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Album Rating System

5.0 - Magnificent: I only award perfect or near perfect albums with this score. Each recipient is a masterpiece, a timeless classic, and one of my all-time favourites.
4.5 - Excellent: Albums which score this highly are those I hold in very high esteem. I consider this album to be an incredible work of music, containing very few flaws.
4.0 - Very Good: Delivers the goods. This is a solid release that likely contains flashes of brillliance.
3.5 - Good: Strong but by no means mindblowing; there's enough quality here to justify a purchase.
3.0 - Satisfactory: There's a lot of room for improvement here, but generally the good outweighs the bad. These albums tend to be among those I find somewhat lacking in at least one major area, be it songwriting, production, variation or consistency. However, despite these flaws, they can still provide an enjoyable experience.
2.5 - Mediocre: As a whole, this album is pretty forgettable, but I appreciate the effort.
2.0 - Poor: Perhaps not completely without merit - there may be a few good songs - but very flawed and overall disappointing.
1.5 - Very Poor: Terrible, with few redeeming qualities, and not worthy of a purchase - even at discount price.
1.0 - Wretched: Dreadful release. Requires more effort to listen to one sitting than was likely expended on its creation.
0.5 - Nausiating: Atrocious racket that barely qualifies as music. Prolonged exposure unquestionably results in loss of sanity, and possibly stomach contents. Only the very worst albums qualify for this rating.




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User #115,630

Joined 2006-03-19T12:14:40Z

23 mar 2015
8 apr - 12 may 2015
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