (8.5-10) – Red titles possess one strength 'and' another; a solid theme, plus a shift, a breakaway and/or a modulation, replete with dynamics aplenty.
"Amethyst" = like it (7.0-8.4) – Purple titles strike me as good, albeit one-dimensional; a gripping theme or chordal structure that merely repeats itself without developing in stages or going the extra mile.
Coal (unmentioned) = neutral/indifferent – Songs that leave me unimpressed tend to be mundanely chorded, dynamically void, lyrically trite and otherwise unimaginative.
"Dirt" = hate it – Brown titles are very rare in my lists, for I usually leave songs I dislike unmentioned. I only assign this to lackluster songs that have been overexposed at the expense of an artist's reputation.

"Magenta" – Inventive/exemplary live gems, usually taken from concerts long postdating the original studio recording.
"Unbolded Titles" – Interlude tracks, typically between :45 and 1:59 in length, that are too short to constitute as full songs.

Additional tags:
# – 1/2-3/4 of an LP side (10-15 minutes) | ## – sidelong track (16+ minutes) | + – join | * – edit | ~ – subpar sound quality | ^ – lucid/sleeping-aid track

This will always be a work-in-progress.


Site Guide:

T h e M a d M e n E r a – The days when jazz reigned supreme and record stalls were packed to the brim with eye-candy.

T H E M A X I M A L T R I L U S T R U M ! ! ! – The period in which rock, jazz, folk and classical converged at a global nexus and heralded an artistic renaissance – the likes of which only happens once every few hundred years. "Trilustrum" means three consecutive lustrums (five-year periods.) The 15-year time-frame of this trilustrum is marked by the span of maximalism, which roughly begins circa 1967-69 and concludes around 1982-84. Personally, I prefer to place it between 1969 and 1984, with the two pairs of years at both ends included as garnishes.:) THIS PERIOD IS THE MAIN FOCUS OF THIS SITE.

t h e p e a n u t g a l l e r y . . – Those pitiful years that long postdate the Maximal Trilustrum (TriMax) and the downfall of 'Ol Blighty as a musical superpower. While universally pockmarked by the loss of innovation, the exhaustion of viable idioms and the expiration of melody, a few redeeming things can occasionally be found in this wasteland if one searches far and wide.

International site map: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Quebec, Romania, Russia, Scotland, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Trinidad, Turkey, Uruguay, Venezuela, Wales, Yugoslavia, Zambia.

English music from A—Z: # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

American music by idiom: funk, jazz-funk/fusion, soul .

Contributor Stats

User #128,300

Joined 2006-05-18T20:05:36Z

23 mar 2015
8 apr - 12 may 2015
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